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changing the format of playing TOP 4 at Championship Tournaments

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:36 pm
by thorondor
the idea of making a change to the TOP 4 format for big tourney like Worlds has been brought up. Look here:

Now i would like to start a vote, having 3 options:

1) TOP4 stays the same as before (which means players may change their decks)
2) TOP4 players have to play the same decks as in the preliminary rounds.
3) the organiser of Worlds decides if 1) or 2) is applied.

Please amke you voting quickly. A decision is needed very soon, i´d say till Aug 28th.

I think it is okay to make this change so shorthanded (if a change it will be), because any change will simplify things for the players.

NB: i was looking for a voting option in the thread, but coudnt find anything. Well, i guess it also works woth just telling here ...

Re: changing the format of playing TOP 4 at Championship Tournaments

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:57 pm
by Vastor Peredhil
Hello friends,

I like that people have always had a chance to change decks to change things up, if you have to be prepared for more that, that to me is a good thing,

so I vote option 1) to keep it as it is even though that means more work for the top 4 players

yours Nicolai

Re: changing the format of playing TOP 4 at Championship Tournaments

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:43 pm
by rezwits
I vote NO, you DO NOT (and CAN NOT) change decks.



Re: changing the format of playing TOP 4 at Championship Tournaments

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:06 pm
by thorondor
i am in favor of having the Tourney Organzier decide, wheter its he same deck for TOP4 or the option of changing them.

Re: changing the format of playing TOP 4 at Championship Tournaments

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:01 pm
by thorondor
Only 3 out of 9. Thats not enough to have a decision based on a voting. So for now nothing is going to be changed.
The dscussion is still going on here in the board, so maybe we will pick it up again at some point.
However, since the Spanish community is used to play following 2), and as it looks like that those that opined against any changes are not going to Worlds this year, i wouldnt care much about it, if all players agree upon this before the tourney starts.