[v] By the Ringwraith's Word

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Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 3:01 pm

Based on Vastor's idea for a UEP:

By the Ringwraith's Word V:
Your Ringwraith may use any abilities that require your Ringwraith to be at a Darkhaven when your Ringwraith is not at a Darkhaven.

This is something to help those active Dwar, Ren, Adunaphel and Uvatha decks. It also helps Hoarmurath.
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Posts: 667
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:30 pm

I don't think we should do such a card...

because this would take the main resons for leaving your ringwraith at home away....

Although avtive ringwraith should be made better... but by removing the MAIN DIFFERENCE between those kind of play styles is the wrong way...!!

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