For the resource deck, you stay within The Shire, never doing anything unexpected or having any adventures. You don't even go to The Old Forest. Give Welcome to the Unexpected will make your 1MP non-characters worth 2MP. Sapling of the White Tree can be played at Tuckburrow to get The White Tree. Backpacks can be swapped for Secret Books, which can untap the sites (this is still a rules question though). But you do not necessarily need to untap sites as you have many sites to play cards at. You play Mathom Lore at Aden Scarlet's Medical Library. Then, you can fill your Larder-y (Armory) with food minor items. I should add in the minion information MP cards (That's Been Heard Before Tonight & THat Ain't No Secret), as these can be played at Hero sites (the Medical Library) since they do not tap the site. And if Secret Book doesn't work, I'd focus more on the Information. Many of the other resources are used to increase card draw: A Short Rest, Second Breakfast, Dark Tryst, and Own Thoughts and Devices. Bilbo and Gandalf can "Say 'Friend' and Enter" to prevent being Lost in the Free-Domains.
For the hazard deck, the idea is to play Back Riders, which will let Nazgul attack as detainment in
![Shadow Land [-me_sl-]](./images/smilies/me_sl.png)
. Then, Withstand The Nine lets you play a Nazgul keyed to nothing (not as detainment). You can also follow up the detainment Nazgul with Vampires from The Necromancer set. The Nazgul Are Abroad recycle as normal. Lobelia S.B. is included to save Mistress Loeblia for yourself. I left out many of the traditional Nazgul creature attack cards to keep the deck down to 30 and to focus on the new RotS cards. Long Wailing Cry seems like it'd be good against minions, but I don't use it here.
Draft Pool
Bilbo with Gandalf's Friend and Pipe
Fatty Bolger with Thrall of the Voice, following Frodo
Frodo with Wizard's Myrmidon and Backpack
Robin Smallburro, following Bilbo
Sam Gamgee with Backpack
1 Folco Boffin
1 Merry
1 Milo Burrows
1 Pippin
3 Gandalf
30 Resources
1 Bill the Pony
1 Mistress Lobelia
1 Hobbits
2 A Short Rest
2 Sapling of the White Tree
2 Armory
2 Chambers in the Royal Court
1 Give Welcome to the Unexpected
1 Hobbit-lore
2 Own Thoughts and Devices
1 Value Food and Cheer
1 Wizard's Trove
2 Dark Quarrels
2 Dark Tryst
1 Pipe Weed
1 Say 'Friend' and Enter
2 Second Breakfast
3 Twilight
1 Red Book of Westmarch
1 The Bullroarer's Club
30 Hazards
1 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
2 Assassin
2 Cave-drake
3 Vampire
1 Adûnaphel
1 Akhôrahil
1 Dwar of Waw
1 Hoarmûrath of Dír
1 Indûr Dawndeath
1 Khamûl the Easterling
1 Ren the Unclean
1 Witch-king of Angmar
1 Ûvatha the Horseman
3 Black Riders
3 Doors of Night
2 The Nazgûl are Abroad
3 Withstand the Nine
2 An Unexpected Outpost
1 The White Tree
2 Miruvor
2 Mathom Lore
2 Cram
2 Gold Ring that Sauron Fancies
2 A Little Gold Ring
2 Healing Herbs
2 Secret Book
2 Double-dealing
3 Guarded Haven
2 Smoke Rings
2 Longbottom Leaf
1 Beer from the East-farthing
1 Blind to All Else
2 Plotting Ruin