DC First Folk

Moderators: Vastor Peredhil, Thorsten the Traveller

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Thorsten the Traveller
Ex Council Chairman
Posts: 1766
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:44 pm
Location: Tilburg, Netherlands

Hello Meccg-community and Dreamcard fans!

For any information about the First Folk project, the wonderful card-ideas for the Durin's Folk and Firstborn dreamcard expansions, send me a personal message at this forum (and/or check gccg).

Para obtener más información sobre el proyecto First Folk, las maravillosas ideas para cartas de los Durin's Folk y Firstborn, mándame un mensaje personal en este forum (y/o conecta a gccg).
Stone-age did not end because man ran out of rocks.
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