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Spanish Nationals '18 (may 10-13, 2018)

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:43 pm
by Mordakai
As every year since 2009, VIllareal (Valencia, Spain) will held the popular meeting known as "La Quedada ...", being this "La quedada de Villareal 2018, the 10th consecutive tournament held in this place. Here is the link to the national forum where the anouncement was made a few days ago (of course, in Spanish):

The schedule will be more or less the same as any other tournament of this game:

Friday: Wizards-only tournament (just to start the weekend)
Saturday: General Oponent Tournament / Challenge Decks Tournament. At dusk, the true meaning of the tournament: Driking game!!
Sunday: Wizards Sealed, lunch, prize ceremony and farewell.

The GO Tournament will be the Spanish National Championship.