The Ring Will Have But One Master

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Bandobras Took
Rules Wizard
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Short Event

Unique. Playable if you are a Ringwraith or Sauron and your opponent is a wizard or balrog and the One Ring is at Barad-Dur. Your opponent loses the game. May be played at any time during your opponent's site phase, as well.
Last edited by Bandobras Took on Tue May 13, 2008 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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some more of that kind:

A new ringlord
8 SP
Playable if your Wizard is at a protected wizardhaven and bears the one ring. If you have at least 100 SP you win the game (counting this card's SP).

The ammount of SP can be reduced if this gets to be impossible but you catch my point, the idea is to get a ridiculous ammount of SP and the one ring. I think this will be even easier than the normal new ringlord and easier than morannon V :lol:

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