723-play Felagrog

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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

copied from last page of PDF.

An avatar solely in the Under-deeps will have a relatively easy task, which Felagrog did.
His goal is to have a strong company with the avatar ready to invade into a dwarf-hold at the end
of 16 turns. This has happened.

16 turns allowed having 30 MPs and 15 tapped sites. The deck exhausted on Turn 11. That first
deck drew 9.0 cards per turn (average) and shuffled 22 cards. The weakness for this player will
be facing many hazard creatures early tapping out characters.

Buthrakaur was not played until Turn 12, which was expected. Surprisingly only one character
was eliminated; that was after facing many Nameless Things. Avatar was played on Turn 2 and
began tapping frequently to access the sideboard. He has been in Great Shadow fana every turn
after that. I rather have the avatar as a Flame of Udun early to play resources including Descent
Through Fire.

Great Fissure just keeps the minions untapped. That event was shuffled once in the second deck.
Large companies allow at least one to tap the site. Almost all the resources that tap a site were
played during the first deck. Vanguard of Might was never used. Now, both companies will stay
in the under-deeps until the second deck hoping that this card could be used.
43 hazards were played on this player. 10 of them were creatures (no trophies) including 3
Nameless Things.

39 or so hazards were played by this player. 3 Dragon creatures were played and Scorba was
killed by Lord Dain using Strength of the EE, Lucky Strike and Ebony Arrows. The Ahunt was
now useless. Khuzadrepa creature was useless after Alatar kills the At Home manifestation.

Overall, this player was successful with MPs. The factions are in the deck allowing the marathon
move on the surface by the company now at Moria. Two Great Trolls give confidence to begin
playing the mission events without this surface company available. Breach the Hold will be
played when drawn. Invade Their Domain may have to wait until the second company arrives.

The safety in the under-deeps seems that this player was inevitable to be ready during the
Warlord Phase to play the mission events with ease. That is why I selected a dwarf-hold to raid
and that to be under Mordor. I want now just one Great Troll to be used and not two for the
updated deck. A raided Nurunkhizdín causes too many players at that spot on the map especially
if fallen Alatar is an avatar. A raided Azagarbhum is an option, but that is too much trouble for
Saruman and a fallen Pallando who will play Man factions from a site south of Mordor. Then the
two Blue Wizards will be in direct conflict east of Mordor. A raid under Mordor is the logical
choice forcing difficulty on this player to balance the game in my opinion.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

The deck unfolded as expected. Not much slowed this player except for tribes of dwarves on the front porch. When rolling a two against Invade Their Domain makes the biggest enemy of a deck, then you know easy street is your best friend. A mountain of 20 MPs were gained in the miscellaneous department. CvCC was the natural path when Lord Thrain entered Moria. Three CvCC in the last three turns resulted in Felagrog discarding or removing from play 10 characters. Umagaur was killed. Only three characters were in play during the Council Checks. All the factions were played. The hazard deck did okay.
The updated deck moved all under-deep sites south of the Under-leas. I would like this player to have more contention besides invading a dwarf-hold while visiting many under-deep sites. People Diminished and Tempest of Fire are not used in any Avatar deck. However, 38 MPs is a lot but it was reduced to 36 after doubling. Buthrakaur ended the game with 9 MP and 6 CP. His lost on that final corruption check would sent this player to an effective 18 MP and out of the Power decks. Keep in mind that Lord Balin was making his way towards Moria. He ended the game at Iron-Deeps with Torogcrist and Fungi in play. He needed one more turn starting from Under-leas to reach Moria for CvCC. Thus, it is fair that Felagrog “should” CvCC any dwarves that enter Moria. A focus on faction battles now will surely eliminate some of them. Thus, earning MPs through CvCC might be needed to earn a Power deck slot. In addition, Black players have an incentive to CvCC at Moria if Felagrog is threatening a Power deck. Bolg will be the player to dethrone the Lord of Moria.
Mines of Angurath was made into a Darkhaven and all characters were played. This player tapped or used the most sites at 19. He rolled the most strikes so far at a count of 144. Several of his dragon manifestations could not be played after elimination of another manifestation. Vanguard of Might never used; it will be replaced.
Foe Beyond Any of You and Dragon’s Curse never played. Scourge of Fire never played. Dragons were played half the time. One copy of Maker’s Map never played; that was frustrating. So one copy was removed for the new deck.
144 strikes were rolled for this player with 75 strikes rolled for last 7 turns. 24 body checks
resulted in 10 deaths and 3 discards. Almost every character wounded. 23 corruption checks were made.
This player faced 23 creatures from 86 hazards, but 11 were agent actions. Thrain played Nameless Thing 9x, which should change the creature’s name to “Not Again.” None were killed.
Great Fissure and Darkness Wielded were played x11.
There were 44 moving companies and 63 total companies. Average hazard limit was 5.6; that is
a lot. However, I grouped all the HL of a moving company into one move. About 22 regions were moved through and 38 under-deep sites moved to.
59 hazards were played by Felagrog, 0 were agents – 12 on Thrain. That dwarf faced Nameless Thing 6x and Watcher in the Water x2. Two Nameless Things were slain and just two played after Turn 16 due to fear of Pits of Angband stored. His Scorba was killed by Lord Dain using Rumours of Wealth, Strength of the Ered Engrin, Lucky Strike, and Ebony Arrows. Thorin killed Angurth at Home and Radagast killed Uruial.
First deck exhausted on Turn 11. Turn 9 ended with 22 cards in deck. Second deck exhaust on
Turn 20. 22 non-Lordhaven sites were tapped. First deck shuffled 22 cards and drew 9 cards/turn. Second deck shuffled 15 cards and drew 9.5 cards/turn. Third deck shuffled 6 cards and drew 11 cards/draw. Ten sites were tapped in the first 11 turns.
Felagrog, played on Turn 2. Rolled 14 strikes, but 10 from missions. Wounded once from
Invade Their Domain.
Umagaur, started. Killed in CvCC on Turn 24. Rolled 14 strikes and 9 corruption checks.
Buthrakaur, played on Turn 12. Rolled 16 strikes and wounded once.
Orc tracker, played Turn 10 and killed three turns later.
Crook-legged Orc, started and killed on Turn 23. Rolled 18 strikes and 2 bc.
Crook-legged Orc, Played turn 16, killed on Turn 24 and rolled 4 strikes.
Troll-Chief, started and discarded by choice on Turn 9. Rolled 5 strikes.
Orc Chieftain, played on Turn 11, discarded Turn 24 and rolled 6 strikes.
Hill-troll, played on last turn and discarded on bc.
Hill-troll, played on last turn and killed in CvCC.
Troll lout, played on Turn 4, and discarded by choice on Turn 15. Rolled 2 strikes.
Mountain-maggot, Played from Turn 3 to 21. Rolled 6 strikes before death.
Orc brawler, started, discarded and played again. Rolled 8 strikes.
Orc brawler, started and discarded on Turn 10. Rolled 4 strikes.
Orc brawler, started, rolled 13 strikes, rolled 3 bc. Killed on Turn 22 in CvCC.
Goblin-Miner, played on Turn 9 and killed on Turn 21. Rolled 6 strikes.
Goblin-Miner, played on Turn 4 and killed on Turn 22. Rolled 6 strikes.
Cave Troll, played Turn 4 and killed on Turn 22. Rolled 6 turns
Great Troll, played Turns 11 and 13. Rolled 7 strikes. Both copies from Flame of Udun.
Last edited by dirhaval on Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

With no dwarf-lord activating the Ring bell at the East Gate,
this balrog makes a run to Mordor.

Maker's Map was nicely found at Dimrill Dale early,
tough though with Awaken Denizens in play and just Umagaur to face both
strikes protecting Crooked-Leg Orc.
Next turn, Wolves from a wake of war attack. Crooked gets mauled but lives.

Shelob's Brood played on Turn 1!
Avatar played on Turn 2.
Turukulon and Prowess of Might used wounding Bergil.

Turn 5 has a 8 company move, Crack in the Wall played.
Thrain given 4 hazards to play; useless in hand: Barrow-wight,
Exhal Decay, Nameless Thing, Spells BW, Icy Touch moving to Pukel-deeps}

Descent Through Fire nearing to play.

Overheard at the Mount Doom First Age 400 Reunion party:

Sauron: So, you been busy for the last 1000 years at Moria.
Balrog: Still smells like dwarf.
Sauron: A shame what happened to Smaug. I was going to
send an emissary to him to join me with a promise of Nurn
as his new desolation overlording the slaves.

Sauron: Are you worry about leaving home unattended with trolls in charge?
Balrog: Well, no. You see I have a Ring bell on the East Gate.

Sauron: A ring bell? Does it, you know detect rings? I have silent watchers around this land.
Balrog: No, why you asking? I have the bell linked to my ... {Apple Watch vibrates}

Sauron: What is that device on your wrist?
Balrog: Oh, that. That is my notification that I need to seek some warmth.
Let me get back to the lava pool. Nice seeing you and your pet spider.

Sauron (thinking): May be I need to set a Ringwraith guarding Cirith Ungol at all times...
<interrupted by minion>
Lord Sauron. We captured an odd creature on the borders. He is on his way to the Dark Tower.
first 6 turns
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