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Gollum, Hoard items: two ideas

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:51 pm
by DuncanNeeds2Shave
I apologize if either of these have ever been brought up before, but I'd like to hear others' opinions.

1. In addition to Moria and Goblin Gate, Gollum should also be playable at the Under-Grottos's literally where he lives.


2. Wizard's Staff should NOT be a hoard item (because it makes no thematic sense based on the source material), and The Arkenstone SHOULD be a hoard item (because it makes perfect thematic sense based on the source material).

Re: Gollum, Hoard items: two ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:20 am
by CDavis7M
Some of these ideas are implemented in the Dream Card (DC) game format. In DC, My Precious has a Homesite at Under Grottos and the Arkenstone is a hoard item (and a "treasure" ).