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Ballot Item # 31 - Old Cache {erratum}

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:26 pm
by Shapeshifter
Literally, the card can be played in any phase, and if played outside of the site phase its effect is deferred to the site phase (if played in end-of-turn phase the effect is deferred to the site phase of next [maybe opponent's] turn). If deferred a player may use its effect regardless of the type of the company's current site, which considering the playability condition seems contradictory to the idea of the card.

Are you in favor of issuing the following erratum?

Change This:
Old Cache wrote:Playable on a company at a tapped Dark-hold [ [-me_dh-] ], Shadow-hold [ [-me_sh-] ], or Ruins & Lairs [ [-me_rl-] ]. During the site phase, one or two characters in that company may each tap to take control of a non-unique, non-hoard minor item of the following type: weapon, armor, shield, or helmet. You may take these items from your play deck (reshuffle if used), discard pile, and/or sideboard.
To This:
Playable during the site phase on a company at a tapped Dark-hold [ [-me_dh-] ], Shadow-hold [ [-me_sh-] ], or Ruins & Lairs [ [-me_rl-] ]. One or two characters in that company may each tap to take control of a non-unique, non-hoard minor item of the following type: weapon, armor, shield, or helmet. You may take these items from your play deck (reshuffle if used), discard pile, and/or sideboard.

If you vote YES, then you agree that Old Cache should not be played outside of the site phase and prevent that characters may tap at sites of a type other than allowed according to Old Cache's card text to take control of a listed item.

If you vote NO, then Old Cache will remain unchanged. It will be up to each playgroup and tournament judge to decide whether or not this card could be played outside of the site phase and characters may tap at sites of a type other than allowed according to Old Cache's card text to take control of a listed item.


REFERENCE TOPICS: viewtopic.php?f=143&t=3330