MECCG at OrcCon 2018 (16-18 February)!

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Greetings All,

Am pleased to announce that there will be MECCG at OrcCon 2018 over the Presidents Day weekend, 16-18 February, at LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, California! We will be available for casual play for Hero Arda and virtually all 30/30 formats (Hero, Minion, Fallen Wizard, and Dream Card) both Saturday and Sunday starting at 10:00 AM until late into the night.

Please message back to let us know if you'll be attending, so we can prepare accordingly. As always, It will be an awesome weekend--looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Just letting you guys know, I am not going to be able to make it out for February. I am going to shoot for at least September, but I got some family stuff, and I am going to go to Denver for some playing too. So my traveling will be limited to ONE LAX per year...

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Great to hear from you, and we're looking forward to seeing you in September at the Con at the LAX Hilton!

In fact, perhaps we need not wait that long--if you are able to find a decent card store that can host a small MECCG gathering in your area, a few of us might be able to make our way there for a couple of days. I heard Vegas was a nice place to visit..or so my friends have mentioned. :)

Please let us know, thanks.

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Wow! That sounds interesting & awesome.

I would have to get a hold of one of the owners at the shop I hang at.

He gives me crap cause I am into old games HAHA, but I buy stuff from him so....

I'll start researching!

oh and p.s. Shoot some stories of February, you guys have had time to get back to normal life...

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Greetings rezwits,

Great to hear that there's at least a possibility of an MECCG gathering in Vegas. It won't match the prestige of that castle back in Europe where they have the Lure every year, but at least it's only a 4-hour drive for me. Besides, I have a hankering for White Castle burgers, and I can chase those down right there on the Strip!

We actually had a decent gathering for MECCG over the Presidents Day weekend, though my memory of the details is a bit muddled due to all the nachos and getting beat up in Star Wars Destiny, lol! Gene arrived around lunchtime on Friday and we were able to convene a Hero Arda game on Friday night, which turned out to be one of the most brutal MECCG games I'd played in terms of outright character deaths and corruptions.

Saturday afternoon's games were pick-up/casual games using some of Gene's modified Hero Challenge decks, since we had a couple of relatively new players. I used my standard Hero constructed deck starting with Thrain, Gimli, and Ballin that roams around dragon country. The hazard side is overstuffed with drakes since I use Dragon Feuds on the resource side for cancelling, so I had fun throwing all kinds of drakes all over the place.

On Sunday afternoon, Gene was entertaining another MECCG veteran who hadn't played in many years, while four of us gathered for another Hero Arda game. It started slowly but again devolved into another battle with lots of character deaths and corruption. 1st place came down to my attempt to influence another character during the last go-around, which was a pretty decent shot since I had a +1 advantage going in. He rolled first and got a 4, which sent my hopes up. Then Saruman rolled...a 3!? Game over!

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Any tournament reports or lists from this event?
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