[Hero (Saruman) vs. Hero] Return of the King & White Tree

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Character Pool

Starting Company

Aragorn II (Cram)
Beretar (Cram)

Deck Character
Boromir II
3x Saruman

Resource Cards

1x Palantír of Minas Tirith
2x Sapling of the White Tree

1x Noble Hound
1x Tom Bombandil

1x Rangers of the North
1x Army of the Dead

1x Longbottom Leaf
3x Smoke Rings
2x A Short Rest
2x Forewarned Is Forearmed
1x Paths of the Dead
1x Muster
3x Risky Blow
3x Gates of Morning
2x The Cock Crows
2x Dark Quarrels
3x Many Turns and Doublings

Hazard Cards

2x Cave Worm
3x Cave-drake
2x Marsh-drake
1x Rain-drake
3x Ambusher
1x Durin's Bane


1x Adûnaphel
1x Ûvatha the Horseman
1x Mouth of Sauron
1x Balrog of Moria

2x Lure of Nature
1x Despair of the Heart
3x Foolish Words
3x River
3x Twilight
2x An Unexpected Outpost


1x Knights of Dol Amroth
1x Nenseldë the Wingild
1x Align Palantír
1x Return of the King
1x The White Tree

  • Rivendell
  • Edhellond
  • Lórien
  • Minas Tirith: last turn (The White Tree, Palantír of Minas Tirith + Align Palantír, Return of the King)
  • Dol Amroth: plan B if Allies or Factions fail
  • Dunharrow: (Paths of the Dead, Noble Hound)
  • Cameth Brin: (Noble Hound)
  • Vale of Erech: (Das Schattenheer)
  • Bree: (Rangers of the North)
  • Old Forest: (Tom Bombadil)
  • Glittering Caves: (Sapling of the White Tree)
  • Isengard: (Sapling of the White Tree)
Play Notes

Group up Aragorn II and Éomer and head to Glittering Caves or Isengard (depends if you have your Wizard in turn one or not). Saruman can cancel the automatic-attack in Isengard. Beretar and Óin form another company. They move between Bree, Old Forest and Cameth Brin. With Short Rest you can jump between Glittering Caves & Isengard as well as between Bree and Old Forest with the other company. Once you got Paths of the Dead and Army of the Dead in your hand go for it (with Cram and Many Turns and Doublings to reduce the hazardlimit). Last turn you Return the King to Minas Tirith to plant The White Tree and grap the Palantír of Minas Tirith.

The hazards are most easy to play. Due to lack of knowledge of game mechanisms like Agents, timeing of complex hazard combinations and what characters opponents starting company tells about what theme he/she is most likely to play and how to stop it, there are no hazards in the sideboard and no hazard combos to play.

Marshalling Points

Allies: 4 (+2)
Factions: 3 (+3)
Items: 3 (+1)
Charakters: 8 (+3)
Miscellaneous: 10
Kill Points: ca. 3
Total: 31 (ca. +7)
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