New Game Format (Highländer)

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Allways wondert why you don't start with your avartar in play in the ME card game, if this guy is you...???

So I thought about this format...:
(please tell me what you think about it...)


- 100 Cards minimum. 50/50 hazards and recources. 50% of the hazards must be creatures.
- Each card may be used only once. you cannot play more than 7 Uniqu cards.
- no characters in the deck, these are placed in a special Character-Sideboard with a size of 15 cards.
- up to 15 cards normal sideboard.

Special rules:
- All players roll dice who will be first to choose his or her wizard. This wizard cannot be chosen by the other players.
- Each player starts the game only with his or her wizard, starting at this wizards home site.
- Each players wizard starts the game with the following iteams:
Wizards Ring, Wizards Staff. This iteams cannot be stored, transvered or stolen or discarded in any other way. This iteams give no marsheling and corruption points. The other abilities still affect.

- If the wizard is traveling alone his hazardlimit is 1.
- Characters are played not from hand but from the character sideboard and can only be played at their homesite. They can only be played at a site where the wizard is.

please tell me what you think about it.
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a Highlander deck with 50/50 (100 cards) would seem pretty crazy, at least in my opinion. Especially with only 7 of them unique.
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of cause it is a little bit crazy... but where do you see the problem in certain?
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jhunholz wrote:a Highlander deck with 50/50 (100 cards) would seem pretty crazy, at least in my opinion. Especially with only 7 of them unique.
Magic The Gathering now has a similar format called Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH for short)... however the only restriction (essentially) is that you can only have ONE copy of any given card with the same name / title...

I think the format is neat, though I am not sure about the very small number "cap" on the 7 uniques only...
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highlander is not new to meccg, the thing is that it is not very popular...
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How do you plan on adding 15 hero charakters, that are ALL unique?
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