Feature Request: keeping avatar secret

Discussion of the web-based platform for MECCG.

Moderator: rezwits

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It would be nice if an unrevealed avatar did not show up in the load game screen. A savvy user can use this to immediately tell what avatar their opponent is playing. A nice alternative would be some canned image of the category of opponent (wizard, minion); recall that Fallen Wizards/Balrog normally have to declare so those can show up as they do currently.

This is minor and I imagine will be too annoying to implement, but wanted to document it here. :)
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My gosh thank you for recognizing how annoying this would be to implement, but YES, you are correct that I should get this fixed. Due to the fact that games can go about 4 hours, and in the 1st or 2nd hour of a 4 day save session, avatars definitely can STILL not be known.

I got two things that are a couple day projects NOW, that I have to get done.

1. The Location card back for hands, is priority (almost) ONE.
2. The (this) disclosure of Avatars in a timely fashion.

The problem with the Avatar disclosure, which we are discussing, is that there are two files for Saved Games.

I had to separate the saved game into two files. I did this for speed, because when the play area loads, the browser opens up small little "saved game info (header) files", with very minimal information 20 x 1KB files = 20KB, instead of 20 x 2-5MB files = 40MB, which is way faster loading, and as the games grow they can get to be like 20-30 MB each. So imagine a guy who has 20 games for the year at 20MB each, that would be 400MB he would have to load every time he loaded the Play page, instead of 40KB, big difference.

So the Saved Game browser has all of the "header" files, and then when you pick one it's like, OK load the that huge 40MB saved game. hah huge, kinda funny but for Internet kinda is. But here is the thing:

The Header Files, have those avatars, and once they are created they are locked in, they don't change much at all, if any.

But what I'll have to do is create some kinda function that "reaches" into the two separate areas, the game area and the overall website area. Much like the Hero Pallando flag function, and once revealed, and the game is saved is checks that flag, and then reveals the avatar in the header file.

I think I can do this. :D. We'll see, but that's the rub...
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