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New Instructions for Mac Users if you want to try

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:38 pm
by rezwits
install xcode from MacApp store (unless you are using < 10.6.7)

takes a while, but it's mandatory, you can't do it without

After you install Xcode for (Snow Leo) Lion or Mountain Lion

you might have to launch Xcode and goto preferences
and to the Downloads Tab

then click on command line tools and install those...

you also need

Mountain Lion

Lion or below you should have installed it with the OS install search the net for how to get it otherwise not to bad


look at source section

I use pre 2.0 versions except for ttf

watch Lungothin video while installing ... orthin.mp4

extract gccglibs on the desktop

install above easily

you are going to extract them all, this will make folders

launch terminal, in utilities

after it starts type verbatim and do verbatim, --NO QUOTES when you type tho

start with first then the other SDLs


type "cd" and a " "
then drag the first (2nd, 3rd, etc) SDLwhatever folder unzipped in your gccglibs folder
to the terminal window
this should copy the name of the folder after the "cd "
hit return
this changes directories like this line does:
ig88a:~ rezwits$ cd /Users/rezwits/Desktop/gcclibs/SDL_image-1.2.12


type "./configure" hit return


after thats done
type "make" hit return


after thats done
type "sudo make install" hit return
the first time you do this it should ask for a password,
YOUR main root password for installs


(REPEAT STEPS 1 - 5 FOR EACH OF THE SDLwhatever folders)
sometimes you might get an error after one of them, ignore

make a new folder using the finder in /Applications called gccg

go back to the terminal window and copy and paste this line in

svn checkout core --username ccg /Applications/gccg/

hit return, if it asks for a password its "gcc"
this should take about 30 minutes

in terminal type "cd /Applications/gccg/core/" hit return

type "make all" hit return

after this is done you can run it but you don't have any graphics

to run the program type "./Metw" and hit return

to finish up and get graphics copy this line and paste in terminal

svn checkout metw -username ccg /Applications/gccg/

hit return
this will take about 6-8 hours so you'll have to leave it over night

if you run into problems not being able to run with "./Metw"

try downloading
in safari save as source in /Applications/gccg/core/build/available.xml

if that doesn't work and you get an architecture error

in terminal type "cd /Applications/gccg/core/" hit return
./gccg_package install
./gccg_package update

Now you can either install the binary version with this command
./gccg_package install client fonts darwin-x64

and this line

./gccg_package install client fonts source

make all

you need the x64 instead of x86 if on 64 bit system

Should work, I am tired tho and made this up quick after a re-install things change etc blah blah

I did install this on my Laptop 10.8.5 and then did these instruction on my 10.7.5 desktop



Re: New Instructions for Mac Users if you want to try

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:19 pm
by rezwits
I ran an update to Mavericks (10.9) after this was installed on 10.8.5 and everything continued working.

Which was cool!
