StrategiCon Feb 2020 - DC Playtest Frenzy Part 2

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Dain Dwarf-Lord vs Dan’s Dwarf-Pack

Starting Characters: Thorin III Stonehelm; Balin (DC); Nain, Son of Gror
Starting Stage Cards: Trusted Companion (on Thorin III), Son of Nain, Dwarves Heirlooms
Starting Minor Items: Dragon Marked in Red, Jewel of Beleriand (on Nain), Arrows Shorn of Ebony (on Thorin III)

The one and only DC game on Saturday was a rematch with Dan to bookend the previous night’s engagement in Eriador, with the venue changed to Dragon country. My Dain deck has been in existence for a few years now, but I tightened it up to the 30/30 format and added Dragon Marked in Red from the Necromancer set. Son of Nain retrieves Strength of Ered Engrin and non-unique dwarf characters dumped into the discard pile from the sideboard at the avatar’s first opportunity, while Dwarven Heirlooms allows the company to start with the Jewel and Arrows. Thorin III with Trusted Companion controls the DC manifestation of Balin, since Dwarf-Lords can do that sort of thing, while Nain carries the Jewel to make him a more palatable 5/7.

The resource side works for all the usual high-value targets in Dragon country, though am still mulling the mix of items against either Clad for War or Legacy of Smiths. Carc starts in the sideboard but is also targeted for the initial dump to the discard pile, as this ally is playable at any tapped non-haven site in Northern Rhovanion. The 8 DC cards include some very nice supports such as Old Grudge, Children of Aule, and Pale Enchanted Gold (not to keep, but to assist in influence attempts). Profitable Trade is also here, though the recruitment of the Wood-Elves is problematical and is perhaps better suited for a longer game/thicker deck. However, the main conceit of the deck is the use of Dragon-Feuds to cancel Dragon and drake attacks, so the hazard side is well over the 12-creature minimum, to include the otherwise hard-to-play Ash-Drake from the Necromancer set. Combined with helpers such as Leucareuth at Home and five Marvels Tolds/Voices of Malice, Dain hopes to roam Dragon country in relative safety and quickly gather enough MPs for the Day of Reckoning.

All the best plans in the world are well and good, but Dan beat me to the draw and raced around the Withered Heath, gathered up most of his items (some of which were ones I wanted, obviously), getting past the autos with his ever-present Risky Blows, and booked out of Dragon country before my own drake hazards appeared. I tarried around Northern Rhovanion a bit and sideboarded in replacement items (including the Magical Harp) so I can complete my own missions. Unfortunately, during the return to the Iron-Hill Dwarf-Hold, I declined to play a Dragon-Feud (even had 2 drakes in hand as well) in hopes of waiting for a better/outbound turn, when the party was accosted by a Fire Drake, resulting in the demise of Thorin III. Luckily I was able to obtain enough faction MPs to be within a couple of points of Dan by the game’s end, so after some disappointments the deck started to show some resilience.

I did notice Dan playing this same deck later on in the weekend, though his main anchor, Thrain, had bitten the dust against a very energetic challenge deck that our new core member from Salinas-Monterey (Kaonee) was playing. I confirmed with Dan if he really liked Thrain a lot, and given that his deck also delved somewhat into the Under-Deeps, I promised Dan I’d compose a Thrain Dwarf-Lord deck for him next time.

Necromancer vs Ralph’s Fallen Gandalf

Starting Characters: The Grimburgoth; Baduila; 2 x Sly Southerners
Starting Minor Items: Dragon Marked in Red; 2 x Open to the Summons

The Goblin King was a last-minute confirmation for the gaming convention this past weekend, and we were very happy to have him join the festivities. He joined me on the drive back home Saturday night (I never stay at the hotel location, as I have farm chores back home every morning), and going there and back again we talked quite a bit about his past MECCG experiences. I’ve only been playing this game only 10 years, and I am always amazed at the marvels told of the tournament scene back in the 1990s and the early 2000s. We also talked about possibilities for future tourneys this year and next…more on this later.

My new Necromancer deck was a straight adaptation of my existing Lidless Eye/Dragon Faction deck, with the beefy Grimburgoth and Baduila replacing Troll Commanders. I use Sly Southerners for their Orc Scouts attribute to sneak past the Dragon site autos, though Unabated in Malice has been and will continue to be an issue with this approach; however, these Half-Orcs are in the company of Men only, so they do not make the company overt and thus avoid the + hazard limit of the Necromancer avatar, plus they count only 1/2 towards the hazard limit. In the deck are minion Nain who will sit at Dol Guldur to use Voices of Malice, and also the Mouth, who may stay at home and retrieve cards from the discard pile, or recruit Dragon factions himself if the need arises.

The minion Dragon Marked in Red is so much better than the hero version, and I included two copies of He Wields Great Dominion to hopefully get one on the board early. Orc-Cuirass and Bloodspike are nice additions to the weapons rack and help fulfill the 8-card minimum, while Deadly Laughter is a nice answer to all the anti-minion Elf and Maia hazards. I used both copies of Large Warrior Loose during the game, though it’s unclear whether they were all that effective. On the hazard side, I supplemented the usual northern-tier drakes with Tidings and Unabated in Malice from the basic game, along with DC cards Ta-Fa-Lisch (as a trap card for hoard-item sites) and Fruitless Victory (to recycle high-value creature hazards, especially in case I run into Alatar). I did think about Consumed by Dragon-Fire, and though I didn’t get around to it, this card looks like a potential late-game clincher *if* you can cash in the greater item (Wormsbane, in particular) to recruit a Dragon faction and still retain the 2 MPs.

The board was set and I didn’t expect that either The Goblin King or I would be interfering much with each other’s plans. I did not draw the Necromancer initially, but I dutifully played Revealed to All Watchers to successfully retrieve my avatar during my first hazard turn, played him at the beginning of my next org phase—and proceeded to sideboard! I compounded the error by not realizing what I had done until I drew cards for my initial move from Dol Guldur to Sarn Goriwing, until the major item I thought I had top-decked did not appear. I sheepishly looked up at Ralph and told him he was supposed to remind me to never ever sideboard after I play Revealed—we had a good laugh, but that set me a turn behind and things went downhill from there. The worst was when both Grimburgoth and Baduila were injured and had to slink back home to heal up. In spite of having successfully recruited a couple of Dragon factions, I had to sacrifice items to do so, so it was time to concede.

Balin Dwarf-Lord vs DC Balrog

Starting Characters: Nain; Threlin; Gulla; Thorin II
Starting Stage Cards: Trusted Companion (on Thorin II), Oakenshield (on Thorin II), Son of Fundin
Starting Minor Items: Shadow-Cloak, Shield of Iron-Bound Ash (on Threlin); Elven Cloak (on Gulla)

Sunday afternoon finally saw my first and only match with Chris all weekend, as he was indisposed with both a Hero Arda and a Dark Arda game and with Gandalf Gene on some pretty in-depth rules discussions. What transpired was the wildest and certainly the most entertaining game I’ve played in a very long time, probably since Gene and I engaged in a 3-hour long battle with *basic hero challenge decks* back in 2013 during ConQuest at Sacramento. The battle swayed firmly to one side, then tipped towards the other side, and settled in a hard-fought stalemate after both decks cycled.

Minion Nain from the basic game is probably my most-used character, as he is in virtually all the minion decks I’ve composed and is present in many Fallen Wizard decks as well. Being a sage certainly makes him useful, as does the very manageable 3 mind. Threlin and Gulla go together quite well, with one controlling the other and offering complementary skillsets; Gulla’s home site of Carn Dum came into play in this game. Most of all, I was fascinated with making Thorin II the muscle of Lord Balin’s party, to the extent that I started Oakenshield on him instead of going with Balin, Dwarf of All Trades. Going forward, that will be my choice, as the ability to recycle *directly to your hand* all of my customary resource cancellers on both the hero and minion gives Lord Balin a very nice edge. And this is the way the Company should have been from the beginning—Balin has the wisdom to be the leader of the quest to regain Erebor, while Thorin provides the muscle.

Resource items are a very good blend of old-school weapons and DC additions, perfectly suited for Clad for War and aided by the availability of Crimson Hood (a staging card for Balin that is also a helmet!). I even threw in a couple of Legendary Hoards to play against my own Scorba at Home, which just seems to be a much more approachable target than Smaug at Home out east. The hazard side was a typical Free Peoples creature mix supported by Chills and supplemented by three copies of DC Dwarves Warparty. Naugrim is there to beef up the Dwarf hazard creatures even further, and the combination of Threat of Many Feet and Flooded to the Surface helps defend the Underdeep surface sites that constitute the greater part of my site deck. I even threw in Ibun for flavor—a fellow group member said the card art looked like it was drawn by a 2nd-grader, and I have to admit that I don’t totally disagree. :)

Chris professed some bad luck with dice rolling for the underdeeps movement, and early on this certainly seemed to be the case. His main party was running afoul of my pumped-up Elf Lords on the surface, and even the Balrog appeared to stumble—rather, hit his head on the roof of a cavern during a Breach the Hold attempt. Meanwhile, my main party was putting on a clinic, starting with Frerin and the Blue Mountain Dwarves faction showing up on Turn 1, though Lord Balin himself did not appear until Turn 4. Turn 2 Orcrist at Carn Dum? Check (with Gulla cancelling the auto). Turn 3 Durin’s Axe at Mount Gram? Check. Turn 4 recruitment of Goldberry at Tom’s House? Check. Turn 5 Khazadshathur at Goblin Gate? Check. The traveling party was well-armed and the mostly Orc autos were easily handled, especially with an Old Grudge on the board, and I opted to keep the party together for safety and the sheer intimidation factor. Things were going so well that I drew but declined to use two Longbottom Leafs, endeavoring instead to quickly get through the deck and call. I should have known things would get worse when a huge Orc Battalion arrived when I was leaving Angmar—pumped up by the number of characters in my company (divided by 2), we calculated the attack as 6 strikes at 10. It arrived at the tail-end of a string of orcs propelled by Two or Three Tribes present, but luckily I had a Flatter a Foe in hand, supplemented by not 1 but 2 Friend or Threes!

I sought one final mission to retrieve the Book of Mazarbul at Moria when things went downhill—I remarked to Chris that his main party had just retrieved the minion Arkenstone over in the Wilderlands, so he ought to drop by and show the treasured jewel to Thorin, and sure enough, he did! As if that wasn’t bad enough, there was a CvCC against the now-weakened party, and it was with a great deal of fortune that the wounded party was able to slink away to freehold Rivendell for some temporary refuge. If I recall correctly, Chris’s party included two of the new Orc Archers from Necromancer—each can tap to give -1 to both prowess and body to a strike, which is downright frightening in CvCC! I did manage to draw my own Arkenstone during the getaway, so I remarked to Chris—who was still having issues with the Balrog’s missions—that before the end of the game I will try to get Thorin II back on the board and reclaim his place at Lord Balin’s side. I sideboarded in a Smoke Rings even though the draw deck was wearing thin, walked back to the Blue Mountain Dwarf Hold to heal up, and in walks Thorin a turn later, followed by a Fellowship! (Only one per company is allowed per DC rules.)

With the deck cycled, I told Chris I was ready to make the attempt with a revitalized party, but realized too late that the Stones was too far to reach, so I had no choice but to walk back into the teeth of the opposition and revisit Carn Dum. Thorin was last seen fleeing Moria to the north, with the Book in one hand and the Arkenstone in the other—he forgot if he dropped or lost or sold the Book for some food along the way, but at least he remembered where the Arkenstone was, lol! In any case, the party grimly marched to Carn Dum, met another 2 or 3 Tribes, and deftly avoided another Orc Battalion with a Ruse courtesy of Threlin—which I now realize I *should not* have been able to cancel had Chris specifically declared the attack to be keyed to the dark-hold, as I don’t think I had either a Secret Entrance or a Crack in the Wall in effect during this last battle, but we were caught up in the moment at the end of a long weekend, so the cancel went through. Gulla cancelled the auto, and the Arkenstone was with the good guys once again! Points were pretty much at a standstill at the end of that turn, and even though Gulla corrupted and ran away with his Durin’s Axe, it was the last check during the Day of Reckoning and everyone else in the party had already benefitted from the Fellowship. Chris and I shook hands and called it a day.
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I realized the non-cancellation effect of Orc-Battalion the next day as well. Also, I remembered that Arkenstone is now a hoard item in DC. But I also had my share of DC mistakes when I was using two leaders - since the Balrog came out earlier than expected discarding A Few Trusty Lads.

Using Gangways over Fire, Hurog was able to go from The Lonely Mountain to The Wind Throne, down through the underdeeps, and up to Moria in a single turn. My main goal was to discard Trusted Councilor Thorin. Discarding the Book of Mazarbul was gravy. By the way, the Arkenstone also messed up Lord Balin's GI and so one of the Dwarves was discarded as well. Minion Arkenson was a lucky early draw against a Dwarf Lord.

Trusted Councilor is definitely overpowered compared to the stage influence boosters in MEWH (except Gandalf's Friend). It gives Thorin 7 DI while he takes up 5 GI. Also great on both Celeborns, Cirdan, Celebrian, Nain, Worm Tongue, and more. A must-have starting stage card even without the GI reduction.

Balin and Company make it to Carn Dum avoiding Orc-Battalion (for now) which was actually 7 strikes at 10 due to Soldiers of the Dark Lord giving +1 strike. It's a neat attack booster that gets discarded when an attack is defeated but not until the end of the turn. What a great mechanic that bypasses the letdown of The Moon is Dead being discarded by your opponent defeating an automatic attack.
Last edited by CDavis7M on Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Greetings Chris,

Thanks for the pictures, as well as for the further clarification of the DC rules! So sad that the Arkenstone is now a hoard item (under "Major DCE"), but it is a righteous change that is a long time coming! It's probably for the best to keep it out of Thorin's sights anyway, as there are plenty of items to gather on the west side--I'll get him a Mithril Coat instead so he can *thematically* give it to Bilbo! 8)

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That fun thematic match could have been even more fun since I also had the shiny coat in my deck!
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Greetings Chris/All,

It took me a week, but I finally finished tweaking (and prepping for the next StrategiCon in late May, assuming travel isn’t impacted) my DC decks per lessons learned from last weekend’s fun-filled play testing. I usually do this on the Monday after StrategiCon, but for the first time in my 20-year tenure in the company, Presidents Day here in the US was *not* a company holiday. So I’ve been reading and re-reading notes and the DC rule books in the evenings to get everything up to speed. Not much happened to the Necromancer deck, except for the addition of some DC cards (including Consumed by Dragon-Fire) to the sideboard to make it (the sideboard) DC-legal, and the DC-fied Fallen Radagast deck got spider hazards instead of Awakened Plants. However, the other 30/30 decks got makeovers—again, any feedback from the DC experts out there would be much appreciated!

Galadriel Elf-Lord

Starting Characters: Celeborn, Lord of Lorien; Aramacar; Celedhring
Starting Stage Cards: Trusted Companion (on Celeborn); Lady of Many Gifts; Lady of Many Visions
Starting Minor Items: Rumours of Rings; Star Glass (on Aramacar); Maranya (on Celedhring)

Lady Galadriel’s fetch cards start the game in hopes of getting Show Things Unbidden and other useful help early. I like the idea of Star Glass use not requiring the bearer to tap (per the Major DCE rulings list), and of course, it can be converted to the Phial; and Aramacar himself can be gold at the undead ring-site autos. Moreover, I’m bowing to much common sense, as well as the dictates of the First Folk rulebook, by starting Celedhring with Maranya, because he is a ring-testing powerhouse right from the get-go. With Celedhring starting, Aegnor in the character pile, and Essays on Ringcraft and Gwaith-i-Mirdain in the deck, testing and getting points for rings should not be a problem. The Elves of Taur Romen are included in the sideboard for a late-game haven-to-haven journey for 3 faction MPs to help with MP balance, and yes, I’ve added to the sideboard The One Ring, Accept the Offering, and 3 copies of A Lady Rules Upon Arda—in case I’m feeling lucky. :)

The hazard side gets the Awakened Plants hazard formerly in the DC Fallen Radagast deck, with the addition of the very old-school Huorns to the creature mix—I neglected to include these last time as I’d totally forgotten they even existed, but with the help of Wrath of the Olvar, a very playable creature with 2 strikes at 11 (attacker chooses) is a good add. I also threw in Nature’s Revenge to make Tree-Herder slightly more playable, though recycling of the unique Ent hazards to give Tree-Herder a boost will still be needed.

Elrond Elf-Lord

Starting Characters: Glorfindel; Erestor; Elladan or Elrohir
Starting Stage Cards: Master-Healer; Possessions of the High Elves
Starting Minor Items: Shield of Iron-Bound Ash (on Erestor), Elven Rope (on Elladan or Elrohir), Elven Cloak (on Erestor)

It became clear in the game against Dan that, unlike in old-school Elrond/Vilya/Great Road decks, the main party might be away from Rivendell virtually all game, so starting Master Healer gives Elrond the ability to sustain missions in all the dark and dangerous places. I’m trying Ascarnil and Ellendiel in the deck, but Celebrian was so useful that am still trying to find a way to start her. I replaced Evenstar with Echo of All Joy, and even though the DC Rules Appendix 1 says Star of High Hope cannot be duplicated, this is still a key card. The hazards are transformed from generic drakes to a more focused Man hazard side, which allows use of two really nice additions from the DC realm—Men of the Wood, and Ransom!

Balin Dwarf-Lord

Starting Characters: Narin; Gulla; Thorin II
Starting Stage Cards: Trusted Companion (on Thorin II); Balin, Dwarf of All Trades
Starting Minor Items: Cram (on Thorin II); Miruvor (on Narin); Shadow-Cloak (on Gulla)

The main change is to replace Threlin and Nain with Narin, partly to reduce the initial hazard limit, but mostly because—with Thorin II controlling Narin—there is 11 free GI at the beginning of the game! There is no intent to equip Narin with the Dwarves Ring of Thelor’s Tribe to activate his special skills, but the three starters are from different tribes to maximize the benefit from Children of Aule, should I be so inclined. Am not sure venturing to the Ruins of Nogrod and Belegost is worth the effort, and item points should not be a problem in any case, especially with the addition of Aiglos and Dragon-Helm, so the work is in acquiring balancing points. Hopefully, with Dwarf of All Trades available at the start, getting the right cancellers will allow Balin and company to move efficiently (especially Secret Entrance/Crack in the Wall covering that all-important descent from Carn Dum to the Iron-Deeps). And instead of the Free Peoples hazard creatures, the hazard side is now all Orcs all the time—I really wanted to have those impressive Orc Battalions on my side this time, and I’ve added the Troll Purse (which I’ve long neglected) to help protect my target sites. Chris, we're ready for a rematch! :D

Thorin Dwarf-Lord

Starting Characters: Narin; Gulla; Balin
Starting Stage Cards: Trusted Companion (on Balin); Son of Thrain; Durin’s Day
Starting Minor Items: Cram (on Balin), Thror’s Map (on Narin), Shadow-Cloak (on Gulla)

This is an entirely new deck I promised to compose for Dan so he can explore the DC realm in the next StrategiCon. The main conceit is to start with Son of Thrain to enable the company to start with Thror’s Map, which (combined with Dwarven Hoard) can quickly obtain any hoard item in nearby sites. Under DC rules, the Arkenstone is now a hoard item, though there are the other usual suspects that are usually acquired in Dragon country but are now in accessible nearby to the Blue Mountain Dwarf-Hold. The dwarves are normally short on sage skills, so Balin is called on to fulfill his book (and movie trilogy) role as Thorin’s main adviser—this manifestation is more survivable and diversely-skilled than his basic-game manifestation, which makes up for the risk of losing 2 MPs, and takes full advantage of Trusted Companion. With the extra remaining mind, a King’s Adviser sits at the Blue Mountain Dwarf-Hold to relieve Balin of Marvels Told/Voice of Malice duties.

Overall, this deck tends to be very item-heavy, so the design iterations indulge Dan’s newly-found interest in delving underground. Origins of Stone and Children of Aule assist in Under-Deeps movement, Great Miners give max value to any ore resources (especially the Arkenstone and Veins of Arda), and Born Under the Mountains gives peace of mind if the Day of Reckoning comes while the main party is still underground. For balance, the Petty-Dwarves faction is playable at Bar-en-Ibun (with a slightly easier auto than Worthy Hills), and additional digging can establish a Deep Mountain Fortress at either The Drowning-Deeps or Durin’s Tower, though reaching and securing either one is no picnic. Among the other DC cards are the Dwarf-Chopper, which is a good weapon in itself but better to be denied to an enterprising Balrog player, and Sulhelka, which is set up via the inclusion of the Witch King (who must act as the second auto at the Iron Deeps if it is in play) on the hazard side. Speaking of hazards, the hazard side is wolves (Dan’s favorite), which makes sense because most wolf creatures do not key on any Under-Deeps (or any) site, and there is also great synergy with the new DC cards Werewolf, Caran-Carach, and Big Bats. We’ll see how this all works at the next StrategiCon in late May, or maybe I will test this out with Gandalf Gene during my next visit to the Royal Court in Cupertino.
Vastor Peredhil
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Durin’s Tower
is a Dungeon not an UDS, it is only a UDS for movement not for cards played there, no Dwarven Light-stone or Deep Mountain Fortress is playable there, but a nice site (other than Dimril Dale) to get Map to Mithril on a Dwarf ;)

just to let you know before the decks are build

yours Nicolai
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I've been working on my Cirdan's Immigration and Customs Enforcement deck with Elven Custody and Sail West. Seems difficult to force deportation though.
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Greetings All,

Nicolai, thanks much for your feedback and clarification! Map to Mithril is indeed a worthy goal at Durin's Tower, and fetching Legendary Stair there is also very nice! I'm due to visit Gandalf Gene in the San Francisco Bay Area next week, so I'll PM you the Thorin Dwarf-Lord deck in a day or so for your consideration, as your time allows.

Chris, sounds like a great idea! Wouldn't mind seeing the Dragon-Lords cards to see if it's possible to set up Eacaraxe as a blockade-running Dragon-Lord, but I don't have access to the GCCG server. However, at your urging, I *did* finally sign up for (many thanks, rezwits!), my handle is TradewindRiderXY. Not sure yet how much I'll be playing online, but will do so in due time...

Vastor Peredhil
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sure or just get to me at cardnum, so I can see the deck at session in action

(just a skip through reveals much more than reading a deck list)

yours Nicolai
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Thank you for the tales.
One option was to use Book of Mazarbul or a Thror's Map to move from Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold northwards to Thilgon's Tomb for the hoard item Arkenstone avoiding a Dark-hold. No one used Dwarven Hoard with Durin's Day? So many ideas for MEDF.
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Greetings All,

Vastor, am almost done building the Thorin Dwarf-Lord deck in cardnum, though I still have to learn how to actually play online. Now if I can just stop staring at and salivating over the card images from the upcoming expansions, lol...if I don't get a chance to catch you in cardnum before my trip next week, I'll certainly catch you afterwards.

Dirhaval, we didn't use Dwarven Hoard with Durin's Day because--we didn't think about it? LOL But seriously, I'd been so fixated on getting Dain to work in Dragon country that I hadn't looked at how lucrative Blue-Mountain Dwarf-Hold could be as a home base. I have to admit, though, that Thilgon's Tomb is new to me--I see it in cardnum, but it is not associated with any set, is it a local addition?

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It's in the Northern Wastes set. You can click on the card image in Cardnum and then it will show you the set and card text on the left side.

You might have noticed, but there are "Easter eggs" in the released cards referencing cards from other sets. But you can just print and play any of the DCs. Not just the published ones.
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