Elrond's Dreamcard Dunk Deck

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Goblin King
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As soon as I saw that Elrond can dunk AND can use Wizard's Test, I had to make this deck. The hazard side could use a little tweaking, but overall, it works. A first turn run to the Dead Marshes with Elven Rope for the Scroll was fun. So was skipping a region with Elven Bridge. Seemed a little too easy honestly. Did I play something incorrectly?

Fosterhome of Royal Heirs*
Thrall of the Voice
Glorfindel w/Trusted Councellor

1 Cram
2 Elven Rope

Gildor Inglorion+
Legolas of Greenwood*
(+in the deck
4 Elrond Half-Elven

3 A Friend or Three
2 A Long Good Talk*
3 Concealment
1 Elf-Song
3 Elven Bridge*
1 Gollum
3 Healing Song*
2 Leaf Brooch
1 Magic Ring of Words
2 Marvels Told
3 Old Friendship
3 Precious Gold Ring
2 Rings of Power*
1 Scroll of Isildur
3 Smoke Rings
2 Thorough Search
1 Treebeard
1 Tom Bombadil
2 Wizard’s Test

40 (10DC)

9 Nazgul
1 Agburanar Ahunt
3 An Unexpected outpost
1 Baduila
1 Bairanax Ahunt
2 Black Crows*
2 Cave Drake
2 Corsairs of Umbar
1 Daelomin at Home
1 Earcaraxe Ahunt
1 Itangast Ahunt
1 Many Sorrows Befall
1 Mouth of Sauron
3 On Their Master’s Errand*
3 Out of Practice*
3 Twilight
2 Withstand the Nine*
2 Words of Power and Terror
40 (10DC)

1 Ash Mountains
1 Cracks of Doom
1 Gollum's Fate
1 Test of Form
1 The One Ring
2 Withdrawn to Mordor

2 Foolish Words
2 Lost in Free-domains
1 My Precious
1 Scatha Ahunt
1 Scorba Ahunt
2 Sea Serpent
2 Stormcrow
2 The Ring's Betrayal
Elves Can Dunk
1 Annalena
1 Arwen
1 Glorfindel
1 Legolas

2 Cram

1 Celeborn
1 Elrohir
1 Elrohir
2 Radagast
1 Saruman

3 A Friend or Three
2 And Forth He Hastened
3 Concealment
1 Elf-song
1 Gollum
2 Leaf Brooch
1 Lucky Search
1 Magic Ring of Words
2 Marvels Told
3 Old Friendship
3 Precious Gold Ring
1 Scroll of Isildur
3 Smoke Rings
2 Thorough Search
2 Wizard's Test

9 Nazgul
1 Agburanar Ahunt
3 An Unexpected outpost
1 Baduila
1 Bairanax Ahunt
2 Cave Drake
2 Corsairs of Umbar
1 Daelomin at Home
1 Earcaraxe Ahunt
1 Fell Beast
1 Itangast Ahunt
1 Many Sorrows Befall
1 Morgul-horse
1 Mouth of Sauron
1 The Pale Sword
3 Twilight

1 Ash Mountains
1 Cracks of Doom
1 Gollum's Fate
1 Test of Form
1 The One Ring
2 Withdrawn to Mordor

2 Foolish Words
2 Lost in Free-domains
1 My Precious
1 Scatha Ahunt
1 Scorba Ahunt
2 Sea Serpent
2 Stormcrow
2 The Ring's Betrayal
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I will definitely give it a try!!
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Thorsten the Traveller
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Is dunking easier for Elrond than for Wizards? Probably not. Is it more satisfying? for sure! Elrond was there at Mt. Doom 3000 years ago, when Isildur ignored his counsel and kept the One Ring for himself. So, you might call your deck "making amends", or "two time's the charm."

I love that you go for A Long Good Talk. It's a great help to Elf-lords and FW's in ring quests, because of their -1 to ring testing (or -2,3,4 if you face Something Else at Work). But it does cost a few extra turns. Typically people try to dunk in 5, as the best way to defeat a dunk deck is outpacing it. The cool thing about ALGT is that you could have Into the Smoking Cone as viable backup, or even as bluff/distraction, for the One Ring strategy. You already have rings and go to Mt Doom, all that's missing is Lost Knowledge (easy with Ancient Knowledge). If you fail to test The One, with ALGT you can store the quest at Mt. Doom.

Anyway, it does mean you need to trim potential fluff from deck, to speed up as much as possible. Here some observations:
- Magic Ring of Words in deck, is that useful? Why not stick Rumours of Rings in, less handclog. Besides, Rings of Power gets a ring to hand, if need be. NB. Dual cards in a hero deck are hero resource, so you could add 3x Rings of Power.
- 3x Friend or Three/Old Friends straight in, you expect massive cc's from the beginning? Sure, if you're lucky you get The One Ring by turn 2, but that's not likely.
- If you do Healing Song, you might consider Escape as canceller. It keeps scouts untapped for Thorough Search (you start 1 scout, who is weak), and actively wounding characters helps to prevent handclog by Healing Song.
- Precious Burden (on a Mallorn-dweller) is also a great way to fish for the Scroll (and cancel a Cave-worm).
- I'd add another Marvels/Voices, Bane of the Ithil-stone can ruin your day.
- Is Elf-song that useful?

The Elven Rope/Bridge combo is cool and useful, but you start 2 Dúnadan rangers, who cannot use Elven Bridge. Extra influence is nice, Anborn's skills good, and you might draw a quick Elladan/Elrohir/Gildor. Still, are you sure this is the best starting company?
Moreover, you start with 4 SP, that's not allowed. So is Fosterhome the best choice?

Hazards are less important, but:
- Add My Precious, that prevents opponent from playing Gollum/Stinker (or even revealing My Precious, perhaps).
- Fell Beast/ Morgul-horse is still useful to make Nazgul attack, and counts as half-creature (by UEP).
- Going for a Dunk, you need not focus on hazards, so why the 3x Outpost?

final thoughts:
- you added your decklist 2x to the post.
- perhaps another Wizard's Test to the SB?
- Elrond uses the Free-hold stage version of Lórien, which won't come back after it's tapped. Luckily you can play a 2nd Leaf Brooch at Cerin Amroth.
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Goblin King
Posts: 240
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:49 am

Thanks for the feedback Traveller!
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