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Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:55 pm
by dirhaval
R014-Mechanism to unclog hands with unusable hazards

UPDATE 09-2016
I did not follow this rule so to know how the card flow would be in the game.
Allowing on-guards now and 15 creatures minimum in the playdeck may prove
this rule obsolete.

OLD, but good
FATE will have each player face a different First Hazard Player every turn
for the first 20 turns. The player's Main Hazard Player will always
be the Second Hazard Player for the first 19 turns.

This means that one might have unplayable creatures when facing
other Divisions or his hand is clogged since the first hazard player
uses all the hazard limit. That is you have Ice-drakes in your
hand facing the Sun Land/South Division.

So, if the hazard limit is not passed to you, then you are able
to discard one and only one creature from your actually physical hand at that time before the
start of the site phase. However, you do not draw a card.

I hope this helps with card flow. This ruling's genesis was making the dark dwarf's hazard
deck for Cirdan, which is Coastal Seas. I would hate to be the Cirdan player for this game.
Oh, just avoid Coastal Sea movement? You are not serious right? :)

I like to create "sleeves" or a cover for each player that matches the size of the card except
for the spot over the upper-left corner. So one may cover the creature with this sleeve
and show opponent that the card is a hazard with a MP value. Yes, some hazard events
have MP value, so the sleeve will also be missing the location that "creature" is written on the cards
so it can be seen.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:20 am
by dirhaval
R015-My Precious

Updated: 2023.01.01
With a Smeagol player, only Necromancer can have a manifestation of Gollum-Stinker.
This is to play Curse the Baggins. After Avatar Deck, heroes can have Gollum in deck.
Only minion to have My Precious is a Court of Ardor deck; Stinker cannot be
played again until Power Decks.

[Old: before Smeagol player]
This agent cannot be played by White or Black players.

Only balrogs, demons, Court of Ardor, and dragon players can have My Precious in his deck
throughout all of FATE.

I might force the highest MP player of those listed above to have My Precious
in his hazard deck + several agent hazards so reduce the effectiveness of his
Power Deck hazards since a balrog can just blanket the surface with storm
with many hazards. So I might reduce his pool of hazards in the deck.

I don't make the rules; I just enforce them :)

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:11 pm
by dirhaval
R016-Storing a gold ring item just for its free testing

The General Rules for DC allow playing of stored items.
This rule is to clarify that the following is allowed in FATE.

A minion can store a gold ring item at a darkhaven, which will test the ring.
If a special ring is the result, then the special ring is stored as with MECCG rule.
A minion may unstore that special ring during the site phase at the same darkhaven.

Play Tokens to Show to store and unstore during the same site phase so to
avoid the corruption check the next turn.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:14 pm
by dirhaval
R017 - Multiple End-of-turn actions for Magic Rings

The magic rings of magic allow the fetching of a magic event
as the last action during the end-of-turn phase.
What if you have multiple rings in play? Only use one per turn to fetch?

Not for FATE. The condition of the last action or is it first action? will be removed.
So if you have MR of Weals, Shadows, and Delusions in play then you can
fetch three different magic events during that phase, either at the start or the end
of the phase..whatever the MECCG item says.

How is such a thing allowed? It's magic.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:20 pm
by dirhaval
R018 - Multiple CvCC during the same site phase with different players.
[originally incorrectly numbered R017]

I do not know if this is allowed or not in multi-player rules,but

A player may split his company to engage with other companies in combat
controlled by more than one player. Any follower or controlled ally must
be in combat or at least with with its controller. That is no splitting in that aspect.

For example:

Gandalf with Shadowfax ( controlling Bilbo, Sam), Aragorn controlling Brandir, and Beretar move to
Bree were they found trolls of Aradagor, dwarves of Dwain, orcs of Azog, and men of Ren.
A bar fight starts when Azog tries to dance with Arwen.

At most, the wizard player can engage at most three of these players since
there is one avatar and two heroes under GI (Aragorn II and Beretar).
The wizard has three groups (Gandalf, Shadowfax, Bilbo), (Aragorn II, Brandir), (Beretar).

Each group will be pitted against all minions of another player's. More than one group can
join together for combat however.

Examples allowed:
Gandalf+ and Aragorn II+ vs. the trolls, and Beretar vs. the men.

Examples not allowed:
Aragorn II vs. the trolls of Aradagor and Brandir vs. the orcs of Azog

The next turn there is no memory. That is the trolls can attack anyone still alive.
All other rules apply such as haven restrictions. This rule was born
from the Mouth having a company of 10 orcs/trolls using 14 GI.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:15 am
by dirhaval
R019-Faction Movement with Desert Regions

Unless a faction is playable in a region normally a desert region it cannot move into a desert region.

This rule is to prevent quick crossing of the Great Desert for factions. Factions
can normally move three regions anyway. All factions can move out of Deserts.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:13 am
by dirhaval
R020-Begging to play an avatar
[originally incorrectly numbered R019]

UPDATE 09-2016
I like to modify the rule to fetch the avatar so to start on Turn 6. Ignore the part of untapping.
The first test game had two avatars played on Turn 6 and four on Turn 5. Anything later
than Turn 6 is brutal. Again, with better hand management, drawing the avatar should happen
now in the first 5 turns.
Results of avatars in play on turns: So five avatars played on Turn 4; Pallando started the game.

If you start your 5th Turn and yet to draw your avatar and have 4 copies of the avatar in your deck,
then you may fetch an avatar card from the playdeck to play the avatar.
Then for the rest of the turn the other avatar cards cannot be used for anything special such as untapping.

3 avatars in deck? then fetch on Turn 6.
2 avatars in deck? then fetch on Turn 7.
1 avatar in deck? then fetch on Turn 8.

So much time involved and I don't want some freak instance of drawing the avatar when Frodo is leaving Bag End.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:30 pm
by Thorsten the Traveller
R019 Could be interesting rule to adopt for DC, or something similar, cause a Wizard is not never late, often he arrives in the last 10-15 cards even.

Not sure it is worth it to complicate things by distinguishing between nr. of avatars in deck, can you give an example of a 1 or 2 avatar deck? Why would one play a 1 avatar deck? Or do you mean, 1 of each avatar?

And even so, 5th turn seems pretty late already, can you see how this could be abused?

R017 This is interesting, there really aren't any official multiplayer rules, and even so it would be a rare event that several players are at the same site (Battle of 5 armies? :-), and even then it might not be preferable to attack several opponents but rather you focus on 1. So it seems a Fate specific question.

But another question which could occur in DC games is, can you attack several companies of the same player at the same site? Opponent might have several companies at his Haven, and if a card (All Else Is Conquered) allows or requires CvCC, how does that proceed? So we could follow your example.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:15 am
by dirhaval
R021-Lairs of dead inhabitants loose their Lair status in terms of event effects.

UPDATE 10-2016

This rule continues
R011-Items playable at a dragon-lair turns after the dragon has been eliminated.

For example, Scatha is killed. His creature MP is 5.
This means that a Dragon-Lord can play Made His Dwelling There at the old-Lair and
everyone can play up to 10 CP of items at the site until the site looses ability to play items.
The site still taps when playing an item, but Hoard Well Search can be used by the Dragon-Lord playing Made His Dwelling There.
The counting of 10 CP begins after the death of the dragon.

Any copy of the Lair site card in a discard pile are placed into the location deck at the time of a Dragon manifestation's death.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:36 pm
by dirhaval
Thorsten the Traveller wrote:R019
Not sure it is worth it to complicate things by distinguishing between nr. of avatars in deck, can you give an example of a 1 or 2 avatar deck? Why would one play a 1 avatar deck? Or do you mean, 1 of each avatar?
The idea about the specific number of avatar cards in the deck is to limit abuse. Right now in playtesting Smaug is that it is better to have Smaug play on Turn 4 or 5 since if he stays at his home site then
when his minions visit influence checks must be made to keep them in play per the MEGW rules. My deck does have Smaug move quite a bit, so a squatter Smaug deck could have the avatar play
late in the deck so that player can use Weigh All Things to a Nicety to fetch the avatar cards. Again, FATE is 24 turns in the first game, so who will play for that long? No one.
And even so, 5th turn seems pretty late already, can you see how this could be abused?
No I cannot see the abuse. Please clarify. One abuse can may be the player will lie about drawing the avatar and discard the avatar card so he does not have a company of just the avatar having a turn for his opponent
with a hazard of two every turn.
R017 This is interesting, there really aren't any official multiplayer rules, and even so it would be a rare event that several players are at the same site (Battle of 5 armies? :-), and even then it might not be preferable to attack several opponents but rather you focus on 1. So it seems a Fate specific question.
Yes, it will be rare for so many players at the same site at the same turn. But I like to provide, manipulate, ways for this such as when a dragon is killed his lair still has hoard status.
If you seen my Hero Wilderland & Gondor Division decks, then you will see that on the same turn the following is meant to happen:
Dol Guldur
--Galadriel: Fate of the Ithel-stone
--Radagast: Pass the Doors
--Thranduril: ??? some card

Mount Doom/Nurn
--Saruman: Into the Smoking Cone
--Denethor: War Preparations/ diversion for Saruman in Nurn
--Theoden: Tower Raided in Nurn
But another question which could occur in DC games is, can you attack several companies of the same player at the same site? Opponent might have several companies at his Haven, and if a card (All Else Is Conquered) allows or requires CvCC, how does that proceed? So we could follow your example
From what I wrote in R017 I say "yes". Again, multiple companies can be attacked by you at the same site, but each follower must stay with its controller.
This is from the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Theoden attacked the Southrons; Eomer attacked the Haradrim first, then second?

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:00 pm
by dirhaval
R022-Some Resource Permanent-events will become universal during the Power Decks

To add Elrond's prophetic words to Frodo after the councils there will be friends unlooked for in the Wild.

For example,
Elessar can have a Houses of Healing at Edoras and any hero who has less than 10 SP or if Elessar
has less than 10 SP can use Edoras to heal. The same will go for Hall of Fire, No Strangers At Their
Time, Engines of Defense, Houses of Lamentations, etc...

I want for fate the effort of the hero players to play such cards to be useful during the Quest.
This will cause confusion to the Enemy about the path of the Ringbearer to Mount Doom.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:07 am
by dirhaval
R023-Starting Character Pool for Power Decks

The players with a Power Deck can start play with the maximum number of characters
he can normally + 10. All General Influence rules are invoked.

That is you can use many characters to start your game taking into consideration
available items and unrevealed wizard. But there is a limit. For example,
Wizards can start with no more than 5 characters, so their maximum is 15 characters.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:14 am
by dirhaval
R024-Starting sites for the Power Decks

There are limitations for starting character sites for the Power Deck.

1.Avatars must start at one of his home sites, unless accompanied by a resource
granting such a site.
Ex. Elrond starts at Rivendell.

2.Any character can be in play to start the Power Deck at the same site
as the avatar.
Ex. Frodo does not have the home site Rivendell, but can start play there
as a character of Elrond the Half-elven or Gandalf.

3.Any character can start play at his home if under General Influence.
Ex. Celeborn can start play at Lorien even though his avatar, Gandalf, starts
play at Rivendell.

4.Any character can start play anywhere as long as he is a follower.
Ex. Barliman as a follower of Celeborn can start play at Lorien even though
the avatar, Gandalf, starts play at Rivendell.

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:21 am
by dirhaval
This post was moved to new topic

709-The One Ring

Re: 112-Fate-Rules

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:34 am
by dirhaval
This post was moved to new topic

709-The One Ring