Solo variant Rules

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Here's a rule set I did for MECCG five years ago.

It was well received over at BGG so I thought I'd share it here for opinions and players to use.

I'm thinking, since it was 5 years ago, to revisit it and update/expand the content as I have a number ideas to improve on it and make the experience even more thematic.

Opinions and feedback are welcomed.

'The road goes ever on..."
MECCG Solo Variant -FINAL version.pdf
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Playing some games of this again after a long hiatus, I think I can see ways of improving it, streamlining it, and making the solo experience even more exciting and thematic.

I'm thinking about:
1. A Shadow Track - Giving both a time limit to your game as well as things getting nastier as you progress along the track. Each Turn moves it along as well as other events, such as revealing a Ring or your Wizard...
2. Tying Quest cards to specific sites when they are revealed. Some (for Allies or Factions) are automatically assigned, but Items should also be randomly assigned too so that a player has no choice of where to find it.
3. Returning to the Long Event Phase but having a Long Event Hazard Deck (to replace my Environment deck)
4. Sites - I'm still not happy with what can happen (or rather how dull it is) in Havens, Freeholds or Borderholds, so expect some new rules. Some famous ones should have special rules too - Bag End? Moria? - to make them more interesting.
5. Finishing my 'Dungeon' Site cards
6. Making factions more interesting if you fail to Influence them - do you get imprisoned...?
7. Making Characters more interesting with new abilities (should Frodo have +3DI on Sam?) and loaded keywords ('Archer', 'Brave', 'Minstrel')
8. Variants where you play Rohan, Hobbits, Minas Tirith, Thranduil or Lorien. All your starting characters come from their Home Site which acts as a Haven and the 'Lord' gains +5DI. Any Wizard becomes a wandering ally that only stays in play for 2 turns...
9. Spicing up some Creatures - perhaps an 'Abductor' captures one of your Characters and you have to rescue them from a nearby site...? Trolls might want to cook you...?

Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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Shadow Track: Start the game on 0. Lose when it gets to 20, increase by 1 at the end of every Turn. Also +1 when you play a Character with Mind 9+ (even starting Characters), +1 when recruit a Faction with 4+ MP, +1 when reveal a Dwarf Ring, +1 when use a Palantir, +2 when reveal Wizard, +3 when reveal the One Ring; -1 when a Character taps and successfully makes a roll to remove a Corruption Permanent Event and then rolls 4 more than the target number.

Hazard draw for each Company starts with: (3 + Number given on Site card). Each 5 on Shadow Track increases the Hazard Draw by +1, so on Shadow 5-9, it becomes 4+ Site no; on 10-14 it is 5+ Site no; and on 15 onwards it is 6+ Site no.

This is a brand new addition to the 2024 version of the rules. A Shadow Track gives urgency to the solo game, a time limit for a player, thematic increases and an overall increase in danger as the game progresses. Shadow Tokens could be used instead of a Track.

Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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Quests: The Quest Deck includes all the cards that generate MP (unless only in parentheses). These cards are NOT placed in your Draw deck. At the start of the game, shuffle the Quest Deck and then place the top three cards on the ‘Quest Display’ (by the Map). If the Quest card is either Information or an Item which can be played to multiple Sites, examine your Site deck for all suitable Sites and then assign one at random to the card. When a Company explores a Site where one of the Quest cards is found, tap a Character as normal to take that Quest card from the Display.

At the start of each turn (including the first) during the Untap Phase, roll 2D6 and on a roll of 8+, draw a new Quest card and place it on the Quest Display. If there are currently no Quest cards on the Display, automatically draw one instead of rolling. There may only be a maximum of 6 Quest cards at any time. If a new one is drawn, roll 1D6 to randomly discard one of the existing Quest cards.

Rings: If you are including Rings in the game, place all your Ring Special items (that are played after a Test) in a separate Ring deck and your Ring Items (Beautiful Gold Ring etc) in the Quest Deck. After you Test a Ring, draw cards from the Ring deck until you get one that matches the result of the test.

This is a tweak to the 2019 rules but gives more Quest cards at the start of the game and adds specific Sites to Quest cards so that players do not have the choice of where to find them which is much more thematic.
Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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3. Long Events: A player must create a Hazard Long Event deck of approximately 20 cards. During the Long Event Phase, you may play a Resource Long Event as normal from your Draw deck. You then roll 2D6 and if the result is 8+ play the top card from the Hazard Long Event deck. If the Long Event is an ‘Environment’ card, you may roll again and if the result is 8+, draw another Hazard Long Event (do not repeat if another Environment Hazard is revealed). A Long Event Hazard remains in play and affects all Companies until the end of the Turn as normal.

This is quite a big change from the 2019 rules, removes the need for an Environment deck and returning to the original Long Event Phase, albeit in a slightly different form.
Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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4. Playing Hazards: During the Movement/Hazard Phase, draw cards from the Hazard deck as indicated (starting at 3 plus the Site number, although this is modified by the Shadow Track) for each Company but do not reveal them and place them face down as a ‘Hazard Pile’. Reveal and resolve them one at a time, keying them to Regions or the final Site. Once a Hazard is revealed from the Pile and keyed to a Region/Site, a Hazard revealed later in the Pile cannot be keyed to a Region earlier in the Site Path. This simulates the journey of the Company.

Environment Hazards: The first Permanent or Short Event ‘Environment’ card played from the Hazard Pile on a Company in the Movement/Hazard Phase does not count towards the Hazard limit on that Company for that Turn.

‘On-Guard’ Cards: If there are any remaining cards in the Hazard Pile after the Hazard limit for the company has been reached, place the next card beneath the new Site as an ‘on-guard’ card. A Haven may NOT have an ‘on guard’ card.

Remaining Hazards: If there are still cards in the Hazard Pile once the Hazard limit has been reached and an ‘on-guard’ card placed (if possible), remaining cards are placed back on top of the Hazard Deck.

This is a more prescriptive and thematic method than the 2019 rules, including the addition of a free Environment card, and the introduction of ‘on-guard’ cards from the two-player rules.
Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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This is the text for my first 'enhanced site' - Lorien. I'd love any comments or feedback - it all fits on a card that is sleeved and placed behind the Lorien site card. I plan to make more 'enhanced sites' for the solo game as they give Companies more to do and more thematic events

Organisation Phase Actions if Remain:
Tap: Galadriel or *Gandalf to reveal a Quest card; a Sage to gain a Skill token; any Character to gain Courage; an Elf to play ‘Elf Lament’ from deck.
Special Rule: A Dwarf Character with corruption points can heal but not untap at Lorien.
Site Phase Encounter: (2D6)
2:** Song of the Lady**: Roll 2D6 - if result 6 or less, Company may not move next turn.
3: **Lure of the Golden Wood**: Random Character must make a corruption check with -1 modifier.
4: **Wisdom of the Galadhrim**: Search deck for a resource with ‘Elf’ in the title or a Character with Lorien as home site and place in hand.
5: **Cares Lifted**: Choose a Character to remove one corruption card.
6: **Mirror of Galadriel**: May look at top 5 cards of any deck, shuffle them then replace cards on deck
7: **Gifts of the Lady**: May play a Minor Item from your hand or search your deck for a Special Item playable at Lorien and place in hand.
8+: **The Beauty of Lorien**: No encounter this turn.
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Factions: These rules give Factions more flavour and use rather than just the raw accumulation of MP.
1. If you fail to successfully influence a Faction by a difference of 3 or more on the roll then the Faction decides to detain your Characters at their Home Site. To escape, the detained Characters must make a successful Influence attempt against the Faction to persuade them to leave (the Faction is still discarded) or other Characters must make a rescue attack with a number of strikes equal to the MP value of the Faction, with each strike having Prowess equal to their influence number. Eg: Woodmen would have 2 strikes of 7 Prowess.
2. When you have successfully influenced a Faction you may tap them to choose one of the following:
a) Cancel an attack keyed to their Region/Home Site with MPs less than their own.
b) Search your Draw deck to find a Character with same Home site and put the Character into play at that site (if you have enough Influence).

This is both an addition and a simplification to the 2019 rules, with the inclusion of being detained by a Faction if you upset them. If you recruit a Faction with 4 or more MP, this also increases the Shadow Track.
Any feedback or opinions on the above would be great to hear!
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Fancy a visit to 'The Green Dragon'?

Tavern Encounters
2 (or less): Pickpocket: Random character faces 11 Prowess strike – if successful, discard Item.
3: The Watch: Attract attention of a patrol - two 7 Prowess detainment strikes against company.
4: A Round of Drinks: You enjoy a drink in the tavern – no further effect.
5: Local Rumours: Choose a tapped site in the current or adjacent region to become untapped.
6: News and Gossip: May look at top card of the Quest, Hazard, Long Event or Draw deck
7: Hospitality: May roll to remove a Hazard permanent event on a character here (+1 to roll).
8: Songs and Tales: You may search deck or discard pile for any Song Event and place in hand.
9: A Chance Meeting: Search your draw deck for any character playable here and put into play.
10: Smoke Rings: Tap a character to bring one resource from deck or sideboard into play.
11: A Merry Meal: If moving less than 3 regions next turn, untap all characters in company at the end of the organisation phase.
12+: Local Quest: Place a new Quest on Display.
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I'm working on completing a Second Edition of my rule set plus all the associated Dream Cards that go with it. Trying to release it for April which will be 5 years exactly since the 1st edition was released!

My testing is going well but it would be great for other people to take it out for a spin too and give me feedback.
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My first 8 'Expanded Sites' as a concept. Feedback and comments would be great!'
Expanded Sites 1.pdf
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The second edition is really going well. It will consist of a rulebook (10 pages) and a PDF of all the 64 new cards and playmats (another 10 pages in all).

Really looking forward to hear what people think. Personally, I think it's a HUGE step up from the 1st edition and I've had some terrific games with it after just throwing together some decks.
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Work on the 2nd edition of 'The Road Goes Ever On' solo rules goes well! I'm down to designing the last 12 cards!

I'm hoping to release it here in 2 weeks time - April 14th 2024.
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