Card Nûm Sealed Deck Tournament

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Welcome to the first Card Num sealed deck tournament, sponsored by CardGameGeek -



The sealed decks will be randomly generated and distributed on Monday October 26.

Round 1: Monday November 2nd to Sunday November 8.

Round 2: Monday November 9 to Sunday November 15.

Round 3: Monday November 16 to Sunday November 22.

Final Round: Monday November 23 to Sunday November 29.


1. CDavis
2. Vastor
3. JmTM
4. J Montanus
5. Langloude
6. ForgeFrance
7. G Giewon
8. Shapeshifter
9. Theo
10. Ethan Eliam / DamienX
11. Ernst Brun
12. Marc Sarzi (sarma72)
13. Shadow and Flame
14. John (Shark)
15. Ryan
16. Geareth

Sealed Deck Tournament Specific Rules:

1) Tournament Coordinator - Spencer "Begil" Carney is the Tournament Coordinator and has the final say for all decisions regarding the tournament.

2) Sealed Products - Each player will receive a Wizards starter deck and 3 randomly generated The Wizards booster packs. After Round 1 each player will receive 3 randomly generated The Dragons booster packs. After Round 2 each player will receive 3 randomly generated Dark Minions booster packs. After Round 3 each player will receive a booster pack of The Wizards, a pack of The Dragons, and a pack of Dark Minions. These packs of cards will be randomly generated using a Python computer script such that site and region cards will not be included in the packs. More details here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4343

3) Game Format and Deck Construction - The first three rounds will be "1-deck" games using a minimum of 25 resources and 25 hazards with a minimum of 10 creatures per the Council of Lorien rules.
The final round will be "2-deck" games using a minimum of 30 resources and hazards, with a minimum of 12 creatures. You will be able to add a 3rd wizard of your choice. Both the 1-deck game and the 2-deck game normally allow for a 30 card sideboard.

4) Sites - Use of sites is not restricted except that Underdeeps sites may not be used in the 1st and 2nd rounds.

5) Prizes - The winner of the tournament will receive a prize selected by the tournament sponsor CardGameGeek. At least one additional prize will be awarded by raffle to another player. The organizers of the event are excluded from prize consideration as is any player that drops out or is expelled from the tournament.


The following rules will generally apply to all tournaments unless stated otherwise. Note that the sealed deck format above changes several of these rules. Also note that certain changes have been made from the Council of Lorien tournament policy (time limits, tournament point tie breakers, etc.)

Tournament Format:

1) Rules - The rulesbooks, Collected Rulings File (CRF), ICE rulings, and CoE rulings, and Council of Lorien Tournament Policy are available in the Rules section of Card Nûm. Deck Construction, Game Setup, and Game Play must adhere to these rules except as modified below.

2) Game Format - Games must be played according to the 2-deck game format unless specified otherwise.

3) Dream Cards - Dream Cards may not be used unless specifically allowed for a particular tournament. The mechanics of any Dream Card will be determined from the existing card text on Card Num (as well as from DC errata and rulings).

4) Deck Integrity - Each player is required to use the same saved deck (Pool, Characters, Resources, Hazards, Sideboard, and FW-DC-SB) for the entire tournament. Players are not required to submit a list of the cards in their play deck. Instead, the server logs may be used to ensure legality.

5) Time Limit - All games have an optional time limit of four hours. If either player requests the time limit before the game, or during the first hour of the game, it is in effect. After that both players must agree to it for the time limit to be in effect. Games may be saved and continued later only if both players agree.

6) End-of-Game Ties - If all non-Wizard/Ringwraith characters in play are corrupted away by the Weakest Link Method and there is still a tie, each player receives 3 tournament points.

7) Reporting Results -Both players should capture and submit a screenshot of the End-of-Game state, including the Marshalling Point tracker and all cards in play. On Windows, the “Snipping Tool” or the PrtScr button (and paste into a document) may be used to capture screenshots.

8\) Completion of Games - Players have one week to complete each game. If the game is not completed in time, and it is your fault (e.g., a “no show”), you will receive zero tournament points and your opponent will receive six. If it is no one's fault (e.g., scheduling not possible), both players will receive three tournament points. Fault shall be determined by the tournament coordinator. Failure to submit a report as to why the game was not played automatically puts you at fault.

9) Requesting a Bye - If a player knows that they will not be able to play a game in advance, they may request a three point bye, before pairings are assigned. One per player per tournament.

10) Tournament Point Ties - The first tie breaker will be ‘Sum of Opponent's scores.’ Opponents who did not finish the tournament will be counted as if they scored three points for each game after leaving the tournament. The second tie breaker will be ‘cumulative score.’ This is the total of the player's total score after each round. The final tie breaker will be ‘Head to Head.’ This is the number of wins against any other tied players.

11) Players Dropping Out - If a player drops out of a game, he or she drops out of the tournament and cannot reenter the tournament in a later round. That player receives no consideration for prizes or tournament ranking. If a player drops out of the game, the player concedes the game and the opponent receives the win and the maximum tournament points for the capability of his or her deck.

12) Rankings - Each player participating in tournaments will be ranked for fun and glory. Each player starts with 150 rating points. After each game, the winner’s tournament score (under the Council of Lórien system) is added to the winner’s rating points, and subtracted from the loser’s rating points. There is also a modification based on the ratings of the players. For every 10 points the winner's rating is above the loser's rating, the loser loses one less point and the winner gains one less point. For every 10 points the loser's rating is above the winner's rating, the winner gains one more point and the loser loses one more point. There is a limit placed on gains and losses. The winner always gains at least one point, but no more than ten. Likewise, the loser always loses one point, but no more than 10.

Card Num Guidelines:

13) Saving your Game - Both players must ensure that the game is saved after every turn (EoT save is enabled by default). The players should also save the game manually if a disconnect, freeze, or glitch occurs. Both players must not delete their saved game until after the tournament results have been announced. The saved games are the record of the game. The Tournament Coordinate may assign Tournament Points if no record of the game exists.

14) Game Creation Options - When creating a game, the creating player must select (check) the options for “EOT auto save game.” The creating player may allow spectators if both players agree. Participants of the tournament may not spectate games held for the tournament. The creating player should NOT check the option for “make players’ hidden information visible to spectators” unless authorized by the tournament coordinator.

15) Using Maps - The “Std-regions” map accessible via the “location” deck must be used to depict region movement (instead of using actual region cards). The other region maps may only be used in Dream Card specific tournaments. Regardless, the text of region cards takes precedence over the map in determining region adjacency.

16) Point Tracking - Both players must continuously track their points of general influence, stage points, and marshalling points using the tracker in the user interface. A player must update their tracker upon request.

17) Using UI Prompts - Players should use the on-click user interface prompts for cards that have such actions. Card effects that will reveal sets of cards will have on-click prompts. The players should not attempt to draw and reveal cards on their own.

18) Revealing Manipulated Cards - A player may or may not be required to reveal some or all of the identity of such manipulated cards depending on the effect used. If the card manipulated must be a specific type of hazard or resource, then it must be revealed to the opponent using the /tall command. If the card must be either a hazard, resource, or character, then the card must be revealed using the /tell command (enabled by default). If there are no restrictions on which cards may be manipulated, the manipulated card does not have to be revealed (you may disable /tell).

19) Freezes and Glitches - If a game is frozen or glitching, the players should both perform a full/hard reload of their browser (viewtopic.php?f=146&t=3576), reconvene in the chat, load the saved game, and attempt to continue where the game left off as best as possible. If there is significant slow down, consider clearing the chat-log: viewtopic.php?f=146&t=4330. However, please save a copy of your chat log as a text file as proof of the game sequence.

20) Disconnects - If a player has disconnected from the game or they are unresponsive, the non-disconnected player must give the disconnected player 30 minutes to reconnect or wait until the time limit, if any, is reached. After waiting, the non-disconnected player should SAVE the game. If possible, the game should be continued later. The tournament coordinator may decide to end the game in its current state and roll End-of-Game corruption checks for both players.


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The sealed decks will be randomly generated and distributed on Monday October 26.

Round 1: Monday November 2nd to Sunday November 8.

Round 2: Monday November 9 to Sunday November 15.

Round 3: Monday November 16 to Sunday November 22.

Final Round: Monday November 23 to Sunday November 29.


The tournament is Wizard alignment only (no Ringwraiths) using cards from The Wizards, the Dragons, and Dark Minions. There will be a Ringwraith sealed tournament and an open pick-a-pack sealed tournament later.

Here is the new format:
--Players first receive 1 random The Wizards Starter Deck and 3 booster packs of The Wizards (sites and regions are removed from the "sheets" of cards and so you will get usable cards).  Then, players will receive 3 additional booster packs of cards between rounds, which can be added to your deck or not. 
--After the 1st Round, players will receive 3 booster packs of The Dragons. 
--After the 2nd Round, players will receive 3 booster packs of Dark Minions.
--After every other round (depending on the number of players), players will get 3 boosters, 1 of each.

The initial round will use the "1-Deck" format with 25 resources & 25 hazards (10 creatures) being the minimum deck size, with 15 sideboard. 20 Marshalling Points are required to call the Free Council. 

[b]The final round will use the 2-deck format with 30 resources & 30 hazards (12 creatures) being the minimum deck size and 25MP needed to Call the Council.[/b]

Bergil will be the Tournament Coordinator. The first round will be in the beginning of November. Or maybe late October depending on signups. More details will follow. 


I want to explain the goals of the tournament and then the reason for the changes will be more clear. The goals are to (A) allow players of all experience levels to have fun, (B) bring more of the MECCG community into online games, (C) use the sealed deck format as an opportunity to create non-standard decks using some of the janky and neglected cards, especially from The Wizards and The Dragons.  

What I found, and was much worse than I originally thought, was that it became too easy to build a deck that can just bypass or stomp hazards under the pick-a-pack format. Especially minions with MELE and ATS cards, which would not be available for Wizard players trying to get more resources for themselves. To a lesser extent, there is also an issue with allowing multiple The Wizards starter decks with multiple Fixed packs of the strongest characters. This is because it is difficult to find hazard boosters since they are mostly uncommons and because some needed hazards are only in MELE and ATS. And even increasing the price limit just leads to more issues as it can guarantee some deck types as opposed to being a "Sealed Deck." This is nice for people who enjoy deck building a lot, and can see these holes, but I don't think its an enjoyable experience overall and not one that supports the goals above.

Of course, an experienced player can still find these holes, and some people are very good at sealed, but I'd like to avoid some of the additional complications until later


:arrow: Post here if you will be entering the tournament. 

Participants from FB, Discord, and CoE (will need to confirm):
1. CD*
2. Vastor*
3. JmTM*
4. J Montanus*
5. Langloude*
6. ForgeFrance*
7. G Giewon
8. Shapeshifter*
9. Theo*
10. Ethan Eliam / DamienX*
11. Ernst Brun*
12. Marc Sarzi*
13. Shadow and Flame*
14. sarma72* 

*Confirmed that they want to play with the updated format.

 :?: [b]Also, let me know if you would be interested in using $3.25 Balrog Booster packs or First Born, Durin's Folk, and Necromancer Dream Card booster packs.[/b]

Card Nûm Rankings:
164	Shadow and Flame
158	Shapeshifter
158	Theo
155	Vastor
143	Lexicon
143	Rezwits
141	CDavis7M
138	Dirhaval
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Last edited by CDavis7M on Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:43 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Since this is not the normal pack distribution for sealed deck tournaments, here are some things I hope for clarification about from the "More details will follow":
  • Deck sizes
  • Whether there is a hazard creature minimum
  • Game-lengths (MPs and time limits)
  • Whether the setup is GO or single-deck
  • What One Ring victories are worth
If they are added (as hinted at in Discord):
  • The impact of DC cards (other DC rules/sites/setup modifications?)
  • The intent for DC/Balrog pack numbers and distributions.
Also, is your act of posting the rankings an indication that these rankings will be used for initial pairings?
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Deck sizes -- 95% chance its 30/30 with the larger set of cards.
Whether there is a hazard creature minimum -- yes 12 minimum in 30/30 (or 10 minimum in 25/25). What if a player doesn't get at least 12 creatures in your packs? That problem solved itself :wink:
Game-lengths (MPs and time limits) -- Likely 2-deck as normal. Time limit at 4 hours upon request by one player within 1 hour of the game starting.
Whether the setup is GO or single-deck -- single deck.
What One Ring victories are worth -- normal.
Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:20 pm If they are added (as hinted at in Discord):
  • The impact of DC cards (other DC rules/sites/setup modifications?)
  • The intent for DC/Balrog pack numbers and distributions.
If enough people are interested in Balrog or DC i'll figure it out more later. But DCs will likely be same as last time: you can use a DC card and any necessary DC sites, but not all sites. DC keywords matter but the errata and rules don't apply. I made a sketch of Balrog booster pack rarity without sheet-specifics based on the original 12 card/2 rare design for Balrog. I gave rarity based on necessity/use as most of the sets do. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4328 So far my only complaint from a player is on the Longbottom Leaf rarity, which used to be an Uncommon but became a rare, since there were too many Uncommons, as its a hero card in a minion set. I also feel like the Spawn should be less rare so things could be moved around. But that's going back to the problem of too few rares.

DC booster would use the same 12/2 for $3.25. But I am not too sure on the rarity mix and how well it meets expectations. But I also don't know if it really matters overall. I feel like MELE and METW are balanced despite the discrepancy on rares.
Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:20 pm Also, is your act of posting the rankings an indication that these rankings will be used for initial pairings?
It's For Glory. Initial pairings are likely to end up being based on experience with the UI if there are lots of newer players. Just to smooth that out. If everyone is experienced like last time, then it will likely be random.
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Ok, so my overall impression is that this is more like a casual limited-collection tournament than a CoL Sealed Deck Tournament.
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm Whether there is a hazard creature minimum -- yes 12 minimum in 30/30 (or 10 minimum in 25/25). What if a player doesn't get at least 12 creatures in your packs? That problem solved itself :wink:
It solved itself?
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm Whether the setup is GO or single-deck -- single deck.
I also meant to ask about whether "Players may exchange cards between his or her deck and the set of cards he received but did not use between rounds." from Sealed Deck Tournament rules would apply. I am guessing no.
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm What One Ring victories are worth -- normal.
Guessing this means normal for two-deck games (7), not Sealed Deck games (10)?
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Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:16 pm Ok, so my overall impression is that this is more like a casual limited-collection tournament than a CoL Sealed Deck Tournament.
Naw. This is the Ultimate Sealed Deck tournament. The CoL sealed tournament is for casuals who can only afford $20.
Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:16 pm
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm Whether there is a hazard creature minimum -- yes 12 minimum in 30/30 (or 10 minimum in 25/25). What if a player doesn't get at least 12 creatures in your packs? That problem solved itself :wink:
It solved itself?
If someone picks $60 worth of cards and gets fewer than 12 creatures, then the problem solved itself. There's really only 1 way to achieve this problem.
Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:16 pm
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm Whether the setup is GO or single-deck -- single deck.
I also meant to ask about whether "Players may exchange cards between his or her deck and the set of cards he received but did not use between rounds." from Sealed Deck Tournament rules would apply. I am guessing no.
I think that's fine. At least after the first round. But maybe Bergil will comment.
Theo wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:16 pm
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:45 pm What One Ring victories are worth -- normal.
Guessing this means normal for two-deck games (7), not Sealed Deck games (10)?
10 if you only buy 1 starter and 3 boosters.
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CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:34 pm If someone picks $60 worth of cards and gets fewer than 12 creatures, then the problem solved itself. There's really only 1 way to achieve this problem.
Would you please explain yourself? Is your pack-creation simulator getting more specific than just the rarity distributions? I know other games where analyzing the print-sheet associations could yield conclusions like this, but I've never heard of these details being known for MECCG.

Edit: nope, I'm fairly sure this is a faulty conclusion. Counter example: a player gets nothing but WH boosters; there would only be 1 possible creature (which is also a rare), so max 3 creature cards.
Last edited by Theo on Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Site and Region cards have been removed from the sheets (so not in the packs).
This implies that many packs will have fewer cards than advertised, correct? Or were you planning to remove with replacement?
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Theo wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:37 am
CDavis7M wrote: Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:34 pm If someone picks $60 worth of cards and gets fewer than 12 creatures, then the problem solved itself. There's really only 1 way to achieve this problem.
Would you please explain yourself? Is your pack-creation simulator getting more specific than just the rarity distributions? I know other games where analyzing the print-sheet associations could yield conclusions like this, but I've never heard of these details being known for MECCG.

Edit: nope, I'm fairly sure this is a faulty conclusion. Counter example: a player gets nothing but WH boosters; there would only be 1 possible creature (which is also a rare), so max 3 creature cards.
Yes, there's really only 1 way to achieve this problem. If someone decides to achieve this problem then they do have a problem because they won't be able to create a legal deck.

As of right now, each separate pack (booster or non-fixed pack) is created from a separate single sheet (except METW boosters have a general and booster only sheet).
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Theo wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:54 am
Site and Region cards have been removed from the sheets (so not in the packs).
This implies that many packs will have fewer cards than advertised, correct? Or were you planning to remove with replacement?
The site cards are removed from the sheet. It is not possible for them to be selected for packaging in a pack. The sites are not replaced with anything.

The packs have the same number of cards and rarity as normal.
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CDavis7M wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:06 pm Yes, there's really only 1 way to achieve this problem. If someone decides to achieve this problem then they do have a problem because they won't be able to create a legal deck.
There are many combinations of possible purchases that will likely encounter this problem. One does not know before opening the packs how many non-WH packs to get. Is your stance seriously, "If you want to play Fallen Wizard, you better get several extra non-WH packs because of the hazard creature minimum or you will risk be automatically disqualified if you get a poor pack distribution."?
Last edited by Theo on Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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CDavis7M wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:10 pm The packs have the same number of cards and rarity as normal.
... which means that the sites that would normally be in packs will be replaced with other cards of the same rarity. This excludes fixed packs, which from external conversations you told me will NOT have the same number of cards.
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Will players declare their alignment before the character draft?
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Theo wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:19 am
CDavis7M wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:06 pm Yes, there's really only 1 way to achieve this problem. If someone decides to achieve this problem then they do have a problem because they won't be able to create a legal deck.
There are many combinations of possible purchases that will likely encounter this problem. One does not know before opening the packs how many non-WH packs to get. Is your stance seriously, "If you want to play Fallen Wizard, you better get several extra non-WH packs because of the hazard creature minimum or you will risk be automatically disqualified if you get a poor pack distribution."?
There should be no problem hitting the creature minimum. An METW will have about 10 creatures in a starter and 2 in a booster. An MELE starter will have 14 creatures.

But we can make a special rule to ensure that everyone can build a legal deck: If a player does not have sufficient cards to build a legal deck, one of their packs/decks will be randomly swapped for a different randomly selected pack/deck until they have sufficient cards to build a legal deck.
Theo wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:22 am
CDavis7M wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:10 pm The packs have the same number of cards and rarity as normal.
... which means that the sites that would normally be in packs will be replaced with other cards of the same rarity. This excludes fixed packs, which from external conversations you told me will NOT have the same number of cards.
Oh, I was talking about sheets. The sites are not being replaced in the packs because they are not in the packs in the first place.
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CDavis7M wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:53 pm But we can make a special rule to ensure that everyone can build a legal deck: If a player does not have sufficient cards to build a legal deck, one of their packs/decks will be randomly swapped for a different randomly selected pack/deck until they have sufficient cards to build a legal deck.
Awesome. All in on chaos WH!
One [online community] with hammer and chisel might mar more than they make...
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Theo wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 3:33 am
CDavis7M wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:53 pm But we can make a special rule to ensure that everyone can build a legal deck: If a player does not have sufficient cards to build a legal deck, one of their packs/decks will be randomly swapped for a different randomly selected pack/deck until they have sufficient cards to build a legal deck.
Awesome. All in on chaos WH!
So I'll add you to the list?

For fun:

Code: Select all

Resources: 215
Ally (7)
4  Noble Steed 
3  Radagast's Black Bird 
Avatar (27)
4  Alatar 
7  Gandalf 
8  Pallando 
6  Radagast 
2  Saruman 
Creature (2)
2  Goblin-faces 
Faction (12)
2  A Panoply of Wings 
6  Beasts of the Wood 
1  Wild Horses 
3  Wild Hounds 
Major Item (4)
4  Mechanical Bow 
Permanent-event (116)
5  A Merrier World 
2  A New Ringlord 
2  A Strident Spawn 
5  An Untimely Brood 
1  Arcane School 
2  Bad Company 
3  Blind to All Else 
1  Cast from the Order 
3  Chambers in the Royal Court 
2  Counterfeit 
2  Delver's Harvest 
3  Double-dealing 
1  Fool's Bane 
4  Fortress of the Towers 
3  Foul Tooth Unsheathed 
1  Friend of Secret Things 
1  Gandalf's Friend 
1  Gatherer of Loyalties 
1  Glove of Radagast 
2  Great Patron 
5  Great Ruse 
2  Grey Embassy 
2  Guarded Haven 
1  Heart Grown Cold 
2  In the Grip of Ambition 
4  Longing for the West 
1  Many-coloured Robes 
1  Mask Torn 
2  Master of Shapes 
2  Mischief in a Mean Way 
5  Never Refuse 
2  Open to the Summons 
3  Pallando's Apprentice 
2  Piercing All Shadows 
1  Plotting Ruin 
2  Pocketed Robes 
1  Power Relinquished to Artifice 
1  Promptings of Wisdom 
1  Prophet of Doom 
1  Saruman's Ring 
2  Shifter of Hues 
1  Something Else at Work 
1  Spells Born of Discord 
1  The Black Council 
1  The Fiery Blade 
2  The Forge-master 
1  The Fortress of Isen 
2  The Grey Hat 
1  The White Council 
1  The White Hand 
1  The White Wizard 
6  Thrall of the Voice 
2  Truths of Doom 
2  War-forges 
1  Winged Change-master 
4  Wizard's Myrmidon 
1  Wizard's Trove 
Short-event (28)
2  Blind to the West 
5  Crept Along Cleverly 
5  Echoes of the Song 
1  Govern the Storms 
6  Ire of the East 
4  Poison of his Voice 
2  Rolled down to the Sea 
2  White Light Broken 
1  Whole Villages Roused 
Special Item (8)
1  Blasting Fire 
1  Keys of Orthanc 
2  Keys to the White Towers 
2  Liquid Fire 
2  Vile Fumes 
character (11)
3  Ill-favoured Fellow 
2  Lugdush 
4  Sly Southerner 
2  Squint-eyed Brute 
Seems like 1 card got swallowed by Card Num. Still working out that formatting.
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