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Reluctant Final Parting - where Quickbeam may be played?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:11 pm
by Konrad Klar
Dark Minions: Reluctant Final Parting
Rarity: Uncommon, Precise: U2

Hazard: Permanent-event

Discard any ally if its current site is an Under-deeps site or if its current site's nearest Haven is not the same as the nearest Haven for the site at which the ally can be played. Discard this card when any play deck is exhausted. Cannot be duplicated. "A deep loneliness and sense of loss was on them. They stood silent, reluctant to make the final parting..."-LotRI
Company is at Wellinghall, Reluctant Final Parting is in play and now Quickbeam has been played at Wellinghall; Wellinghall becomes tapped.

Which site is the site at which Quickbeam may be played?

For the reason that Wellinghall is tapped, Quickbeam may not be played there.
For the reason that Quickbeam is already in play, Quickbeam may not be played anywhere.
As bonus: outside of site phase or if company may not do anything or it did not entered yet a site and dis not faced yet eventual AA, agent attack, on-guard creature, Quickbeam may not be played even at untapped Wellinghall.

Re: Reluctant Final Parting - where Quickbeam may be played?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:54 pm
by Bandobras Took
Another case of ICE imprecision. Read "site at which the ally can be played" as "site listed on the ally card."

Re: Reluctant Final Parting - where Quickbeam may be played?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:59 pm
by Konrad Klar
Or "site at which the ally is playable".
Read "read" as "make errata".

Re: Reluctant Final Parting - where Quickbeam may be played?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:34 am
by Mordakai
I understand the wording tricks, but I usually tend to look for the absolute terms. Quickbeam is playable at Wellinghall is a true sentence, even if Wellinghall is tapped or in your discard pile or whatever. Humans have two legs is an absolute truth, and it does not imply that if you are missing one leg, you cease to be a human.

I think I have read somewhere, long ago, an idea of changing "playable at" in allies cards to "Home Sites", as in the character's cards, maybe that could be more consistent, adding "allies may be played at their home sites" or something like that on the rulebook.

But yes, the wording in the game is so... inconsistent sometimes.

Re: Reluctant Final Parting - where Quickbeam may be played?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:25 pm
by Konrad Klar
Or use words with caution.
Items, factions, also may be played at some site not being playable at the site and may be playable at some site and at the same site may not be played at the site.
What would change a changing "playable at" to "Home Site" for the resources, except introducing a necessity of changing all occurrences of "playable at"?
Would distracted authors, players make less errors?
Dark Minions: Mistress Lobelia
Rarity: Uncommon, Precise: U2

Resource: Ally

Unique. Manifestation of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. May only be played at Bag End or Bree. Discard this card if her company moves to any site other than Bree, Old Forest, The White Towers, or a site in The Shire. Tap Mistress Lobelia to search your discard pile or play deck for any one item, ally, of faction playable at her current site. Place the resource in your hand and reshuffle your play deck.
Unlike texts of other allies the text does not say where Mistress Lobelia is playable. But Mistress Lobelia may tap to search for any one item, ally, of faction playable at her current site. (Place the resource in your hand, and even if discard pile is searched, reshuffle your play deck).
Maybe it is not error that Mistress Lobelia is not playable anywhere. Strider cannot search for her and if she is placed with Come at Need, an attack from the card will never be triggered.