Council of Elrond Quarterly Meeting 2023Q2 Minutes

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Council of Elrond Quarterly Meeting
2023Q2 Minutes
June 17, 2023

Present: Alvaro (Mordakai), Ethan (DamienX207), Felipe (fisilva1), Kodi (kodi), Manuel (Manuel), Marc (Sarma72), Marcos (Marcos), Tom (rezwits)

1. Welcome

2. Review of agenda

3. Discussion of committee “leader” proposal
We discussed that it can sometimes be difficult to reach a rapid consensus on urgent matters when members are occupied with their real lives. While it may not be required for every committee, it might make sense in some cases to appoint a leader (as noted below), specifically whoever has the most time to move forward on initiatives.

4. Committee updates

a. Rules Oversight – Leader: Manuel
CRF 17 has been published, and an e-mail address has been created for future rules questions (replacing the “NetRep” position for now). We are approximately 75% of the way through the initial draft of a Comprehensive Rules Document synthesizing all of the game rules into a single unified resource, which we hope to finish by this fall. We are also currently working (with helpers, who we appreciate!) on collecting “tricky rules” questions from games, forums, etc., and compiling answers to those for a new rules digest soon.

b. Public Relations – Leader: Kodi (who will be joining the committee)
We had an in-depth discussion about the banning of CDavis7M from the forum. We concluded that the ban will be upheld for 3 months, and then at our next meeting the Council will reevaluate CDavis7M’s behavior on other platforms to consider lifting the forum ban.
TASK: Create a new post on the forum in order to clarify that Council of Elrond members are always speaking for themselves in posts, on Discord, etc., unless they explicitly state that they are speaking on behalf of the Council.

c. Organized Play & Game Promotions
We discussed ideas and options for an in-person Worlds 2023. We also hope to hold a digital Worlds tournament, but are waiting for Kodi’s new platform to launch for that.
TASK: Reach out to community for volunteers to help with hosting an in-person Worlds.

d. Web-Based Initiatives
PREVIOUS TASK: Kodi will work on transferring website to a single e-mail and host. UPDATE: Done!
Cardnum has been moved to a new host which should be working faster for European players (although Tom mentioned that not as many Europeans have been trying it out), and new Dream Cards are currently being added from Northern Wastes and Morgoth’s Legacy. Kodi has been working tirelessly on his new platform; the play experience and deck building are working well, but he is still tweaking in small places and adding more features, with an aim to launch the beta by August and launch a public version by end of year. We also want to update the main Council website.
TASK: Committee will figure out best way forward on updating Council of Elrond website.

e. Dream Cards Committee
No updates (Nicolai was not available for this meeting).

f. Administrative Committee – Leader: Alvaro
PREVIOUS TASK: Nicolai will follow up with thenamelessthing to set up a private section for COE communication on Discord. UPDATE: Done!
PREVIOUS TASK: Kodi will set up a private section for COE communication on forum. UPDATE: Done!
PREVIOUS TASK: Public Relations Committee to discuss pros/cons of having the Discord officially endorsed and co-moderated by COE. UPDATE: Done!
PREVIOUS TASK: Administrative Committee will look into best methods for tracking tasks and updates amongst the COE. UPDATE: We researched options and will be setting up Trello for Council-wide tracking.
TASK: Open up the Administrative Committee’s Trello to the rest of the Council, and start using it for tracking tasks.
We have also been working on an updated charter, both internally on the committee and with input from the rest of the Council.
TASK: Alvaro will work on further updating charter based on today’s discussions.

5. Evaluate Meeting

6. Adjourn
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