For reference, here is the original card text:
When parsed closely, the timing works as follows:The direct influence of each Wizard is reduced by 2 (by 4 if Doors of Night is in play). Discard all resource permanent‐ events that have been played on each company with a Wizard (i.e., on the company as a whole, not individual characters, e.g., Fellowship). No such cards may be played on each Wizardʹs company. Discard this card when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated.
1. The direct influence of each Wizard is reduced by 2 (by 4 if Doors of Night is in play): The application of this attribute modification is an action triggered by a passive condition; for each Wizard in play, Stormcrow checks whether Doors of Night is also in play and then applies the appropriate modification to the Wizard’s direct influence. Regardless of whether Stormcrow is already in play when a Wizard is played, or if a Wizard is already in play when Stormcrow is played, this DI-reducing effect initiates a new chain of effects per the normal rules for passive conditions.
2. Discard all resource permanent-events that have been played on each company with a Wizard: This is also an action caused by a passive condition, which checks if there is a resource permanent-event played on a company with a Wizard and then discards each of those resource permanent-events. But, unlike the DI-reducing action, this discarding effect is declared and resolved immediately whenever the passive condition is met (without a chain of effects) due to Annotation 9a:
So as soon as Stormcrow resolves, resource permanent-events played on the Wizard’s company are immediately discarded prior to the DI-reducing effect being implemented in the subsequent chain of effects.”If a card is required to be discarded by some passive condition, the card is discarded immediately when the condition resolves, not in the following chain of effects.”
3. No such cards may be played on each Wizard's company: This is a rule effect that is implemented immediately when Stormcrow resolves. It is not an action, but rather a new rule that prohibits the prescribed actions from being taken while it is in effect.
4. Discard this card when any play deck is exhausted: This is another passive condition effect that is declared and resolved immediately when any play deck is exhausted, per Annotation 9a.