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738-play Ren

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:01 am
by dirhaval
Ren earned the magic number 32 for MPs. That is fifth place among Ringwraiths. His opponent,
Saruman, gained 37 MPs. Four CvCC against that wizard did not work. Agents were average at
best. 35 mind of characters were in play along with four special rings and two factions.
Ring of the Dispossessed was played. A decent amount of hazards hit the table. Card flow was
good. Not many creatures were faced resulting in little rolled strikes. But the quantity of
corruption checks was staggering. It took until Turn 13 to have two non-Ringwraith moving
companies. Ren only moved to one non-Darkhaven site; that was to CvCC Saruman at Mount
Doom. Looking at the stats, I held onto cards too long. Shagrat was held for eight turns, and then
discarded. That is my great weakness with MECCG. Six other cards were held in hand for at
least four turns. I knew the hazards would be quick to play.
Four CvCC were enjoyed. One faction battled in Far Harad, but was rebuked back to Chey by a
Dwarf faction. No agent hazard events were used (An Article Missing, To Get You Away).
A low 52 strikes were rolled for this player with 24 strikes rolled for last 8 turns. 8 body checks
resulted in 2 deaths. 38 corruption checks were made, which is the second highest so far of 14
minion players. Only Nazog had rolled for more than 10 strikes at 13. Crept Along Cleverly and
Not Slay Needlessly each played 7x including 9x in the last 5 turns. A lode of 38 agent actions
were taken. Saruman face 24 hazards from Ren.
This player faced 18 creatures from 67 hazards, but 5 were agent actions. Half of the turns faced
no creatures. That and the cancellers helped keep characters unwounded. There were 40 moving
companies and 58 total companies. 30 of the movements were 3+ regions. Average hazard limit
was 2.65, which is average. About 133 movements were made including 20 Wildernesses, 52
Shadow-lands, and 47 Dark-Domains. He had 58 included 26 at a Darkhaven, 10 Ruins & Lairs,
and 18 Shadow-holds. Almost all the creatures faced were keyed to region types or by name.
First deck exhausted on Turn 9. Second deck exhaust on 18. First deck shuffled 7 cards and
drew 7.8 cards/turn. Second deck shuffled 7 cards and drew 11 cards/turn. Third deck shuffled 4
cards and drew 12 cards/draw. The game ended with 26 cards in the play deck. 14 sites were
tapped or otherwise used.
Characters with 18 mind were followers.

Re: 738-play Ren

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:04 pm
by dirhaval
The raving mad-man has returned. Not many MPs, but
busy tapping sites including finding long forgotten gold at an elf-hold.
First turn, of course, had Cave Worm eat Daurukh.
That is why you will see a new starting company in the deck file:
Aknazeh,Daurukh, Hord, Mionid, Orc-Veteran, Orc-Veteran.
No agents drawn yet!

That is all now for the minion Mordor Division. Harad Division next.