Silky smooth Gondor/Mordor/Harnendor deck
# GCCG v0.9.6.3 Middle-earth deck
# DCCD - Ringwraith - Adunaphel - Faithless Stewards
# Dual Character (2)
2 Dúnadan Mariner (WR)
# Dual Resource (4)
1 Foliant of Warfare (RN)
2 Mighty Steed (TI)
1 Southron Scimitar (SL)
# Hazard (33)
1 Ambusher (TW)
2 An Unexpected Outpost (DM)
1 Corsairs of Umbar (TW)
1 Dunlending Raiders (TD)
1 Fruitless Victory (NE)
2 Lawless Men (LE)
1 Lord of the Woods (FB)
1 Nobody's Friend (DM)
1 Out of Practice (DF)
3 Pick-pocket (TW)
2 Pierced by Many Wounds (DM)
1 Pirates (LE)
3 Rank upon Rank (DM)
1 Ransom (NE)
1 Rats! (LE)
3 Ruffians (WR)
2 Sellswords Between Charters (LE)
1 Taint of Glory (WR)
2 Thrice Outnumbered (LE)
1 Thrice Told Tales (RS)
1 Tidings of Bold Spies (LE)
1 Twilight (TW)
# Minion Character (6)
4 Adûnaphel the Ringwraith (LE)
1 Horseman in the Night (LE)
1 Râisha (DM)
# Minion Resource (29)
1 Ard Once Vain (NE)
1 Black Númenóreans (AS)
1 Cult of the Dark Lord (NE)
3 Dark Embassy (NE)
2 Deeper Shadow (LE)
1 Diversion (LE)
3 In the Name of Mordor (LE)
1 Not Slay Needlessly (LE)
1 Ruse (LE)
1 Secret Book (AS)
1 Southrons [M] (LE)
2 That Ain't No Secret (LE)
1 The Kuilëondo (WR)
1 The Names Among Them (LE)
2 Tribute to Sauron (NE)
1 Umbarean Corsairs (LE)
1 Voices of Malice (LE)
3 Weigh All Things to a Nicety (LE)
2 Well-preserved (AS)
# Dual Character (3)
1 Dúnadan Mariner (WR)
1 Harngorin (SL)
1 Jehn Remak (SL)
# Minion Character (7)
1 Dâiruzôr (BO)
1 Firiel (DM)
1 Ivic (DM)
1 Jerrek (LE)
1 Mélorak (SL)
1 Sangahyando (SL)
1 Súrion (DM)
# Minion Resource (3)
1 Ard Once Vain (NE)
1 Open to the Summons (WH)
1 Orc-liquor (LE)
# Dual Resource (3)
1 Mounted Lance (TI)
1 Oliphaunt (SL)
1 Tarma of Ar-Pharazôn (SL)
# Hazard (11)
1 Angmarim Tribesmen (KN)
1 Cardolanian Whalers (NW)
1 Corsairs of Umbar (TW)
1 Grima Wormtongue (TI)
1 Lure of the Senses (TW)
1 Men of the Wood (NE)
1 Muster Disperses (TW)
1 Stout Men of Gondor (AS)
1 Too Much to Ask (WR)
1 Twilight (TW)
1 Variag Horse-raiders (NE)
# Minion Resource (15)
1 Adûnaphel's Lute (NE)
1 Ancient Secrets (BA)
1 Bright Gold Ring (LE)
1 Faithless Steward (AS)
1 Focus Palantír (LE)
1 Foul-smelling Paste (LE)
1 Haradrim [M] (AS)
1 Heralded Lord (LE)
1 Palantír of Minas Tirith [M] (LE)
1 Palantír of Osgiliath [M] (LE)
1 Phantom Devised by Wizardry (NE)
1 Secret Book (AS)
1 Stabbed Him in His Sleep (LE)
1 Symbol of Malice (KN)
1 Voices of Malice (LE)
# Minion Site (33)
1 Amrûn [M] (SL)
1 An Karagmir [M] (SL)
1 Benish Armon [M] (WR)
1 Bozisha-Dar [M] (SL)
1 Cair Andros [M] (WR)
1 Cairn of the Colruh Hazurbal [M] (SL)
1 Calembel [M] (WR)
1 Dol Amroth [M] (LE)
1 Dol Guldur [M] (LE)
1 Drúadan Forest [M] (LE)
1 Dunharrow [M] (LE)
1 Dûsalan [M] (SL)
1 Geann a-Lisch [M] (LE)
1 Gobel Mírlond [M] (LE)
1 Haudh-in-Gwanûr [M] (LE)
1 Korondaj [M] (SL)
1 Linhir [M] (WR)
1 Lugarlur [M] (NE)
2 Minas Morgul [M] (LE)
1 Minas Tirith [M] (LE)
1 Monastery of the True Faith [M] (SL)
1 Osgiliath [M] (WR)
1 Pelargir [M] (LE)
1 Setmaenen [M] (WR)
1 Southron Oasis [M] (LE)
1 Sturlurtsa [M] (GP)
1 Tharagrondost [M] (WR)
1 The Hospice of Lost Faith [M] (SL)
1 Tolfalas [M] (AS)
1 Umbar [M] (SL)
1 Vale of Erech [M] (LE)
1 Vamag [M] (SL)
DCCD - Ringwraith - Adunaphel - Faithless Stewards
Moderators: Vastor Peredhil, Thorsten the Traveller
- Council Member
- Posts: 1335
- Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:46 am
- Location: Kempen (Niederrhein) Germany
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