MECCG at Conqest Avalon in Sacramento Nov 22

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Goblin King
Posts: 240
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:49 am

Reposting this from the Events page.
Hello everyone,
Once again, I've scheduled a MECCG event during the Conquest Avalon convention in Sacramento, CA.
This time I'm just calling the event Undead Cardgame: MECCG
It will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22.
The format will depend on who shows up. I will have an ARDA deck constructed and ready to run for new players. Experienced players can pick up a challenge deck or bring a constructed deck and find a game that way.
I hope you will make plans to join us for a solid day of MECCG!
Posts: 131
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:07 pm

Greetings Goblin King,

Great to hear from you, and to see that an MECCG event will be held at ConQuest Avalon this year! We'll try to get some numbers up there for you, see you soon!

Posts: 131
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:07 pm

Greetings All,

A great time was had by the MECCG'ers who attended ConQuest Avalon last weekend! The new venue (Crowne Plaza Hotel) is conveniently located right at the Madison Ave off-ramp from the I-80N, just a bit northeast of Sacramento. Parking is plentiful (no need to worry about valets), and there are plenty of fast-food places nearby, unlike many of the convention sites I've attended.

Other than our gracious host, the Goblin King, we had 3 more players drive up from the Bay Area, while I drove up from the Riverside area, and we had 2 other locals re-introduced to the game after long hiatus. The morning was taken up with casual gaming with constructed and Challenge decks, which included the appearance of two Balrog decks, which necessitated much reading and review of the Balrog rules manual. The early afternoon drew most of the players into a Hero Arda game, while the late afternoon and early evening were taken up with a second Arda game using the deck that we had previously played at StrategiCon at LAX Hilton. The early-afternoon side game was a Fallen Radagast vs a Fallen Pallando match, with the latter attempting (with little success) to re-create the Worlds-winning deck from September of last year, though with a much more benign hazard side.

I participated in this second Arda game and picked Alatar as my avatar, after which I drew both Celeborn and Galadriel during the initial deal of the high-mind characters, so of course I had to start with them! Ghan Buri-Ghan filled out my initial roster, and my first turn was a charge straight to Moria (instead of the Lossadan Cairn) to pick up the Palantir of Osgiliath. Good fortune was with my company as I drew two of the three Marvels Told cards in the entire draw deck (of over 300 cards!), which conveniently removed a couple of auto-attack enhancers that were in play. More good luck abounded during the short trip to Lorien, when Galadriel survived not one, but two Call of Home cards by rolling an "11" and a "10" in consecutive rolls, which would have taken her off the board *and* discarded the Palantir I had just picked up! And a short trip to the Gladden Fields netted a Precious Gold Ring which was tested to be a Dwarven Ring, with a roll of a "12" no less--good enough for the One Ring, had it been in my MP hand! And as an exclamation point, Adunaphel took advantage of a dark environment to attack my company, but two more high rolls defeated his prowess and his body, so I was able to call immediately afterwards. I remarked to the Goblin King that with rolls like that, I should have been at the dice tables in Reno, NV (only a couple of hours up the road)!

Thanks again to everyone who attended, and am looking forward to attending more MECCG events at this new venue!

Goblin King
Posts: 240
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:49 am

Nice report TradewindRider. I think I've figured out how the Balrog deck is supposed to work and the hazard deck that is supposed to go with it. Of course, by the time I get to actually play it, I will have forgotten again. :roll:
It was good times for all involved for sure. I really enjoyed the Arda games even though I drafted poorly both times and was unable to get more than 15 MPs each time.
My Arda deck can use some tweaking. I'm tempted to try it with the fallen wizard items and companions.
We will see what I come up with between now and the next ConQuest.
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