Memories of Old Torture

Errata issued by the CoE, open discussion of candidate rules for errata, and submissions for the Annual Rules Vote.
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Konrad Klar
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The Balrog: Memories of Old Torture
R Resource: Permanent-event

Balrog specific. Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature attack with one strike for each of its attacks. All attacks of the creature are canceled. The creature becomes an ally under the control of any character in the company. The character does not need tap. The ally has a mind of 1, body of 7, and prowess equal to its normal prowess minus 7. It gives one ally Marshaling point. Discard this card and the ally if the company moves through a Free Domain or a Dark Domain.
Proposed change:

" Balrog specific. Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature with one strike for each of its attacks. All attacks of the creature are canceled. The creature becomes an ally under the control of any character in the company. The character does not need tap. The ally has a mind of 1, body of 7, and prowess equal to its normal prowess minus 7. It gives one ally Marshaling point. Discard this card and the ally if the company moves through a Free Domain or a Dark Domain."

Because " Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature" makes more of sense than " Playable on a Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature attack".
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Arbiter of Sense, leave this be.
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Konrad Klar
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Indeed, nothing urgent; I do not know any Man, Drake, Orc, Troll, or Giant hazard creature attack that would result from non-creature card (Dragon hazard creature attacks may result from non-creature cards like Scorba Ahunt).

Maybe creators of Dream Cards would care about forward compatibility.
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Konrad Klar
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Seems like I know Man, Orc, or Troll hazard creature attack that would result from non-creature card - the attack created by Ride Against the Enemy.
We will not speak of such things even in the morning of the Shire.
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