Draft of CoE Digest #200 Q1 - Declaring that you move to a site already in play - Open until August 27th

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In order to contribute to this thread please follow these rules:

1) The thread will be open until August 27th. The usual time is two weeks but having in mind that it's vacation time we've decided to leave it open a bit longer.
2) There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting "flame wars", so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that's it.
3) After the review period, the ROC will carefully consider everyone's contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official.

How literal does a player need to be when indicating that one of their companies is moving to a site already in play?

Short answer:

«When a player declares that one or more of their companies will move to a site already in play, they must also verbally declare which site card in play will be the destination site for each of those companies.»

(thanks to the JabberwocK for the definition)


CoE #118 ruled that each player may be as literal as they please, and this is also how it’s been played historically in tournaments:

21-08-2007 NetRep: Mark Alfano Source


Joe Bisz asked:

“The rules say:

Any company may declare as its new site a site already on the table. That site will remain on the table at least until the end of that company’s movement/hazard phase.

Does this mean a player must NAME the site his company is going to on the table, or can a player literally say, ‘this company is moving to a site on table’?”

The player may be as literal as he pleases.
However, further research has shown that this statement does not have a solid basis in the original rules.

In the Balrog Rules Summary, we find the following:
”If you wish to move a company to a site that is face down on the table (for another company), tell your opponent which site the company is moving to. If you wish to move a company to a site that is face up on the table (because another company is also moving there), tell your opponent the company is moving to a face up site.

The new site you choose must meet certain criteria. You may reach a site by either starter movement, or by region movement. Ringwraiths may not use region movement.”
Although this passage doesn’t explicitly state whether a face-up destination site must be named or kept secret, it does state that “the new site you choose must meet certain criteria” (present tense), indicating that the resource player chooses at the time that they inform their opponent about movement during the organization phase, not later. Choosing something in one’s head without any record of that choice for an opponent or judge to confirm isn’t a concept otherwise utilized in the rules, as far as this committee has found.

Then we have this paragraph from the MELE rules:

[During the organization phase, two or more companies may move to the same non-Darkhaven site, but one of the following cases must apply:] One company may already be at the site. In this case the other company moving to the site must state that its new site card is already in play (the current site card for the non-moving company). This site card remains in play until at least the end of the turn.
The CRF has something to say about this, too:
CRF Turn Sequence Rulings, Organization Phase, Choosing a New Site:

Any company may declare as its new site a site already on the table. That site will remain on the table at least until the end of that company’s movement/hazard phase.
The CRF text is a correction to the MELE text, because the site remains in play at least until the end of the company’s movement/hazard phase, not “until the end of the turn”. Again, it is worth noting that neither of these citations state that the specific site card should not be indicated (and in fact, the MELE’s parenthetical hints at the need for more specificity). While this committee does not believe that this is enough evidence to prove that the specific site should be indicated, these citations are provided for historical context as well as to demonstrate that the rules don’t say to not indicate a specific face-up site.

At this same time, this is where problems begin to arise. How can the opponent or a judge track whether a site card needs to stay in play at the end of a company’s individual movement/hazard phase without knowing if that site will be needed by a different company that hasn’t moved yet? This can also lead to situations where a resource player would technically be cheating if they forgot to remove a site card immediately at the end of a company’s movement/hazard phase, because they would be indicating that the site would still be needed by a different company. Without declaring which specific site card in play is the destination for each company (whether face-up or face-down), both opponent and judge must trust that the resource player is “playing fairly”, which can be problematic for tournaments, to say the least. These problems are solved by indicating which card is the destination for which company, and cleaning up a rule that is, in this committee’s opinion, needlessly complicated.

Considering this approach, a counter-argument could be made that forcing the resource player to indicate which of multiple face-up sites is the destination for a company shifts the balance of power in the direction of the hazard player, as it gives the hazard player additional information to plan their upcoming hazard strategy. However, one must remember that the original rules as written require that moving companies indicate how far they are moving with region cards, which provide similar information (in terms of knowing which site in play is the designated number of regions away, how many regions might make for a better double-wilderness target, etc.), but which are no longer used by the vast majority of players. Thus the aforementioned balance has already shifted in favor of the resource player, and requiring a company to indicate the specific card for its destination site would arguably shift back toward the initial balance.

Note that this overturns CoE Digest #118 Q6
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This is an issue I like to see posted when it would play heavily on the outcome of a game. Like to see more game notes on this forum.

1. The ruling would impact how many companies are allowed per turn. If no more than two companies are allowed, then this is simple.
If no specific site card has to be selected, then resource player can gamble on card draws to get the card in hand and later pick the site; Oh, you play Awaken Minions; I just go to The Stones for a greater item.
Also, use of Bridge/Forced March can add more cards to hand for resource player to select the new site on the table. Agent meta-game is impacted.
2. What about tapped sites? First company no moves, all characters eliminated there, site discarded and deck exhausts. Need a wizard to solve that problem. Does the moving company get sent to site of origin? Can resource player do that on purpose just to draw cards?
3. If no calling specific site name, then can I use an agent site that is tapped by Long Winter? That is use Withdrawn to Mordor to discard my agent, but move to the site? Timing might be off there.
4. Keeping site hidden is a descent balance to on-guard cards IMHO.
5. Much can be gain by no site-name calling in hope of which cards are drawn.
6. Do not recall anywhere that states resource player must select at end of Long-Event phase the order move for the companies. That I feel is a need for the game to not forcing a sequence promise.
7. Hope Twilight on a Crown of Flowers Wondrous Maps will not bring an eddy in our tide.
8. This can be tricky with Ringwraiths; Ringwraith moves to site for CvCC with his minions already there, but moving away that turn. If the minions get sent back to site of origin, then Ringwraith will get sent back too? [Still in doubt after all these years if a BlackRider/Heralded Rider can move with non-RW minions]. If calling site is ruled, this will hinder such a play.

I just feel the purpose of the game is directed by sites. When did you ever hear a character in the books just go out the door without a destination? Okay, the Grey Company followed a trail in Rohan. Even Bilbo knew the Lonely Mountain was the endpoint. Frodo knew to go east. IMHO the openness of pointing to the specific site card faced-up/down follows the spirit of the story. No where in the rules is that a guide to follow. Yet I feel calling for the site card keeps things simpler; if chaos happens with sites, then this slows that game.
So please keep me in check if you play me; I want to remember what I wrote here so to always call on the site card in play.
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Konrad Klar
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Aside from balance issues.

Claiming that I (player) may postpone revealing* my decision, taken in organization phase, to which exactly site already in play my company will move to the beginning of the company M/H phase leads to other claims.
The site may be to leave active play as soon as in organization phase, so now I (player) am claiming additional right to say that this site is the new site of the company and should be prevented from leaving active play.

*) revealing a decision that has not been registered anywhere, of course.
· One company may already be at the site. In this case the other company moving to the site must state that its new site
card is already in play (the current site card for the non-moving company). This site card remains in play until at least
the end of the turn.
Underline mine.
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One thing that has not been mentioned thus far is the impact of these rulings on the experience of new players. In this case, I think that requiring players to verbally declare which site card in play will be the destination site for each company makes the game a lot more consistent and less arbitrary for new players, which is a good thing.

In general, I think that rulings which make the game overall more consistent and intuitive are good for new players, and therefor for the health of the game. I hope that the rules committee will take this idea into consideration in rulings moving forward.
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Thanks everyone for your contributions.

The ROC will study them carefully and come up with a final digest soon.

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