Council of Elrond Quarterly Meeting 2023Q3 Minutes

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Council of Elrond Quarterly Meeting Minutes
2023Q3 Meeting
October 29, 2023

Ethan (DamienX207), Felipe (fisilva1), Kodi (kodi),
Manuel (Manuel), Nico (Vastor Peredhil), Marc (Sarma72)

Not Present:
Marcos (Marcos), Alvaro (Mordakai), Tom (rezwits)

1. Welcome

2. Review of agenda (timeframe for each item, re-order if needed)

3. Committee updates

a. Rules
- PREVIOUS TASK: Rules Oversight Committee will work on single database of remastered rules and card text. (still in progress, but getting there!)
It’s been pointed out that “Rules Oversight Committee” is an ironic name given the double meaning of the word “oversight”, so we resolve to rename it to just the “Rules Committee” moving forward.
We also discuss ideas to prevent online rules debates from getting uncivil, and how to facilitate internal rules questions between members of the RC and our volunteers.
- TASK: Set up a quicker system for these sorts of one-off questions.

b. Public Relations
We’ve identified some issues with how this committee is communicating internally, especially when they have a private conversation with a community member and then the details of that conversation aren’t relayed well enough.
- TASK: Figure out within the committee how to be communicating internally better to let each other know about side conversations.
We discussed the CDavis7M banning at length. Ultimately the decision is left up to the PR committee to recommend how they want to proceed, and then the rest of the Council can weigh in with a larger vote if PR committee can’t come to an internal decision.
- TASK: PR committee to come to agreement about how to move forward on CDavis7M banning.

c. Web-Based Initiatives
Kodi is hoping to have his new platform done by February 2024 (but it’s a lot of work!).

d. Organized Play & Game Promotions
Since Kodi’s new platform will hopefully be ready by February 2024, we tentatively consider whether to hold a “platform testing” tournament around that time. We want to make it clear that this is Kodi’s project and not something that the Council is officially endorsing at this point, but it would be good to test for his purposes as well as for the Council’s purposes.

e. Dream Cards Committee
No major updates.

f. Administrative Committee
We are still updating the charter based on community feedback, with hopes of having a public vote on updated charter before the end of the year.
TASK: Update the name of “Rules Oversight Committee” to “Rules Committee” in charter (and elsewhere).
TASK: Finish updating charter for community vote.

4. Evaluate Meeting

Manuel notes that he doesn’t think we realistically need to hold a meeting every quarter (i.e. every three months); he thinks we should aim for three times per year minimum (i.e. every four months), and of course holding “emergency” meetings if necessary.

5. Adjourn

Next meeting: February 2024 (tentatively)
Last edited by DamienX207 on Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Apologies for the delay in getting this posted; just way too much going on in the real world these past few weeks, but hopefully calming down now! :)
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Good job my friend! [-me_ccc-]
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Good job guys, thx a lot
Casual player forever !
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