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Draft of CoE Digest #200 Q6 - Sudden Call - Open until August 27th

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 10:00 am
by Manuel
In order to contribute to this thread please follow these rules:

1) The thread will be open until August 27th. The usual time is two weeks but having in mind that it's vacation time we've decided to leave it open a bit longer.
2) There will be a maximum of one reply per forum user, and that reply cannot be edited. We want to actively avoid starting "flame wars", so please speak your peace, let others speak their peace, and that's it.
3) After the review period, the ROC will carefully consider everyone's contributions, revise the draft as appropriate, and then the Digest will be published and official.
What type of effect would a Hero or Fallen-wizard player need to bring Sudden Call from the sideboard—one that brings a hazard, or one that brings a resource?

For reference, Sudden Call is a Minion resource card that states:
You may play this card as a resource or a hazard according to The Audience of Sauron Rules. This card may not be played as a hazard against a Wizard player, and may be included as a hazard in a Wizard’s deck. You may reshuffle this card into your play deck at any time that it is in your hand (show opponent).
There is actually a digest by ICE that indirectly answers this question:
ICE RULES DIGEST #11019-07-1998 NetRep: Craig Ichabod O'Brien SourceQUERY 9

From: Martin Toggweiler

Sudden Call text states it “may be included as a hazard in a Wizard’s deck.” Am I correct in believing that it also counts as a hazard when in a Wizard’s sideboard?

Yes.Does Sudden Call count as a hazard, resource, or either for purposes of FW (vs. minion) deck construction?


Does Sudden Call count as a hazard, resource, or either when in a FW’s sideboard?

The resolution of this committee is that if a card may be included “as a hazard” (or other specified card type), and it counts as a hazard while being in the sideboard, then for all purposes, it is considered a hazard for that player, which means that an effect which brings hazards from the sideboard in order to retrieve it would be required, e.g. An Unexpected Outpost, or tapping a Nazgul permanent event. Furthermore, this means that a Hero or Fallen-wizard player can’t use Smoke Rings or tap their wizard to bring Sudden Call from the sideboard into their play deck because the card counts as a hazard for that player.