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Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

Herein lays the history of the Tale of the Shadow as told by Dirhaval in the Fourth Age.

Before Peter Jackson and the making of the three movies in New Zealand, there was a power.
ICE, Inc. was this power who coveted the expansion of MECCG in its own designs. It gathered
the passionate hearts of artists, play-testers and gamers under its banner to build a game worthy of
Middle-Earth. MECCG flourished with its first set of cards and continued with two expansions.
Nazgûl could hunt down a hobbit in Eriador or an elf could sing to the Stars of Varda in METW.
Terror and Might aroused with Dragons guarding their hoards on the release of METD.
Peace and prosperity were welcoming ICE and its loyal players. Dissident uproared with the
agents of MEDM, but echoes of lost treasures where heard from the forgotten realm of the under-deeps.
Rules and mechanics were unraveling to threaten MECCG to the doom of all.

Tournaments were held over the world to celebrate this new order of things. Under this blissful cloth
sat a rooted greed with its own purpose. The Balrog and the Lidless Eye where seeking a place
of their own and listened to ICEs promises of expansions. Many players were leaving for new lands
in the Northern Waste to the north, Rhûn to the east and Harad to the south. A storm was taking
shape in Mordor; the wind blew a cold hand and the sky darken. A new game was born with MELE,
but it signaled the end of ICE. MEAS placed a shadow on ICE and hope of a recovery was bleak -
its noon had passed. MEBA went to public and was the last expansion to do so. Others, as the
Northern Waste, Elven and Dwarven Lords were stopped. Another, War of the Ring, was only in its
infancy when the hour of doom struck. MECCG fell to ruin as quickly as it rose to prominence among
the CCG genre.

Many players kept alive the game in small places among the tall towers of old and deep in the mines
of the forgotten. They all traveled on the web to play in safety and share various rulings. Hidden vales
were places of tournaments but only the sharp hobbit and elven ears knew any truth to these locations.
Some who survived the catastrophe began to join with the second-born (those who came after the downfall)
and shared knowledge and stories. Cards and expansions that were thought lost were now renewed
and completed. More are being made today, waiting for the one who will unite all of MECCG. Scribes
began to piece together the old rules so the Council can remedy the ills of the game.

During the decline MECCG in the late 1990’s; a traveler was destined to seek a way to meld various
themes and strategies which MECCG churned out in the cards. He had questions of “Can there be a
way to have all the major players contend for the supremacy of Middle-Earth?” The five wizards will
fight against Sauron and his nine Ringwraiths. The Balrog will show his might in this final game. The First
Theme was played. No victor was crowned and many were lost. The game began to take shape, as it
can be noticed in it now, but news came from the Northern Waste and from the Dwarves of
Khazad-dûm - the Elves of Evermist and a imprisoned Balrog. Others too had the desire to nurture
the game to its full potential.

The Second Theme was played. Decks were created and war was near when something unexpected
happen. Many things were introduced that was not in the two themes. As the morning light washes the
land, Lords and Ringwraiths came from their hidden domains to lead armies. The War continued now
with 40 in the fray. This 40-player match required new rules and cards plus a bigger land to contain all
the action. Forochel, Rhûn and Harad came expansion from the netizens escaping the Shadow. Factions
were given orders to marshal and attack. Sauron was pleased, for his plans were being ripened by
the disorder. Mordor was preparing for its final assault and now, all the pieces are in place to wage this
War and the hunt for his ring. The Ring must be found by the Free Peoples, or the song of light will not
be sung ever more under the Sun and Moon until the revision of MECCG.
The Third Theme is now waiting for those to begin it.

Coming soon to a hobbit-hole near you.
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:39 am

The Third Theme has begun; full 40-player testing. 10 turns are complete. Much has been learned.
Stay turned for the game notes; yes I kept notes of the turns. Not the best at remembering updating corruption points
or body stats, but the rolls were true.
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