SORCERY: CONTESTED REALM new TCG check this out!!!

Any and everything that is NOT related to MECCG.
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As fans of Middle Earth Collectible Card Game, I would suggest everyone on this forum should have a look at this new TCG that's coming out called Sorcery: Contested Realm. ... =user_menu

Now, I myself was skeptical, at first, because there seems to be no shortage of TCGs out there flooding the market, flash in the pan type stuff, copycat games etc. But I can assure you that Sorcery is not like them at all. It seems to be a labor of love type project from its creator, hearkening back to the 80s and 90s era of fantasy, a card game devoted to quality, fun, and especially ART. In fact, the artwork for the cards are all 100% hand-painted, and indeed, the legendary Frank Frazetta's estate was so impressed with the project that they have licensed several of his works to be used for the cards. Liz Danforth (you should know her as the meccg artist of the nine Nazgul hazards) was commissioned for several cards, too.

I won't say much more other than that you should definitely have a look for yourself, and I'm fully confident you will find it worth your time. It's currently BLOWING UP on Kickstarter at about 800% funded with (as of today, March 23) LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT TO SUPPORT. See for yourself; you won't regret it! I've provided a link. Cheers!

Last edited by DuncanNeeds2Shave on Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Would love to hear anyone's feedback if they do or do not support, or just any thoughts really. I forgot to mention there are already a lot of videos on youtube about the game: Q&A's, previews, sample pack openings, learn to play videos. It all seems like a lot of fun, and so exciting!
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After years of being a member of this forum, I have concluded two things:

1. You guys are the best when it comes to talking about meccg rules and answering questions about meccg rules.

2. Pretty much a dud for conversation about anything else.

Sorry! :P :P :P

Hahaha hopes smashed
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You have to admit that the cards are beautiful (but I find them a little small)
The game and the mechanics seem nice but I'm still a little skeptical about the future of such a game. Will it find its audience? ? will it be able to hold up over time?
Only the future will tell...
For my part the free time I can have (and which is never enough) is exclusively devoted to MECCG, but this kind of game could perhaps make it possible to find new players without the worries of online gaming or cards to find / buy...
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Hey, thanks for posting! But don't forget! This forum is supposed to be a ghost town! :P

What do you mean the cards are small? They are the same size as standard cards. Your concerns about the game catching on are valid, as they would be with any new game. One of my frustrations with meccg is that no one seems to play anymore or even know what meccg is, and it seems like from your last comment that you may feel the same. I hope you take the small risk and try Sorcery. Something tells me it will be special for years to come. :wink:
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Last night on the Sorcery discord, I got to chat with LIZ DANFORTH, of all people! You guys are missing out...
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Location: If Oxford is Hobbiton (Tolkien's statmt in Letter294). Between river Adorn sources and Gap of Isen

On one of the visuals, the cards seem smaller than the standard (MECCG / MTG) in the person's hand...

I understand the frustration caused by the "vanishment" of MECCG players.
I was lucky enough to be able to play with real people until a year and a half ago. But there are still groups of active players and some still roam this forum or cardnum (I'm part of it) certainly not many and even fewer since the "collection" aspect is growing on the "game" aspect.

The nostalgic side is inseparable from a game almost 30 years old and which is no longer printed, especially among those who knew it from the beginning. But as I said, fortunately there are still players on cardnum and this avoids getting too stuck in nostalgia, with just memories of the "good old days" and hours of group deck building followed by nights playing.

To finish and go back to the topic, I hope that sorcery will manage to find its audience and will succeed in the difficult alchemy between the construction of a deep and coherent universe, a sufficiently commercial aspect so that the creators can continue to develop the universe, but not too much for the players to find their way around...etc. :wink:

Sorry for my English but like many French people, let's say that...we had a lack of training :lol:
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This caught my attention too as a fan of cards games from that era, but after a quick look I thought maybe it's not for me. Not that it's a bad game or anything. The gameplay looks near. And the art definitely looks great. But it's just not enough to pull me in.

So many other games out there and so many other things besides gaming.
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I think one CCG as a time and money sink is more than enough. :D
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Baba, your English is fine! I appreciate your thoughts

It is definitely very hard to actively collect more than one card game. It's a tremendous money and time sink, indeed.

Because meccg has been out of production for over two decades now, I thought maybe some of its players would appreciate having a new game around that won't be a struggle to get their hands on or find people to play with and where they won't have to feel like opening packs is equal to destroying antiques...

Any way, if you don't jump on the kickstarter in the next two days, you will be able to get Sorcery at retail some time after its release.
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With the recent surge in the LCG model, where I know exactly what I'm going to get with each purchase, the draw of a CCG where I know I'm going to get stuck with 10 billion of common card X and still not have a single copy of R1 Y... is just not that appealing anymore. It's still fun to go after sets of the old OOP CCGs like MECCG (I also do some Star Wars CCG collecting) but I find I have no desire to pick up a new game of this model.
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