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look in here for the "working offline" thing
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Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:49 pm

Hello there,

My name is Rodrigo and I'm a 28y chilean player living in Vancouver, Canada. I started to play MECCG back in 1997 maybe, and from then, I fell in love with the game. hahaha, never played another card game after...(well, maybe magic a couple of times and pocker). My major collection is in Chile, but I have here my Challenge decks and a couple of boxes that I bought from ebay, and I would love to play, but I haven't found players in my area. I'm totally gonna try the online game and see how it goes. If anyone is from British Columbia, or knows players in my area, please contact me!

Best regards everyone...thanks for keeping alive this game, which is for me and many others, a complete piece of art.

Rod or unborn...whatever you prefer.
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Joined: Tue May 31, 2011 12:50 pm

Hello all,

I'm all new here... And happy to be here.

I'm a 27 years old French player. I've played meccg when I was 12 and just found my cards back so, I'm intending to do a revival with friends.

I hope i'll find here all informations I need. And I don't doubt on it.

See ya...
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Location: Chalon sur Saône, France

tartopom wrote:Hello all,
I'm all new here... And happy to be here.
I'm a 27 years old French player. I've played meccg when I was 12 and just found my cards back so, I'm intending to do a revival with friends.
I hope i'll find here all informations I need. And I don't doubt on it.
See ya...
Hello tartopom !
Don't hesitate to post on the french subforum : ... =74&t=1672
Maybe some players live in your region !
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Location: Ancona - Italy


my name is Luigi, from Italy. I participated to some Lure (VII, VIII, IX and X) and some competitions (especially in Belgium, Italy and France), but I love this game since 1995.
I live in Italy now (I use to live in Belgium before) and my main interests beside MECCG are Boardgames (especially multiplayers) and some live events that I organize (like Cocon: and or and Risveglio: ).
apart of this I also have a farmhouse where we produce good wine and good olive oil...

well bye to all

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Location: Staffordshire, UK

Hi all,

I am returning to this great game after many years. I used to play and trade with a small community of players in the 90s, and rediscovered my old cards last year. My girlfriend and I bought a box of the challenge decks and have been playing against each other, and I am interested in expanding my collection and getting involved in the online community. I am confident with the rules for the Wizards and Dragons sets, but I don't know much about the other sets. I am investigating GCCG and hope to be playing online soon.

All the best, F.
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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Hello, hello.

I think the last time I played MECCG was probably in 1998, when I was in college. My roommates and I all played that and Magic, but after graduation, the cards went into a box for over a decade. I unpacked them a couple days ago, and went looking for card and rarity lists in the Internet, and I found this wonderful place where people still play!

I've already downloaded GCCG (which apparently can be sort of pain when you're a Mac user), spent most of my initial $50, and I think I've almost convinced my college roommates to join me there. (I've also begun reading over the rules again, which are a bit more complicated than I recall. But I'll get there.)

Oddly enough, I couldn't use "curiousgene" as my player name - I had to resort to "curiousg". It makes me wonder if I tried GCCG at some point in the past. I don't remember doing so, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
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Location: Aurora, CO USA

Hi, I am 27 years old and live in Colorado, USA. I have been a fan of Tolkien and Middle Earth since I was 10 and introduced to the book The Hobbit. I have been addicted ever since. I have a small Tolkien collection, and my other main hobby is fish keeping. I have both fresh and saltwater fish tanks. 8-10 years ago I collected MECCG cards. It was during the time when the ICE went bankrupt and places had been sitting on cards for a while and were selling boxes cheap. At one point I had collections of the limited, dragons, white hand sets and partial sets of the others. Well after moving on to other things for a while the cards were stored in the basement. All the cards were destroyed in the flood and I was so pissed I just trashed them.

Its been several years now and I have started to get some more cards together, this time with the aim to play. I have read The Wizards Companion but not actually played a game yet. I have one friend who is semi interested in playing but does not really want to learn all the rules ect. I notice a lot of people talking about playing on-line. Whats that all about? Also, any one here happen to live in the Denver Metro area in Colorado and want to get together and help me learn how to play? I have played Magic and world of Warcraft in the past. Good to know there is still a current group of players out there keeping this game alive!
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Location: Ottawa, ON

Hi all,
it's good to see that the community is still alive :)

Originally from Poland, I started to play in the late 90s, mostly against my brother. After moving out to study I've lost interest in the game, so I missed the peak years of MECCG. Unfortunately, at the time when I decided to come back the number of available opponents was rather limited, thus I only played a few times a year, including on Polish Nationals.
After settling in Toronto, I brought my collection here, but ultimately I've failed to find another player in the area. My cards are limited to TW, TD, DM since I enjoy playing hero vs. hero the most. Although, I only play solitaire scenarios nowadays :oops:
I know that GCCG might be the solution, but I'm not lured by it at all, due to the fact that I spend too much time at front of the computer either way :roll:
Goblin King
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My name is Ralph. I've played this game from the start. I still love it and consider it decades before its time. With the current boardgame craze, I show this game to player and they are amazed. It is a boardgame in card game clothing. And its a solid game all around.
I wish I could find one other person locally that was willing to play on a regular basis. That would make my year.
Anyhow, I proudly own a players set of the cards and will never part with it. When I do get someone to play, it is usually with challenge decks or with the starter kit.
I love the challenge decks and the challenge of strange hazard strategies.
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Location: Boston, MA, United States

Hello, everyone. My name is Paul. I live near Boston, MA. I recently dug out my cards and thought I'd try to find other players in the area. And so I stumbled upon this site. It's great to see there's still an active community around the game! I'm looking forward to checking out the various alternative game formats, dream cards and everything.

I was a poor college student when I discovered the game in '98. I spent every spare penny on the game. The only sets I didn't buy into much were Lidless Eye and Against the Shadow. (As I deck build now I see the large holes this presents. I'll have to see about fixing that...) I love White Hand and Balrog. I imagine WH in particular would greatly benefit from LE and AS cards.

I've been having a blast rediscovering the game the last few weeks. I built a Gandalf / Hobbits deck that absolutely SUCKED against an unstoppable Alatar deck. Now that I've tweaked it I'll have to try again. 8)

Outside of the game I'm a 39-year-old electronics tech who still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. I'm addicted to listening to new music and probably spend too much going to live shows. :wink:
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Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Hi everyone!

My name is Joseph Demme, and I'm from East Petersburg, PA (near Lancaster). I'm a video-editor and make short films on the side.

The stars have aligned, and the people that I used to play with are now living 10 minutes away from my house, so we've been dusting off our cards and playing again. Let me know if you're in the area; maybe we can get together some weekend.
"You can't stop the signal."
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Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:01 pm

Hi all - new member so a quick intro.

I have been a collector / player since the cards released, and lurked on the old MECCG net site. Live in Australia, and collect and/or play a lot of CCGs (and now LCGs). The ones I like the most:

MECCG (heh - obvious I guess)

Magic: The Gathering

Netrunner (looking forward to the imminent resurrection of this game by FFG)

Vs (for the card art - love comics)


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Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:33 am

Hi there,

I'm Severijn and am a new player to the GCCG. I used to play on gccg before the server went down, so I was surprised to find that this game survived transition.
I've been playing this game for a couple of years now, and look forward to play on gccg.

Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:17 am

Hey...I am Wolli,

Playing the game basically from the very start back in 1995.

I was working in a video game store back then and one day a customer introduced the English Limited cards to us.
He explained how the game is played and from this moment on we played several times a week.

1996 the council of Framsburg had been founded by Peter (the guy who introduced the game to us), Martin, several other
players and myself. We played the first tournaments and organized our own: The Gwaihir Cup.
As back then the southern part of Germany was quite active playing MECCG we played the Bavarian Championship (Wanja was still in Konstanz, right?)
and some other tournaments with the very active Nürnberg guys.

Next stop had been the German Nationals in Essen 1997. An amazing event for us as it not only was the first big tournament we visited, but the big MECCG Special Edition Boxes
were released during this event. We spent tons of money on them and opened up hundreds of boosters in our hotel rooms in Bochum. End of this year we played a nice tournament in Neu-Münster
with our friends from the council of Osgiliath. We had met these guys in Essen and as they told us that they are holding a tournament, we went north meeting Birk for the first time :)

1998 White Hand was released and we played the German Nationals in Cologne. This was, as far as I can remember, the biggest German Nationals event with more than 60 players.
Unfortunately we underestimated the impact of White Hand and lost dramatically to all the Fallen Radagast decks :)

1999 we went to the German Nationals in Hamburg meeting Georg again who we played against in Essen already.
He won the Nationals and kindly traded some nice cards to me (this was when I got my first Jinetes de Lobos)...Thanks again George (in case you will ever read this).
Besides that we met Patrick for the first time as far as I remember :) In 1999 I was lucky as well big time being able to trade for a complete set of Japanese Dragons with Takao (we didn't know each other back then as this trade happened over the internet).

After the busy 90s campaigns we took a small break only playing for ourselves without participating in tournaments.

2002 changed this dramatically with us hearing about a great MECCG event to be organized in Hohensolms just some Kilometers away from my new home (Aschaffenburg): Lure of MECCG II
The first one we missed unfortunately, but went to the second...and it was a blast. The atmosphere had been amazing. It was snowing outside and the castle really was great in terms of building up
that middle earth feeling we seemed to have lost a little in 2000 and 2001. This year we went to our first World Championship in Cologne meeting a lot of guys like Heiner or Thomas. It had been a great event. BTW: Peter and myself made a mistake in the online registration for the team play tournament, registering as TEAM ARGENTINA :)...still we managed to finish 3rd in this tournament. 2002 really started our MECCG motivation again...Thanks to Wolfgang and the Lure (Thanks for that mate).

2003 We went to the Worlds in Judenburg, Austria and organized our first German Nationals in Munich. Obviously we went to Lure III as well, this time (for the first time) in Castle Stahleck.

Due to the heavy workload I faced in my job, we were only able to visit the Lure events in 2004 and 2005, but no Championships.

However, in 2005 I met Karsten and Mario in Karben near Frankfurt which was an amazing place for playing MECCG.
Michel, one of our Karben group guys was working in the JUKUZ back then, a place for youngsters and kids to get together and we were able to play there for some years.
It was a great time...lot's of fun and out of this situation we organized the German Nationals 2006 and 2007.

In 2008 my little son was born and Karben closed the doors for us as Michel did not work in the JUKUZ anymore.
Basically with the arrival of the little one, I got less and less time to take care of MECCG and therefore missed some Lures.
Still, 2011 I participated in the German Nationals in Munich and we plan to come to Stahleck for the next Lure in March 2013.

Sorry for the long introduction, but I thought that maybe some of you crossed my way during all those years and therefore I listet the events.
If so...send my a PM. I would be happy to hear from you.
Ah...and sorry as well if I mixed up some years/events here. I tried to pull all of this from the back of my head :)

The bigger they are, the harder they fall...
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