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Arda at gccg

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:25 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
Good news, for those who play gccg via subversion, there is a sample Arda deck I made which can be played at a 3 or 4 player table.

Player 1 has the playdeck, player 2 the character and minors deck (=sideboard), and player 3 the MP deck. A potential 4th player can also play the minors deck. All players have their own site deck.

Everybody can draw from all piles, but only the correct players can discard cards to his corresponding discard pile (which is a bit tricky therefore).
Drawing cards from other player's decks is done by reserving them first, then take to hand.

It is advisable that the more experienced player plays with the character/minors deck, because that's where most mutations/actions take place.

Give it a try if you will, and let us know how it can be improved. Or if you're a programmer, please report yourself and help us out!

edit: deck now also in attachment for non subversion users

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:51 am
by Frodo
Oh, YOU"RE the one who came up with this! I just saw Vastor trying it out... it looked very cool!

Nice ingenuity with the deck structures. I forgot about "Setting cards aside" to get around the issue with seeing what you draw from another's deck.

Let ARDA live on! Why don't you post the GCCG file to this thread?


Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 8:56 am
by Thorsten the Traveller
hehe, funny man, my nick in gccg is Adanedhel, so I was actually playing that game with Vastor. Now I understand why you ignored me :wink:

deck is attached above...

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:27 am
by Vastor Peredhil
Hello you 2,

well even if you import the ARDA deck, it might not be to stable since your missing cards from other virtual and or dream card sets

@frodo: you need to get a SVN (Share User Network) working for you (so working for Mac I guess)

I am not sure if Pando works for that, but you could try to use the checkout adress in the new access post: ... .php?t=903

but make sure to keep it seperate from your old stuff, unless you KNOW what you are doing

mfg Nicolai

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:06 pm
by Frodo
Vastor or Eric, can you please post the other problems you had with using ARDA on gccg?

Also, is it worth asking a programmer if he/she would implement a code or toggle feature that would allow people to draw cards from their opponent's decks?


Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:32 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
yes we continued the game a bit this evening actually.

The way I designed it, each player plays a deck: MP, Play Deck, Character Deck/Minor Deck

this means:
- players draw cards from decks that are not their own. This can only be done indirectly, by reserving a card, next taking it to hand. This is a bit cumbersome but can be managed.

- likewise, you can't discard cards directly that don't belong to your deck. The person playing that deck has to discard them for you (which for playdeck means alot of action for one player), possibly by setting them aside (to make it known/clear you want to discard the card). If you discard the card yourself, it'll go to your own discard pile and thus the decks get mixed up.
If there is no recycling whatsoever involved, and game ends before a deck is exhausted, then there is no problem, but this seriously limits the game.

- MP count doesn't work, since the cards you play worth mp's coming from other decks, won't be added to your total but to the total of the player playing that deck. eg. all creatures belong to the play deck, so all defeated creatures will be added to the total of the player playing the play deck. This can be circumvented by taking the defeated creature to hand and play it yourself as if your card (likewise for characters), so it's a bit of hussle but not that big.

Of course it is possible to make a single deck: pool=character/minor deck, deck=playdeck, sideboard=mp deck.
This however doesn't change any of the problems above, except that it is clear that one guy has to do the action of deleting for all cards involved, and that is at least a bit easier. Since you only have one discard pile then also, this would mean all cards (play/mp/char/minor) get mixed in there anyway.
Added malus would be, that in the 3 or 4 deck option, everyone has their own site deck, but in the single deck option you'd have to look up the sites from collection. Therefore I don't think this is the way to go, currently.

What is needed:
-impersonal decks, decks that don't belong to any player, while each player can draw from them and discard to the apropriate discard pile.
-how the mp count would work then, I do not know.

-if this is therefore not manageble or desirable, then we'd need a way to draw from all decks without reserving cards, and more importantly, a way to discard a card to the correct player's pile, no matter who does the discarding.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:48 pm
by Frodo
Thanks for the analysis.

I should point out that if a player loads any hero deck whatsoever, but only utilizes the deck of the player who has load the ARDA deck, then that other player(s) will have access to all sites. In other words, having one player with one ARDA deck still seems possible, provided that all players load location-only decks.
