New (returned) player in Southern California

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Posts: 2816
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:10 am
Location: California

Hey everyone. Just introducing myself. I've been a huge fan of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings since I was a kid. When I was 10 I collected a bunch of Middle Earth - The Wizards and The Dragons cards. But my brother and I could never really figure out the rules well enough to play. I did enjoy just messing around with the cards and looking at the art. Now, having a son of my own, I'm starting to get nostalgia for the things I loved as a kid. I recently picked up a Starter Deck off eBay, and then another.... and then some booster packs, and then another Starter.

I'm mostly trying to get a good collection of cards to build a couple decks. I'm also pretty set on ordering a box of the Challenge Decks. But for now, I'm going to focus on creating some of the solo scenarios iIve read about, and maybe see how Arda works.

Last edited by CDavis7M on Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 131
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:07 pm

Greetings CDavis7M,

Great to hear from you! We have a full slate of (casual) events lined up for StrategiCon the weekend of 1-2 Sept at the LAX Hilton--please see my posting on it, hope you can make it then!

We also meet up for cards fairly regularly in between the StrategiCon events, which happen 3 times a year (Presidents Day weekend, Memorial Day weekend, and Labor Day weekend).

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