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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Lady Galadriel was successful storing Fate of the Ithel-stone, but gathered only 21 MPs. She did bother Khamual’s sorcerers near the end that helped Radagast in his own designs. What stood out from this player is the elimination of 11 characters. The only male survivor was Celeborn. He visited Barad-dur. The hazards were lightning fast to play resulting in only one card left in the discard pile
just before the third exhaustion. Having a hand size of 10 helps. I like the strategy of moving the ents and transferring the allies with New Best Friend. Lady Galadriel though was wounded during CvCC; rolled a 11 body check. Nenya made the body 12.
The character quantity was sufficient at best. Celeborn was alone for some turns late in the game. This show that this player should expect many eliminated characters thus planning late in the game to only protect Radagast in Anduin Vales and Theoden in Rohan
from minion raids. The low prowess, non-unique elves are the cause of the death rate. That and pour movement choices. The game can be driven just by the Divisions faced during certain turns.
Card draw was healthy at 9.4 cards per turn during the first deck. 17 cards were shuffled. The second deck has a mutated size of 15 cards per turn thanks to facing a player moving to multiple under-deeps sites (Durlach) with 9 cards shuffled. Non-resource events
were rarely discarded during the first deck. This is due to having items playable at Lorien. Elf-Path was played 2/6. Trickery was great and played 6/7. It failed once. It canceled Orcs x3, Giant x1, Men x1. Secret Entrance seemed useless. Fog too. It seemed better not to
play with Doors of Night in play. Here, There, or Yonder not used. May remove that card.
Agents were trouble for this player at Wellinghall. Therefore, Caught and Found Guilty will be added. Lady Galadriel will be a player most likely to protect an area. Alatar is on a hunt.
About 49 creatures were drawn and 23 were discarded from hand. A BS-changer and a Carrion Feeders were killed. Almost all other hazards were played when drawn except for Elven Custody, 0/5. I might give some hazards to Radagast that are fast playing to balance out this deck.
The avatar was played quickly on Turn 1. The Gondor Division was first encountered and Hoarmurath the first hazard player. Elves moved to The Wind Throne to play a major item – big mistake. I should have moved them to Hermit’s Hill to discard two Elven Cloaks. Mallorn-Dweller was wounded en route. The company stayed there on Turn 2. Undead tapped them all out and killed Mallorn- Dweller. That meant two wasted turns. The return through a Shadow-land had Ghosts played and Dweller killed. Another Ghosts wounds Wood-elf. Mewlips kills Wood-elf.
Show Things Unbidden can be powerful if all the hazard players must follow suit. I would allow the resource to affect the four players by discarding cards since Song of the Lady can be played as punishment. Everyone knows Lorien will be often in play. Tricky is a great card with many Scouts in the deck including the avatar.
The avatar moved to Wellinghall to help play Leaflock before the palantir was found. The Great Eagles was removed for Bears of the Carrock. The Bear faction may be easily played. Also, this player has the creature to add MPs to the faction. With many Ruins to visit Thranduil of Mirkwood removed the Spawn events from the deck. Darkness Made By Malice is cruel event with small size companies.
The quest for Fate was late due to drawing the event on Turn 10. That was annoying. The minion stone is now at Barad-dur.
Turn 11 had Celeborn move to Minas Tirith; Hoarmurath has his minions there playing Burned and Chopped Up. That minion event will be played late so to discard events on the site. Celeborn, Gwaihir, Taurnil, Orophin, Fanar, Rumil made the trip. The palantir was found at Dead Marshes on Turn 12. Fanar and Rumil return to Lorien with the palantir on Turn 13. The rest ate Waybread to reach the Dark Tower on Turn 13. Half-trolls of Far Harad wounds the ally and Taurnil. The troll automatic-attack is faced killing Orophin. The event is inverted. Now the fun part. Khamual on a Black Horse visits. Bitter Cold is played. Khamual makes short work on Taurnil with a body check of 15. Black Horse killed the eagle ally. Celeborn is tapped and alone with four corruption points.
Celeborn eats Waybread to reach Cair Andros on Turn 14. Stormcrow is played later that turn.
[Stormcrow in play, but this player had no chance to counter. New Rule. If a hazard like Stormcrow is bad for you, but played during another’s turn, you have until the end of your ORG phase to do something about it else the hazard takes effect on you.]
I think that you do not have to join a company at a site when the site phase starts, but have too during the following Organization phase, so maybe this would work. However, I like that Stormcrow should not affect Lord characters.
Five elves moving to Eagle’s Eyrie including the avatar to play the faction. I like to just use Celeborn with Dark Numbers for the influence attempt: +4. Only one Game Point was earned: Wood-elf.
Turn 17 had the faction played. Fanar, Haldir, and Rumil attacked at Hermit’s Hill Grimburgoth, Grishmoigh, wounded Woedwyn, and Odoacer. The Grimburgoth Swift Stroke Fanar to death. The other elves were wounded.
Turn 19 had seven elves and two ent allies at Lorien. Grimburgoth was at Dunnish Clan-hold, but was too powerful to be faced. Some elves moved to Wellingall to play Skinbark. Agent Anarin was in Sudden Fury killing Haldir and wounding Rumil. Celeborn plays the ally.
Turn 20 had Gorfaur (8p) at Gladden Fields with Two Headed Troll, and Forest Troll. Celeborn, Skinbark, Beechbone, and wounded Rumil made a stop. Skinbark wounds Forest Troll. Celeborn wounds the ally, but Beechbone is chopped by the troll leader. Grimburgoth, Grishmoigh, Blackbole, Woedwyn, and Dogrib seek revenge at Gladden Fields. Waybread untaps Celeborn. Celeborn wounds Woedwyn. Skinbark wounds the ent ally. Blackbole kills Rumil.
Turn 21 has the avatar move to Gladden Fields for combat. She plays Nenya. Galadriel wounds Woedwyn. Skinbark kills Dogrib. Grishmoigh wounds Celeborn on a 9 body check. Grimburgoth kills Woodelf. Blackbole is beaten by Leaflock yet lives to shade another day. The minions stay for combat again.
Nenya is played for a cc-3; it is passed. Grimburgoth wounds Galadriel. Blackbole ties Leaflock. Skinback wounds Grishmoigh. Celeborn wounds Woedwyn.
Turn 23 has Celeborn move to Ettenmoors to combat, but transfers Skinbark to the avatar first. Bolg is there. Attacking him now will help Radagast. Wood-elf is killed by Snuffler. Celeborn wounds the troll ally.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Here are the first 11 turns of this player minus the last 3 turns of hazard play.
Will update all deck files with hazard play upon ending a Group Stage: 4,8,12,...

Performing okay. 10 MP. Avatar played quickly during Turn 2.
Just played Arwen at Rivendell, stayed for a turn to play a light enchantment
instead of visiting a ruins & lairs. Tapped four sites other than Lorien and Rivendell.

Plant hazard permanent events not that useful. Mainly due to facing the
Gondor, Uttersouth, then Harad minion divisions. Played the palantir on Turn 2.
Yet, used it not. Actually discarded it near end of first deck, so to
invert Fate of the Ithel-stone. Smoke Ringed it on Turn 9.
Faced 29 hazards and two creatures. Played 26 hazards.
Highly cautious; only 2 site phases not at a haven or free-hold.
Khamul's minions considered CvCC a few times.
Turn 10 tapped Lind-or-Burum, then next turn tapped Hermit's Hill
while Celeborn was away. Fanar with Skinbark were at Lorien.

This player is now ready for dangerous movements into Mordor
with special items and host of elves ready.
Mirror of Galadriel used 5x.
Deck stats at end of file.
first 11 turns
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