2010s tournament lethargy

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Dear community,
I want to raise a topic that has been much talked and complained about, but no real reasons were found: Most of the 2010 events are over and (besides spannish nats) they all had a significanty smaller number of participants than in the previous years. As I would be really said if this is more than an exception, I would like to get some information on how this happened. I am specifically talking about the European Championships in Rome, as Worlds in Cordoba have an obvious financial reason and reasons at national tournaments may vary widely. For those not aware: There were 14 players: 4 of em being german, 3 spannish, 2 austrian, rest italian. What was the reason for all the others to not come? Maybe some one could also give as a translated summary on what appeared to be the reason on the spannish forum.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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I'll just repost here part of what I just posted a minute ago at the Worldsgccg thread (funny coincidence):

"...maybe we have to conclude that the appeal of playing this type of game [the GO] is wearing off? Without going into an in-depth analysis here, it seems to me the tournament scene has shifted from a time when people played because it was exciting to encounter new strategies, to a time when people love a tactical battle knowing exactly what they'll encounter. This takes another type of player.

On the other hand, initiatives to renew the game have not met with great success either, yet. So perhaps it is indeed the stuff of life that will eventually bring the game down (in a time where youngsters prefer more active and/or visually stimulating games). I've found that older players either lack time or energy/interest to invest in learning a new meccg type of game. So probably it's a combination of both factors: wives and fatigue (or is that the same factor? :D )"

As for Rome, my personal reason is that I prefer not to use my summer sweating over cards in a bar. As great as Worlds Antwerp was, coming from the north, it was also a waste of precious sunshine and I enjoy outdoors activities. Planning an EC is better in fall/winter. Sitting in a castle in Februari when the world is snowed in, that's great. I think that the success of Lure has also diminished the need for other international gatherings, in Europe.
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i must say that i was very surprised about the online champs, i agree with Heiner's words that it is more disappointing than RL worlds because it is free and you play at your home.
On one hand i am disappointed as well with ARG players for not showing up, but on the other, i understand that it is not cheap even for our own players to come so for foreign players it is even harder. In cordoba's tourney i think the main problem was costs, but i'm not sure what happened to European and Online championships because if you can't find time to play once or twice per year then the game may be in trouble.
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Bandobras Took
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Personally speaking, I'm too poor to go to any real world events that aren't set in Provo, Utah.

As for the GCCG champs, they happened to be on a date where I did have time. If they had been held this weekend, I might have had to pass.

Vastor sets up a poll for his dreamcard events where he takes votes for the best date -- perhaps something similar could be done for the GCCG championship.
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i did the same for RL worlds, but only Heiner came and there were multiple players that told me they could come... I'm not sure how much useful those polls are
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I think that If you want many players for a general opponent event (Worlds, European championship), you must organize it in the Netherlands, Belgium, or Northern Germany. It must be also a 3 or 4 day event.
For a French player, it was too expensive to go to Rome for only 2 days.
Organize something in July or August is not a good idea. People are on holidays. It is better in fall/winter.
Side events must be organized too (dreamcards, Arda, scenario games...). So, everybody can find an interest to come...
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or Spain, which has a huge player community and probably one of the most competitive
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i gwanunig
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to house large events to need a basis a player so that the people from far away will not be the only ones that are playing, or so.

that was true for or EC & Worlds this year.

in my opinion you must not use a poll to verify the amount of people that will come, or if someone comes

we are (at least in europe) unfortunatly a small enough group to know each other

I always combine the worlds or EC with holiday/sightseeing so for me summer is also fine for playing

br i.g.
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Most of the reasons are named above.

So what should we do?

The easiest thing would be to expand the LURE.
One day more would give us more time for gaming and conversation.


The event have the same date every year (no summertime)
You can plan it one year in advance (myself book the flight not later than april the year before - so really cheap prices) Players, whoever wants to play are not busy at that time (greetings to Mikko :lol:)
All players find their tournaments and there opponnents. All innexperienced players will raise their knowledge and will reduce their distance to the top or will have only fun for a weekend (greetings to Gert :))
Nobody have to organize an elaborate event (Worlds, Europeans) - the only work is to referee a tournament there. We hold GO and crown the real champion.

So all players are encouraged to spend more energy to support wolfgang with new ideas, new equipment, perhaps activate sponsoring etc.
and i do not mean to do any posting here ........

Ok we will not find Marcos :( or american players but for me is this the right way to uphold the game and the community.

Note: GCCG is a great support and a really competentive instrument to play the game but it will never fully replace the face to face fight (subjective anouncement :| )
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Bernd, there is no need to replace the face to face gaming for the online gaming, that is 100% sure, but i think that both need to be encouraged to grow.

Always keep in mind that there is a lot of people that doesnt have a chance to find a playing partner in his area or can't travel because it might be too expensive, so GCCG is there for us. We need to think on all aspects of the game to keep it alive.

Besides that, i agree with you, lure is the event that gathers most people every year, so i guess the "long expected party" should be celebrated there
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