222-New Characters

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I like to make the use of a dark dwarf as a main character for minions.
Either new rules need to be made or a new card will be made.
Below is what I made so far for FATE.

[GI: 20; Mind: 8, DI: 3, P/B: 6/8, Home Sites: Angurath]
Unique. Broadbeam. War-lord. Leader. +2 prowess against Orcs. +1 prowess against elves. +4 direct influence against Dwarves. When he is at any Ancient Dwarf-hold, you may keep one more card than normal in your hand. Warlord’s Lair can be played at any of his home sites. Deep Mines can be played adjacent to any of his home sites.
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Fankil 10/3/4/9
R/Sa/D demon sp
Unique. Avatar. Fallen-maia. Can use spirit-magic. +2 direct influence against factions. +1 to flattery, riddling, and offering attempts. Cannot be in a company with a size greater than four. Cannot have followers. Player cannot play an avatar without a mind. Must use balrog sites except for his home sites. Home site: Shapôl Udûn.

Rakodsaol 10/4/6/9
W/Sc/Sa demon so
Unique. Avatar. Fallen-maia. Leader. Overt. Can use sorcery. -1 (instead of -3) prowess when not tapping to face a strike. +1 to under-deep movement rolls. Cannot be in a company with a size greater than four. Player cannot play an avatar without a mind.
Must use balrog sites except for his home sites. Home site: Shapôl Udûn.

Demons of the Illuin
May be in the starting company in lieu of an item. Your starting company can begin at Shapôl Udûn. The minion darkhaven site of Shapôl Udûn can be used by this player. Two fallen-maia, spawn, or undead avatar with a mind can be in play at the same time by this player. Each avatar with a mind cannot be in a company at a site other than one of their home sites with another avatar with a mind controlled by the same player. Each avatar with a mind is allow to use Iron Crown.

Okay. I like to add something new to FATE. This is allowing a player to have two minor avatars in play simultaneously. I got this idea from the fan magazine Hall of Fire.
This is for role playing - not MERP. Someone developed lesser wizards that worked in pairs. I like the idea since it was odd in the books that wizards were well-known. If the Blue Wizards moved East early, then would it not be obvious that only three wizards could be one of these wizards in tales? Yes, there were imposters, sorcerers, and the like that could give wizards a recognized demeanor. Why not lesser wizards? I am using lesser wizards in three pairs in the 64-player Endor game.
I developed two demon avatars for FATE. One could easily ignore this sidetrek to have Ologong be an avatarless player using those neat Warlord-Underdeep resource events.

The strength of these two avatars include:
*two characters immune to corruption,
*two characters with high stats costing no GI
*death of one avatar does not hinder a player as loosing his only avatar

Penalties I have considered:
*restricting company size with a minor avatar
*restricting company composition with other minor avatars

I think that this player will have two companies. One will have Ologong with 9 mind and another with a 4-6 mind minion
so to use 13-15 GI of the 25 GI.

Let me know what you think!
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Thorsten the Traveller
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Funny thing this avatar duo, but I'm not sure it adds much to the game. Perhaps for minions it is more natural than for heroes, most minions are Thralls to a higher or lesser degree. Even so, the avatar represents you, the player! So is this something for players with split personality, or identical twins?

And lesser Wizards? hmm, sounds like bad fantasy novels, or not necessarily bad (Pratchett/Goodkind) but at least not very Tolkinesque. Wizards are Maiar, it's not like some went to Wizard school and were kicked out before graduation day. Yes 2 went to the East, but that doesn't mean they operated in a team. It seems unlikely in fact. Thematically it creates more options if they are loners, even if they temporarily team up. Yes there are imposters, tricksters, sorcerers, but should they be avatars?

Anyway, theme aside, what are the benefits? I'm not even sure Demons should make cc's at all. There's need of strong characters costing fewer GI? that can be amended with a card. Why not make them Warlords? Or start with special Warlord cards on them?
So both can tap to access sb? Cards both control can't be influenced away? That seems pretty good. Do you suffer -10 MP if both are killed? Assuming sb access is the main issue with avatar loss (for minions), that too can be amended with a card, see e.g. There Is Always Vengeance.

just my 2x2 cents :-)
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Thank you for the comments.
Yes, this is odd having two avatars together. I needed another player in the north with so many anyway.
With 32 players this does not need to happen.

I decided to not make them Warlords since I can find direct influence elsewhere.
I was thinking of adopting the RW/Barlog abilities to these demons about corruption, influencing way events...
May be -4 MP if killed?
About tapping for sideboard; I was thinking that an avatar can tap just like an avatar when away from his home site.
Yes, having two avatars does help with playing the game if one is killed, but
that part of the Map is dangerous,
underdeeps are somewhat restricted with harsh AA, Dularch two sites over, and Felagrog near
and since Fankil cannot have followers he must move with others to be safe so Fankil
will be moving regularly and not squat.
The lethal effects of some allies also drove me to these lesser avatars to keep the allies in play.
Another aspect about not making them Warlords was that both were lesser than a balrog.
The 64-player Endor game has two lesser wizards vs. the demons of Illuin,
another pair of lesser wizards vs. the second Court of Ardor Player,
and a third pair of lesser wizards vs. Sauron's Necromancer teacher written by Eric Dubourg.
This then is 8 wizard players for a 64-player game.

So these are the options:
1-keep with some changes
2-make each a Warlord avatar like Aradagor, but loose the concept of lesser wizards in pairs
...The current Demons deck then will have some minor changes since Ologong can hold his own and the
avatar on the surface can change little.
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Thorsten the Traveller
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In my experience, any part of the map can be (and is) dangerous :lol:
especially in your FATE game where opponent has a hazard deck more tuned towards a specific opponent.

anyway, how bout making these demons like this: 9 mind (or whatnot) Costs only 4 mind to control unless you have revealed an avatar? These 2 demons for 8 mind, not bad. Chances of being killed by these spawn allies are minimal then.

About the cc's, well that's tricky. I like the idea of demons/spawn/undead not making any cc's, Ringwraith/Balrog belong to this category in a way, but unlike these avatars your Demon characters I suppose can use items and move around freely. This upsets their power balance. We had the same with Leucaruth the Wrathful, she could move around freely (in Withered Heath) and collect 20 CP's worth of items without much problems. So perhaps they should just be exempt of making cc's for resource events. Or, more radical, should not be allowed to use items either. Why is Morgul-blade an event, and not a RW item?...
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This is good feedback. I was going to write about this after discovering yesterday
about the avatar-Warlord Malezar. I was thinking about him a few years ago, but
decided for two Court of Ardor players. Alas, I rather have Malezar as a player
against Valdacli. Then to move Indur to Imlad Morgul usurping Hoarmurath.
Then the Ice-King moves back to the Illuin Mountains.

In the meantime, I like your idea of reduced mind for control.
For using items maybe create a resource that is attached to the item for use?
This means only three items can be ever be used at one time between the
two demons and room must be made in the deck for the event. Then the
item cannot be transferred to anyone? For the Demons deck I only want the Iron Crown to be used.

A quick update:
I am making Indur's Deck now. Then I will work on the Power decks with time of making the Court of Ardor deck.
The deck is made, but I need to write the summary.
All the new sites in the Uttersouth allow me to make worthy deck there.
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I have overcame my dragon-sickness. I was thinking of the Witch-king's deck and saw
the wasted turns playing Ancient Black Axe. He has had this weapon from the genesis of Fate.
So, I moved the weapon to the Demon of Illiun; that is right - singular. Only one avatar
now is for that player in Illuin. The axe's corruption support ability will help the wearer
of Iron Crown. I am playing Witch-King this week. Magic Ring of Fury replaces the axe.
Long ago, the Rogrog had three troll followers with a sum of 8 CP, so the axe was needed. Not anymore.

The Demon of Illuin has the following items: Iron Crown, Hammer of the Under-world, and Ancient Black Axe.
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Changes to Durlach avatar card.

[Avatar GI: 18; DI: 8; P/B 7/10 Home Site: Eithel Morgoth or The Under-forges]
Unique. Balrog. Flying. Leader. +2 to the roll for his company to move between adjacent Underdeeps sites. Durlach's prowess is only modified by -1 when not tapping to face a strike. He may not use region or starter movement.

Unique. Durlach specific. The following applies when Durlach is at a site in Narthalf or at any of
its adjacent sites. For every magic, spell and ritual event played by your opponents’ characters at
a site in Narthalf, at the Under-Forges or moving to the Under-Forges, you can take a magic card
from your discard pile or sideboard to your hand. Additionally, If Master of Dread and Fear is
played by Durlach, this applies to any opponent’s characters in the Northern Waste and you may
discard one card from hand to look at up to 2 random cards at once from your opponent’s hand.

Benefits of balrog players: relative safety of under-deeps, massive MP events, fana abilities.
Felagrog has the benefit of being closer to Mordor, and other under-deep sites and hoard greater
sites. Durlach has the benefit of the isolation in the Northern Waste away from common surface
site Free People creatures and near to sites specific for some allies and items.
The goal is to equalize the two avatars while setting strengths. At the start of this I will like to
make Durlach want to squat more, use surface movement more, and have more access to magic.

Felagrog starts as a Ranger, Durlach is a Sage. I like to allow Flame of Udun provide the Ranger
skill. This will help Durlach. Thus, Felagrog can right away deal with River or go on the surface.
I think Felagrog will move more alone and with smaller companies than Durlach due to
prowess/body. But, Lieutenant of Morgoth grants Flame of Udun sorcery use. I am open to give
sorcery to Strangling Coils and Shadow-magic to Great Shadow. Then give Durlach sorcery,
which will encourage surface movement like Govern the Storms and Riven Gate. Then The Well
will be likely used.

I like giving Felagrog 8 prowess and 11 body so to engage in more attacks. Durlach then will be
7/10 pushing to be with other characters. No 9 prowess due to ease of the dwarf mission events.
Home sites benefits Durlach with a surface home site. Felagrog has Under-gates as a home site.
This can help Durlach test gold rings when the avatar is played.
I want to make Durlach a leader and maybe a Warlord too. If a leader, then bump his DI to 8 so
his DI will be dropped to six from many of the command events.
Movement bonus is important. Felagrog has moving between under-deep sites. Should Durlach
have the same or using under-deeps movement. I think with many changes, no, else give a +2
bonus using under-deep movement.
To encourage surface movement by Durlach, allow him to use non-overt characters in his deck
allowing maybe better play of magic rings and thus magic thus using The Well?
To encourage surface site play for Durlach, the character card allows followers. I feel this means
that there will be issue with having a surface and an under-deeps company with no fear of
bouncing when Durlach is not in a fana.
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