One beginner Question regarding MP

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I have on question regarding the counting of MP. My starting Characters have 6 MP. If i am forced to take, lets say Fatty, back to my hand, do i loose this one MP going down to 5? If i stay at 6 and can play him again, will i get this one point again, going to 7? What if a character dies? Do i loose his MPs? If Frodo dies, do i loose his 2 MP + the 2 MP mentioned in his text?

And another small question. I can play a Character at his homeside and at a haven. is it necessary that my Wizard is at the haven present?

Thanks for your help!
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The total MP are incremented positively or negatively with each action, if an item is lost due to a failure in corruption test, the points are lost.

Likewise, if an effect causes a character to go back in your hand, the MP decreased by the character's value.
If you can play a turn after, nothing prevents you from playing it again (you have to follow the rules concerning your wizard and the character's arrival location as well as the limit of one character per turn) when put it into the game, the total MP will increase accordingly.
If it is the same character the operation will have been of no consequence
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You don't need to track MP during the game. You just count it up at the Free Council.

And yes, if your wizard is in play, any new characters that you play either need to be played at the Wizard's site or under the direct influence of some character. Check the Standard Rules for a few more complications.
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