Dice Tower West

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Red Arrow
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:41 am

I just got back from Dice Tower West! I got to play MECCG and learned the War of the ring card game. I also wanted to learn the war of the ring board game but was unable to.
I went to the convention with Beren and there we met Bruce who is part of our SoCal Group. there we met Ryan Roper who did a fabulous job running MECCG events at DTW. Kudos Ryan!
Ryan taught a lot of people how to play MECCG using Christopher Davis 'Redbook of MECCG' through out the convention. I wish we could've been there earlier to help. I was glad Bruce got there to help him on Friday.
So on Saturday afternoon there was Me, Beren, Bruce, Ryan and a newcomer Thomas. Me and Bruce played a rematch of our decks from Strategicon last February. My reluctance to split my group cost me the game and lost to Bruce by 6MPs. Meanwhile Beren and Ryan used the redbook decks to teach Thomas via a 3-way multiplayer game. I can't remember who won the 3-way game.
After that me and Ryan played a challenge deck game. We didn't realize we both had the pallando deck until the draft. All the main characters bounced! And then he got to play Pallando first. We could only play an hour so the game was cut short. Ryan won the match handily. After that we had to leave for dinner. We were planning on coming back to the con but we were tired and decided not too.
On Sunday me and Beren joined a demo event to learn the War of the Ring the Card game. It's a good game, I liked it but MECCG is still my Fave!
DTW IMHO was a very good convention. Hopefully I can come back next year.

Red Arrow
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