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Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants (WTTF/FT/FS)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:22 pm
by Shapeshifter
Haves (Wants in next topic)

Please note that I will part from my cards in red only if high priority cards from my Wants are involved in the trade.

METW ltd.

Agburanar 2,00 €
Akhorahil 8,00 €
Bane of the Ithil-stone 6,00 €
Bilbo 8,00 €
Barad-dur 2,00 €
Clear Skies 2,00 €
Clouds 2,00 €
Daelomin 3x 2,00 €
Dain II 7,00 €
Dunharrow 2x 2,00 €
Dwar of Waw 8,00 €
Dwarven Ring of Barin's Tribe 2,00 €
Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe 2x 2,00 €
Dwarven Ring of Druin's Tribe 3x 2,00 €
Dwarven Ring of Dwalin's Tribe 2,00 €
Easterlings 2,00 €
Elf-song 5,00 €
Elves of Lindon 5,00 €
Fair Sailing 3x 2,00 €
Fair Travels in Free-domains 2,00 €
Fell Turtle 5,00 €
Galva 4,00 €
Great Ship 6,00 €
Hiding 5,00 €
Hobbits 4,00 €
Indur Dawndeath 8,00 €
Isles of the Dead that Live 2,00 €
Khamul the Easterling 8,00 €
Lost at Sea 2x 2,00 €
Lost in Dark-domains 2,00 €
Lucky Search 5,00 €
Morgul Night 2x 15,00 €
Mumak 2x 3,00 €
Nenya 10,00 €
Palantir of Amon Sul 2,00 €
Palantir of Annuminas 2x 2,00 €
Palantir of Osgiliath 2,00 €
Ren the Unclean 8,00 €
Rogrog 2x 2,00 €
Shadowfax 3,00 €
Shelob 5,00 €
Southrons 5,00 €
Stone of Erech 2,00 €
Storms of Osse 3,00 €
The Balance of Things 3,00 €
The Great Goblin 2,00 €
The Nazgul are Abroad 10,00 €
The Precious 2,00 €
The White Tree 8,00 €
The Will of the Ring 2,00 €
Thief 8,00 €
Tom Bombadil 10,00 €
Vale of Erech 2,00 €
Vilya 10,00 €
Wizard's Fire 2x 3,00 €

Daelomin 2,00 €
Storms of Osse 2,00 €
Thief 5,00 €

Galva 5,00 €
Haltialaulu (Elf-song) 6,00 €
Minas Morgul 3,00 €

Anneau de Sorcier (Wizard's Ring) 2x
Anneau nain de la Tribu de Drúin
Camp Variag
Faveur des Valar
Gripoil (Shadowfax)
La Volonté de Sauron
Le Destin de Gollum
Les Pierres
Mûmak (Oliphant)
Navigation favorable
Nuit de Morgul
Oasis Suderonne
Peaurude (Skinbark)
Poignard de Morgul
Suderons (Southrons) 2x
Tempête de neige (Snowstorm)

Akhôrahil 2x
Carn Dûm 3x
Cirith Ungol 2x
Das Auge Saurons (Eye of Sauron)
Das Bleiche Schwert (The Pale Sword) 2x
Das Schattenheer (Army of the Dead) 2x
Denethor II 2x
Der Arkenstein (The Arkenstone)
Der Schatz (The Precious) 2x
Die Rückkehr des Königs (Return of the King)
Die Steine (The Stones)
Dol Guldur 3x
Dwar von Waw 2x
Elben von Lindon (Elves of Lindon)
Finderglück (Lucky Search) 2x
Fluch des Ithilsteins (Bane of the Ithilstone)
Galva 2x
Geflügelter Unhold (Fell Beast)
Geheimtür (Secret Entrance)
Gute Reise in Dunklen Reichen (Fair Travels in Dark-domains)
Hoarmûrath von Dír
Indûr von Mumakan (Indûr Dawndeath)
Kankra (Shelob)
Kankras Lauer (Shelob's Lair) 2x
Khamul der Ostling (Khamul the Easterling) 2x
Lager der Ostlinge (Easterling Camp) 4x
Lager der Variags (Variag Camp)
Leucaruth 2x
Minas Morgul 2x
Morgul-Messer (Morgul-knife) 2x
Morgul-Pferd (Morgul-horse)
Nenya 3x
Oase der Südlinge (Southron Oasis) 2x
Opferung der Gestalt (Sacrifice of Form)
Palantir von Annuminas
Palantír von Osgiliath 2x
Ren der Unreine (Ren the Unclean)
Schattenfell (Shadowfax)
Schneesturm (Snowstorm)
Smaug 2x
Sturmwolken (Clouds)
Südlinge (Southrons) 2x
Variags aus Khand (Variags of Khand)
Wegfeste der Wasa (Wose Passage-hold)
Worte von Macht und Schrecken (Words of Power and Terror)
Zwergenring von Barins Volk (Dw. Ring of Barin's Tribe)
Zwergenring von Bavors Volk (Dw. Ring of Bavor's Tribe)
Zwergenring von Durins Volk (Dw. Ring of Durin's Tribe)

Brama di Potere (Lure of Power)
Canto Elfico (Elfsong)
Cieli Sereni (Clear Skies)
Dain II
Hoarmurath di Dir

METW unltd.

Khamûl the Easterling (unltd.) 3,00 €
Words of Power an Terror (unltd.) 2,00 €
Cirdan (unltd.) 2,00 €
Haldalam (unltd.) 1,50 €
Vygavril (unltd.) 1,50 €
Hobbits (unltd.) 1,50 €
Favor of the Valar (unltd.) 1,50 €
Narya (unltd.) 4,00 €
True Fana (unltd.) 4,00 €

Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Barin
Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Drúin
Centinela Silencioso
Circulo de Piedras
Cuchillo de Mogul (Morgul-blade)
Dain II
Dano de la Piedra de Ithil (Bane of the Ithil-stone)
La Cota de Mithril
La Piedra de Arca (The Arkenstone)
Las Piedras (The Stones)
Oasis Sureno
Tortuga Maligna (Fell Turtle)
Travesia Tranquila
Viaje Tranquilo por las Regiones de la Oscuridad


Agburanar at Home 5x
Bairanax at Home
Daelomin at Home 3x
Deftness of Agility
Dragon's Hunger 2x
Earcaraxe at Home
Exile of Solitude 2x
Fever of Unrest 2x
Fram Framson 3x
Frenzy of Madness 3x
Gothmog 2x
Itangast at Home 2x
Known to an Ounce
Leucaruth at Home 2x
Parsimony of Seclusion 3x
Passion of Wrath 5x
Prowess of Age
Prowess of Might 3x
Returned Exiles
Scatha at Home 4x
Scorba at Home 2x
Skin-changer 2x
Smaug at Home 5x
Subtlety of Guile 2x
Velocity of Haste 4x

Agburanar Daheim (A. at Home) 3x
Bairanax Daheim (B. at Home) 2x
Bis auf's Gramm Genau (Known to an Ounce)
Daelomin Daheim (D. at Home) 2x
Earcaraxe Daheim (E. at Home) 3x
Erfahrung vieler Jahre (Prowess of Age) 2x
Fram Framson
Itangast 3x
Itangast Daheim (I. at Home) 4x
König unterm Berg (King under the Mountain) 2x
Leucaruth Daheim (L. at Home)
Morgulratten (Morgul-rats) 2x
Nenselde die Meernymphe (Nenselde the Wingild)
Scatha Daheim (Scatha at Home) 3x
Scorba Daheim (Scorba at Home) 2x
Smaragd des Seefahrers (Emerald of the Mariner)
Smaug Daheim (Smaug at Home) 3x
Stürme des Zorns (Winds of Wrath)
Thrain II
Ungebändigte Kraft (Prowess of Might) 3x
Verlorene Erinnerungen (Memories Stolen)
Wahnsinnige Raserei (Frenzy of Madness) 5x

Earcaraxe au Gîte 2x
Leucaruth au Gîte
Smaug au Gîte
Velocité dans la Hâte

Known to an Ounce

Daelomin en Casa (D. at Home)
Destreza de la Agilidad (Deftness of Agility)
Earcaraxe en Casa (E. at Home)
Frenesi de la Locura (Frenzy of Madness) 2x
Ratas de Morgul (Morgul Rats)
Recuerdos Robados (Memories Stolen)
Scatha en Casa (S. at Home)


Dragon-helm 8,00 €
In the Heart of His Realm 2,00 €
Like the Crash of Battering-rams 1,50 €
Out of the Black Sky 3,00 €
The Black Enemy`s Wrath 1,50 €

Mi Precioso
Orden de Matar (Ordered to Kill)
Pálido Sonador (Dunkle Träume)
Para Llevarte Conmigo (To Get You Away)
Primero de la Orden (First of the Order)
Como el Retumbar de los Arietes (Like the Crash of Battering-rams)
Conocimiento de los Hobbits (Hobbit-lore)
Equilibrio entre Poderes (Balance Between Powers)
Movimiento Desesperado (Hour of Need)


Agburanar Roused 5,00 €
Dwarven Ring of Bavor's Tribe 2,50 €
The Warg-king 10,00 €

Messager du Mordor
Montures d'Orques (Orc-mounts)
Une Maladie sans Remede (A Malady without Healing)

Wegzoll der Beorninger (Beorning Toll)
Macht über das Feuer (Some Secret Art of Flame)
Ohne jede Rast (Leg it Double-quick)
Palantir von Annuminas (P. of Annuminas)
Sie reiten zusammen (They Ride Together)
Ulkaur der Zungenlose (Ulkaur the Tongue-less)
Ungoliants letzte Brut (Last Child of Ungoliant)
Verschleiernde Schatten (Veils of Shadow)

Anillo Enano de la Tribu de Dwalin


Angmarim (Minion) 5,00 €
Creature of an Older World 3x 8,00 €
Lord of the Haven 4,00 €
Lorien 6,00 €
Spies Feared 5,00 €
The Gem-deeps 5,00 €

Antigua Hacha Negra (Ancient Black Axe)
Criatura de un Mundo más Antiguo (Creature of an Older World) 2x
Espías Temido (Spies Feared)
Golpes Desgraciados (Unhappy Blows)
Voluntad Debilitado (Will Shaken)


Flotsam and Jetsam 2x 1,50 €
Power Relinquished to Artifice 1,50 €


A Few Recruits 20,00 €
Bolg 10,00 €
Challenge the Power 20,00 €
Crept Along Carefully 40,00 €
Darkness Made by Malice 10,00 €
Imprisoned and Mocked 10,00 €
Maker's Map 25,00 €
Obey Him or Die 10,00 €
Olog Warlords 20,00 €
Roam the Waste 2x 10,00 €
Sauron 180,00 €
Tempest of Fire 20,00 €
Umagaur 10,00 €
--> also many site cards available

PROMOS and special cards

Baugur 9x
Belegennon 8x
Das Pack vor der Tür (The Pack at the Door) 8x 5,00 €
Das Wüten der Eisernen Krone (Fury of the Iron Crown) 12x 3,00 €
Der Arkenstein (The Arkenstone) 10,00 €
Die Eiserne Krone (The Iron Crown) 10x 2,00 €
Flammen des Zorns (Ireful Flames) 13x 2,00 €
Freca 10x 2,00 €
Horn der Herausfordrung (Horn of Defiance) 8x 2,00 €
Ringil 8x 2,00 €
Schwarzer Pfeil (Black Arrow) 8x 3,00 €
Schwertmeister (Swordmaster) 8x 2,00 €
Taschendieb (Pick-pocket) --> only in trade for several really good cards, e.g. at least two of the following cards: Farmer Maggot, Longbottom Leaf OR at least four or five of these cards: Chill Them with Fear, We Have Come to Kill or anything comparable. I am open to offers. 400,00 €
Tödlicher Pfeil (Deadly Dart) 7,00 €
Wolf 9x 2,00 €
Zirperkirper (Neeker-breeker) 8x 2,00 €
Zwergenaxt (Dwarven Axe) 9x 5,00 €

Dardo Mortifero (Deadly Dart) 10,00 €

Other Stuff

MP Counter (from german gift boxes)
single grey Burning Eye die with red dots
single red Burning Eye die with black dots
pair of grey Burning Eye dice with red dots
pair of red Burning Eye dice with black dots

I had successful trades with the following people:
Adanhedel (2x)
Albareth (buyer)
d_fens (3x)
DM_Eonwe (2x)
Grishnakh (3x)
JustinBH (2x)
Khamûl the Easterling
Lake Town Geezer (buyer)
Neirgara (buyer)
Ricky (buyer)
the Jabberwock
Tom Bombadil
tyhjaarpa (3x)
Vastor Peredhil
I recommend all of them as good traders.

Shapeshifter's Wants

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:27 pm
by Shapeshifter
Wants (Haves in above topic)

My wanted cards are divided into two different priorities. I'm looking especially for cards that are marked as high priority (red colour). All other cards have a lower priority for me and I usually won't give away "good" cards for them.


English ltd.
Mouth of Sauron

Spanish ltd.
Balrog de Moria 2x

Japanese ltd.
Balrog of Moria 3x

Saurons Mund (Mouth of Sauron)

English unltd.
Balrog of Moria (only 2nd print run with dark blue border!)
Denethor II
Fell Beast
Lure of Power
Secret Entrance
The Precious

Japanese unltd.
Balrog of Moria


English or German preferred
Freeze the Flesh
The One Ring
Uruk-lieutenant 3x
We Have Come to Kill


Farmer Maggot
any other R1


Longbottom Leaf

Other Stuff
The Wizard's Casual Companion
The Dragons Player Guide
The Lidless Eye Player Guide

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:52 pm
by Shapeshifter

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:17 am
by Shapeshifter
After a long time of inactivity (concerning trades) and very nice recent trades with Orpher and Grishnakh I updated my Haves and Wants.

UPDATE 2016/09/08

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:17 am
by Llewy
I just got a very nice trade with Shapeshifter.

Highly recommended :idea:

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:49 pm
by Shapeshifter
UPDATE 2016/10/11
(after a great trade with Kjeld)

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:47 pm
by Kjeld
Agreed, excellent trade with Shapeshifter!

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:34 pm
by thedarkness
Are you familiar with shipping costs to and from the US?

I was born in Augsburg and spent some time in Berlin, but have never shipped cards overseas.

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:48 pm
by Shapeshifter
thedarkness wrote:Are you familiar with shipping costs to and from the US?
Unfortunately I am not familiar with shipping costs from the US. A registered letter from Germany to the US will be at no more than 4 €.

If you sent a mail from the US (i.e. outside the EU) to Germany be sure to not set the declared value to more than 20 € - if recipient agrees. Otherwise the recipiant has to pay quite a lot duty.

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 6:00 pm
by the JabberwocK
In my transactions I have noticed that shipping OUT of the U.S. is more expensive than the shipping costs paid by others sending IN to the U.S.

This is even more true if you want even a basic tracking # included on the package. It seems I've received packages from Europe with tracking which only cost the sender around $4, whereas shipping out of the U.S. with tracking is MUCH more expensive.

I was able to send 3 cards to a gentleman in Poland in what the U.S. Post Office calls a "large envelope" for only a few dollars, but they almost didn't let me send it because it had a little bit of bubble padding, and tracking was not available for this service.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:25 pm
by d_fens
Great trade with Shapeshifter. Thank you :)

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:46 pm
by Shapeshifter
UPDATE 2017-07-26: I added some cards from METW to my Haves-list (mostly english ltd./unltd. and german).

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:17 pm
by Shapeshifter
UPDATE 2017-08-10 after some very nice trades with rezwits, thefloriantrout and the Jabberwock.

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:27 am
by CCG Collector
Several of the German MEAS R1 cards are available on eBay right now from a German seller, if you just want the cards and don't mind paying for them. Sauron from METB was there recently as well, but unfortunately someone snatched it up two months ago.

Re: Shapeshifter's Haves and Wants

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:35 pm
by Shapeshifter
updated my Haves and Wants after some reorganisation and a nice trade with Sylisia