Starwars Worlds - and maybe some MECCG too ...

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Ex Council Chairman
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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:53 pm
Location: salzburg, austria

i got an email from scott church, asking if there is some interest in having some MECCG at their big Starwars event in New Jersey.

here is the original message:
Hey Wolfgang,

This is Scott Church with the Star Wars Players Committee.

I'm not sure if anyone is interested in this but we are holding our Worlds event in October. We have a hotel in New Jersey that we are holding it at with a conference room that is much larger than we need. It is also open 24 hours.

We have contacted the Star Trek PC that keeps that game running and they are going to join us and hold a large event there as well with us.

If you would be interested in running a large event there at the same time we would love to have you. We are charging $100 to rent the extra space from us for the weekend since we are having to pay for the hotel. Depending on the amount of people that show we could lower that for your group as well.

If this is something you are interested in please get back to me.

The date and hotel are listed bellow.

October 8-11th
Princeton Clarion Hotel,
3499 Route 1 South
Princeton, NJ, US, 08540

Please get back to me if interested

Scott Church
Marketing Advocate SWCCGPC
Posts: 31
Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 3:58 pm
Location: Utah

Hey Guys - just a followup here, we have room for around 30-40 extra people at are event without cramping anyone at all. We have invited a few other Player Committee types to this game and it looks like Star Trek CCG is going to join us as well.

We would really be happy to have you come and enjoy gaming with us in a nice location.

We will also have more big events throughout the year like our Worlds event so for the US players that schedule events we would love to have you come to the events.

This helps cut costs when doing it in a place like a hotel for everyone while letting us game in nice places.

Please post if anyone is interested in running an event with us this day or in the future.

Come visit me at or if your in Utah, hit me up at and we can get in a game of cards.
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