Defeating detainment attack - rulings vs rules

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Konrad Klar
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Lidless Eye, Starter Rules, Combat, Defeating wrote:A detainment attack from a creature is never defeated and the creature's card is always discarded after the attack is resolved.
Lidless Eye, Using MELE with METW, Combat wrote:A Wizard player does not receive marshalling points for defeating a creature with an "*" next to its marshalling points or for defeating a detainment attack.
Council of Elrond Rulings Digest #82 wrote:Stay Her Appetite :
The attack is detainment against a Hero controlling character. It seems that it is not possible to beat a detainment attack. So the Ally is automatically discarded. Is that correct ?

*** Correct.
Why rules regulates situation like not receivig MP for defeating a detainment attack if " it is not possible to beat a detainment attack."?
Why rules says: "A detainment attack from a creature is never defeated" but not just "A detainment attack is never defeated" ?
ICE's mistakes or ICE's decisions, that should be respected?
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This topic + some more was covered in the most recent digest (#119).

Done :arrow: locked :roll:

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