VI Polish MECCG Nationals- PABIANICE 13-15.4.2007

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Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:04 am
Location: Poland

I'm very happy to anounce that the VI Polish MECCG Nationals are going to be held on 13-15 of April in Pabianice (near the city of Łódź, which is 2-3 hour train ride from our capital city of Warsaw).

We expect something around 30 Polish players - but do not be afraid there's always room for more :) So we invite anyone who can and wants to come to do so.

This info is brand new and nothing except the date and place of the event is set in stone as of now. I'll be posting more info as soon as I have it.

more info here on
Going ever under dark,
Having the clouded sky above me -
And pale nothingness beneath me,
I see a light in the distant darkness,
It beckons me in and I accept it's invitation...
Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:04 am
Location: Poland

I've posted the Tournament Rules and Tie Breaker rules on the forums

one more time a link to the topic: click

even if you don't plan to come consider checking out our rules - maybe they'll change your mind :P
Going ever under dark,
Having the clouded sky above me -
And pale nothingness beneath me,
I see a light in the distant darkness,
It beckons me in and I accept it's invitation...
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