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Q11 - Promptings of Wisdom

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:25 pm
by Manuel
Do cards like Promptings of Wisdom, Piercing all Shadows and Govern the Storms require a player to choose which effect they are getting?

Short answer:

No, the player gets both effects from tapping the ranger.


There is a significant list of CoE digests that contradict previous ICE digests without solid basis. This committee is making an effort to revert these changes whenever we detect them (with thanks to CDavis7M for his help).

Consider Promptings of Wisdom, Piercing all Shadowsn and Govern the Storms, all of which have similar texts. Here is the text for Promptings of Wisdom as an example:
Light Enchantment. Playable during the organization phase on a ranger. Target ranger may tap to cancel all hazard effects for the rest of the turn that: force his company to return to its site of origin or that tap his company's current or new site. If so tapped, target ranger makes a corruption check. Cannot be duplicated in a given company.
Many have wondered whether the ranger has to choose for one of the effects to apply when tapping, or if both effects apply when he taps.

CoE #105 ruled that the player must choose one effect or the other:

13-03-2006 NetRep: Chad Martin Source


Promptings of Wisdom cancels one effect or the other listed for each time the ranger taps, not both.
However, this contradicts a previous ICE digest:

10-09-1998 NetRep: Van Norton Source


From: Dave Stegman
Subject: Roadblock resources [Van]

Those cards like Promptings of Wisdom, Goldberry, Piercing All Shadows and Govern the Storms... What does the OR mean? Does it mean if you tap them it cancels BOTH effects, or just the effect that you choose to cancel.

First, Goldberry doesn’t have an OR in her text, so this doesn’t apply to her card. The key here is that using Promptings of Wisdom, Piercing All Shadows and Govern the Storms “Cancel all hazard effects for the rest of the turn that:” everything after the ‘that:’ is canceled. There is no choice. There are two different types of things canceled.*

Note, if the OR would have been an AND the hazard would require both conditions to be canceled.
ICE #502 is self-explanatory. When the ranger taps, the player doesn’t have to make a choice; they get the benefit of both effects. This committee has decided to uphold ICE’s original ruling, which applies to Promptings of Wisdom, Piercing all Shadows, and Govern the Storms.

Note that this overturns CoE #105 Q8